News - The First 2024 Warzone 2 Dlc Update Is Huge. Magma Camo Fix, Secret Changes & More

Glitches, bugs & victory strat

Glitches, bugs & victory strat

But you probably notice there's a bug in the scrapyard, specifically Spard, where one of your spawns is just broken. It'll kind of throw you into a wall, and you're stuck there for a little bit, so that's kind of funny, but I think scrapyard, or spard, is the best map for Vortex. I think it's the best Pace experience for it.

I think the spawns are the best. Russ is just always hectic, but if you guys want the fastest Pace action, you can find it there. If you guys are camel grinding, it's also not a bad idea to do it on Vortex, even though the matches are fairly short. But then, when it comes to Quy, the map looks gorgeous, as you'll see in the footage.

modern warfare 3

I mean, it's the closest hell that you could probably get to. I recommend playing a spawn while you guys play it; it's badass, but I think like any match of Quy, it plays a little slow and a little campy. I mean, it's not exactly the best map, but it'll be the longest match you play in a vortex. Compared to the other two maps, if you just want to camp in a room with the ray gun, you could probably get away with that until an enemy actually throws equipment at you, and again, once you kill anybody with the ray gun, it immediately goes into your hands.

All 15 rewards for mw3 vortex

All 15 rewards for mw3 vortex

After 14 days of looking at the reward WS from the event itself, as you guys have probably seen if you have an event tab, we do have a weapon sticker, a consumable. Large decal, a double weapon XP token a ghost-fire charm A skull fires a large decal. a volcanic emblem, a little rusty calling card a battle pass XP token, a wing, and the fire weapon sticker Another hour of XP a forge and flames calling card; a putrid skull weapon sticker Another hour of double weapons XP, followed by, last but not least, the animated magma camo for what is set to be a requirement of $458, 000.

In total, XP—that's actually.

Magma camo fix & secret xp changes

mw3 dark rituals 4 bundle

Not the case. Updates actually posted a follow-up as I was making this article, so I had to go ahead and slip this in. You're actually supposed to go ahead and earn 1.2 million total XP to get the brand new Universal Camo. I know I was confused as well because I hit the initial requirement that the event tab tells me to, and it says I unlocked the camo, but I still don't have access to it.

So now this makes sense, but a lot of people out there are about to be confused unless they catch up with Twitter or check out articles. These people are going to be a little confused. The requirements to get some of these rewards are drastically different from what the event tab tells us to do, so hopefully this is really clear now for the sake of how you go ahead and truly beat this event considering how long the event is, which is a good number of weeks.

I think it makes sense that they went ahead and extended. How much XP you actually need to get everything, but also a reminder that you get a 1, 000 XP boost if you guys own the new Ultra Horse War skin that just came out a couple of days ago, so that's how the event works as of now.

So is the mortal kombat crossover real?

So is the mortal kombat crossover real?

But notice how none of the rewards that I just mentioned, including that scorpion-looking emblem, leaked out a little while back.

It's unclear why that's tied to it; is it truly for a Mortal Kombat crossover? I highly doubt it. I think that would have fit perfectly with one of the rewards of this cataclysmic-like event, but now it's a little unknown where that fits in; it could literally just be a free item that drops at some point.

You know a random free bundle could be part of a paid bundle. Another event will happen at some point soon. Who knows what's going on with this, but I'll keep you guys posted about the mysterious scorpion-looking emblem.

Week 5 challenges & new conversion kit

Today we also got the release of week five challenges for Modern Warfare 3 for those out there that want to go ahead and get a brand new aftermarket party.

mw3 jak beholder rifle kit

Today we got the Jack signal burst, and it can enable both the Hoger 556 and even another weapon, as you'll see on screen. You're going to get a hard-hitting, four-round burst attachment on some of these weapons here, and it actually feels pretty damn solid. It kind of reminds me of the M8 from Black Ops 2, even though it's not quite the same, but it feels pretty damn solid.

It does a lot of damage, as you guys probably saw a lot of gameplay on stream earlier today, but again, you only have to do five total weekly challenges to go ahead and get this aftermarket part, and you could do them in either multiplayer, zombies, or even a war zone. The challenges are pretty straight forward today, probably some of the easiest we've gotten; they're pretty much just required to use the hogar, which makes sense because that's the weapon that you get in aftermarket part 4.

mw3 jak signal burst

The challenges are super straightforward, and right like I said, you'll get it done pretty quick. You can do maybe two, three, or four in a single game of multiplayer if it's a longer match, and the ones in zombies in War Zone are also very easy, so you guys won't have any issues with going ahead and completing these, but yes, we're also progressing towards the unlock of the upcoming coherent Universal Camo, which you'll get after. I think, doing eight different weeks of challenges for season 1 now.

The new dark rituals 4 bundle is live

The new dark rituals 4 bundle is live

lastly today we got the release of the Dark Rituals 4 Bundle. People out there are calling it the worst dark ritual bundle since the launch of MW2. Last year, that game did release three different Dark Ritual packs, and I think they got better as time went on, but the one we got today isn't really that great, at least according to a majority of the Cod Community.

It's fairly expensive, and the skin isn't all that great; it doesn't look that great. The blueprints are okay; they are animated, but the tracers are probably the best part of the bundle itself. I mean, for those out there, they do care about cosmetics here, and there really isn't that much more to this bundle.

mw3 magma camo

As I talked about in the previous article, we're seeing a lot of inflation with bundles right now, where they're costing upwards of 24 2,800 C points but featuring less content than packs that also cost the same price in games like Modern Warfare 2 Black Ops Cold2War, so I'm going to guess the bundle is just going to get better as the seasons go on.

It's still the best first season of bundles that we've seen, but it's underwhelming compared to the last couple seasons we got of Modern Warfare 2.

Closing statements

But that is about it. This has been DK Dynamite. Leave our thoughts. Here for Moder Warfare 3 in the war zone. The play plents more coverage on the way for you guys over the next couple of weeks as we build up to some marketing for the midseason 1 update.

I really hope you've enjoyed it. Peace

The FIRST 2024 MW3 DLC Update is HUGE. Magma Camo Fix, Secret Changes MORE.
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