News - The Med Box Is Now The Best Field Upgrade Warzone 2 After Season 2

cod mwiii

This was a massive hidden buff to the Medbox field upgrade, and when I say massive, I mean this is likely broken, and it's going to be a game changer for a lot of people.

Med box pre-patch

Med box pre-patch

And let's not mess around here; let's look at health regeneration, specifically with the Medbox. Pre patch so this was before the season 2 update everything I'm showing here including the base healing rate which was buffed with the season 2 update but the big thing with the Medbox field upgrade is when you picked that up or activated it whether that's from your own Medbox or if a teammate threw one down you could pick it up from there what this would do is it would cut your healing delay down to just 1 second, however we'd have these standard healing rate at 40 HP per second which meant if we took a lot of damage like 140 damage total we could get back up to full health in 4.5 seconds which at the time was a very noticeable improvement from the base healing time however the massive limit limitation that came with this is this only applied once per use, so it would allow you to heal faster once and then after that one time you're just back to normal again until you earn another Medbox.

And that made the Medbox not a very attractive choice by any means. The only real use case I could think of for this would be like Search and Destroy. For instance, if you had one player on the team running Medbox, he could throw that down at the beginning of a round, and everybody on the team gets that one faster heal. Outside of that, the Medbox was not very good.

Med box post-patch (what changed?)

Med box post-patch (what changed?)

However, after season 2, things have changed big time with the Medbox. Now, just a reminder that with the base healing time, this has been buffed with the season 2 update. This is something I already covered, but it's important to cover it here again.

First our Base Healing delay was cut down from 4 seconds to 3 seconds and our healing rate was significantly improved up to 75 hp per second and that's up from 40 HP per second and what this means is our total regen time when we take 140 damage this is now just 4.9 seconds which is excellent by default, however with the Medbox we still have that same 1second healing delay after using the Medbox, and it carried through with the standard healing rate which is now 75 hp per second which means with 140 damage we can get back up to full health in just 2.9, seconds and that's far better than the base healing time that is very fast for a healing time and when we look at it side by side you can really see the difference there you get back up to fil Health really quickly with the Medbox.

And that's excellent to see; however, the most important thing to point out here is after season 2. Once you use a Medbox, you get the healing benefits of that Medbox every time you take damage until you die, in which case you can do it all over again, and that's where the massive buff comes in with the Medbox.

My thoughts on this buff

My thoughts on this buff

And if they do end up making an adjustment, perhaps they could meet us in the middle somewhere. I don't want to see the medical boom go straight back to being practically useless. I'd love to see some added utility to it without perhaps making it as ridiculous as it currently is. I don't know exactly how it's programmed or what sort of functionality they have here, but after seeing this and playing around with it a little bit.

I think it would be very reasonable if you used the Medbox every time.

Did stims or battle rage change?

Did stims or battle rage change?

And we still heal at the same faster rate at 115. HP per second so still noticeably faster than the Base Healing ratees but the discrepancy between that healing rate has now shrunk with the season 2 update since the base healing rate got buffed a lot so in a way since they buffed our Base Healing time and didn't buff the stim shots to go along with that, that does reduce the Reliance on the stim shot it's not going to provide nearly as much of a benefit compared to the base healing rate but just for a reference here if you take 140 damage from the moment you start the stim animation with an SMG in your hand at least it's going to take you roughly 2.6, seconds to get all the way back up to full health so still better than the Base Healing for sure it's not like stim shots have no utility, it's just that the discrepancy between your stim shot healing time and the base healing time has shrunk drastically.

But then, finally, let's have a look at battle rage. The way this works is that as long as battle rage is active, the moment you get a kill, it will trigger your health regeneration. If you didn't get a kill, you would notice no difference whatsoever to your healing time, and it turns out battle rage was buffed alongside the base healing, so it still matches the base healing rate at 75 hp per second, so realistically, battle rage has effectively the same utility as it did pre-patch since it got buffed proportionally with the base healing time, and in total, from the moment you get a kill after taking damage to the moment you're full health when you take 140 damage, this is now going to take you roughly 1.9 seconds.

Wrap up

Wrap up

So there we go. There's just a recap of the health regeneration items and how they interact with this new health regeneration. Buff, when it comes to stim shots and battle rage, you won't really notice too much of a difference post patch versus pre patch, but that Med Box is insanely powerful, and you should definitely check it out if you want to heal up a whole lot faster, and with that, that is going to wrap up today's article, and again.

If you haven't already, I'll talk to you guys

The Med Box was been pretty much useless Modern Warfare III but that changed completely with a hidden buff possible bug that came with the Season 2 update. Today, I wanted to cover exactly what changed as well as my thoughts on this buff.
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