News - The Boys X Warzone 2 Season 1 Event Is Bigger Than We Thought. Early Preview, New Operators, Rewards

First look: all the boys blueprints

mw3 a train

But what's really cool is that the image has also appeared online for the exact blueprints that we're going to be seeing during the boys collaboration: blueprints for the MTZ, pulot 762. MCW and the WSP Swarm are tied to the A train and firecracker bundles, but I will say right there is an image out there of a Tac Eradicator blueprint, and I don't know which bundle this is tied to because this one doesn't seem to have a theme around either a train or firecracker, so I think it could actually be a reward.

For one of the upcoming boys event challenges right could be the grand mastery reward could just be a reward for an individual challenge; it's a little bit unclear. But this one is probably tied to something other than a bundle, which is really exciting, so there will still be some free cosmetics you can earn as a part of the Boys collaboration.

Supe'd up temp v ltm in multiplayer

Supe'd up temp v ltm in multiplayer

Now earlier in this article. I mentioned that as of now it was confirmed that we are going to be getting an LTM for multiplayer, the souped-up one, whereas a couple of months ago in war zone, we had the temp V LTM over in war zone.

I believe the mode will still be relatively the same concept where you can find temp V around the map and you get juiced up with the temp V and you'll get new abilities like we probably saw over in War Zone, likely the same ones, but I know some of the leakers out there were suggesting we could be seeing some type of challenge or event inside of War Zone and even zombies.

As of now, nothing has been confirmed about that, but I think closer to the launch of season one reloaded in January, we'll learn more about exactly what modes are going to get support for the boys.

How the boys challenge event works

mw3 billy butcher

But here is the challenge list for at least multiplayer: On each side right, so it's of course the boys versus the seven, and I don't believe it works like the previous community-based challenge events where you have to pick one side and then it's community-driven to where one side will win and you'll get the rewards for that one side.

I don't think it works that way unless they change things up this time around where it's not kill-based or anything like we saw in the faction showdown, but instead it's challenge-based, where the more challenges the community completes on one side will mean that side wins and you'll get the rewards for that side.

I don't believe that's how this event will work; I think those will just be a series of challenges for either side in multiplayer.

The boys v the seven challenge list

The boys v the seven challenge list

That you can do to get maximum rewards if you so please, but in terms of of the seven get one operator heat vision kill in the boys mode, deactivate 20 pieces of equipment using DOS, and get 45 operator kills using the MTZ, 762. Then get two operator kills in a single life with the overkill vest equipped five times.

Get 15 operator Kimbo kills and get seven operator kills using lethal equipment, then for the side of the boys, get three operator kills without reloading seven times and kill five operators affected by electric discharge in the boys mode. Get 10 operator tack stand kills using the KV inhibitor, then collect 25 10V syringes in the boys mode.

Get 25 operator melee kills with the blacklight flashlights, equipped, followed by seven games of the boys mode, and never having completed all those challenges, you'll get a the boys mastery reward. It's unclear if it's a blueprint or an animated camo. I know we saw two camos released with diabolical challenges in MW2.

mw3 firecracker

Season 4 reloaded, so it's unclear what they're going to end up doing here with this one, but like I mentioned. I think you'll end up getting some type of small cosmetic for doing each individual challenge, then a grand reward for having done all of them at the very end here, but a couple days ago.

In game event teaser for the boys

In game event teaser for the boys

I did report on this in a separate article. There's an ad that's going to be popping up in game promoting the upcoming Boys event, and clearly the image that popped up of this in-game ad is a placeholder; it's incomplete; it does mention VA International; and it shows images of what is clearly the MW2.

Boys collaborate, right? You see all the mazra there, and that's not going to be what they probably show us ingame for MW3. Now if the in-game ad is correct in any way, then we are going to be seeing a article promotion as well for this event; it's unclear to post it on the official Boys YouTube channel or the boyitTwitter.

I'm sure they will, but yeah, we're going to end up getting a full-on promotion for the souped-up LTM and multiplayer and the re-release of all those bundles, as well as the likely reward for completing all of the boy challenges.

Ending season 1 on a bang.

mw3 queen maeve

Now once again, by the time season one reloaded rolls around, the only crossover that we wouldn't have gotten by that point would be the one with the boys, so I think this one will either launch with reloaded or probably begin shortly after the start of reloaded to kind of close out season 1 because, as of right now, we have the Dune event still going on, and the Christmas event also starts this week.

We haven't even gotten promotions for that yet, but I'm sure we'll get marketing for that tomorrow, and then other than that, it's just the boys that we have to go ahead and cover, so that'll probably be early next year. It could even be separate from the reloaded drop, for all we know, but as of now, that's everything we know about the upcoming collaboration.

Closing statements

Closing statements

But that is about it. This has been DK Dynamite; leave us your thoughts. This is, of course, a crossover with the boys season, season 4, which hasn't even been released yet but probably will at some point in spring.

I really hope you've enjoyed it. Peace

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