News - Is. Making Hero. S Super. Camo Worth It Warzone 2. The Boys Event

cod mw3 the boys event

Hello ladies and gentlemen it's your boy Brotherhood gaming HD here in today's article as you can tell here this is technically the second camo that we have for the boys event known as the vot week event here within Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and in order to obtain this camo you technically need about.

5735 xp, so this so this event is a little bit shorter compared to what we had during the vortex event which required 1.2 million XP, but this only requires like a little bit more than less than half of whatever that was during the vortex event, and I I've covered the article before I've covered I've made a couple articles like this in the past of saying are this is this camo worth it or this camo even worth your time and that's what I want to talk about here and the camo that you are seeing here in today's article, is called the making heroes Super camo, that's right, making Heroes super camo heroes in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, and it really is nothing way too special compared to what we've had like the magma event, the magma camo during the vortex.

modern warfare 3

Event, or even. XP per match, and if anybody who's seen the boys or is wondering what the boys is technically like a corporate. Superhero is a type of show where the superheroes technically are, you know, good people in the public eye, but really they're just businesses or corporations at the end of the day, and a train is just technically your equivalent Speedster.

modern warfare 3 gameplay

Think of him like the flash from Marvel or Quick Silver from I got those two mixed up, sorry, or just think of the reverse flash. I know some people love the reverse flash from DC. Comics, but off the topic at hand here I just want to cover the article here and just answer the question is this camo even worth it and to be honest just like my last article this does vary from person to person depending on who depending who clicks on this article, if you're somebody who likes collecting limited time event camos here within Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 it is technically a completely obvious answer yes you're going to get this camo because this camo is only limited time during a certain time frame for Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and during a certain time of the event or whatever on lines of that, and for those you know who have, collected the camo like it's nothing too great it's nothing too special, compared to what we had during death to the soups camo, that one was kind of okay but it was just very plain and generic just like this one here as you can see in the game play, but the camo overall it's really nothing too special it's really not worth grinding for.

Unless you're somebody who likes to collect camos, especially limited-time rare camos here within the Call of Duty franchise, and they start and they've been doing this. I think since season 3 season 2 reloaded of Modern Warfare 2, so I'm not very much of a stranger when it comes to these camo events, but overall this camo just feels very lackluster, very plain Jane, generic, just like the Death to the Soups camo; it's just that plain boring and generic.

modern warfare 3 mastery camo

Sure, it's a little bit better compared to the Call of Duty endowments camo that we had when, like, technically, it was the first camo event that we had here within Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, and apparently, in my opinion, the best animated camo that we've had here for limited-time events here within Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is the magma camo that's technically the best one out of all the ones that we've had here so far within Call of Duty Modern Warfare.

No, this camo is not worth it unless you're somebody who likes to collect rare camos or if you just play the game and you get this camo without ever knowing it. But other than that, this event's just very lackluster. Very, very plain Jane, nothing too crazy, nothing too flashy, unless you end up buying the A train bundle, the Homelander bundle, the Noir bundle, or the Starlight bundle in Call of Duty mod Warfare 3.

Other than that, this event here is just lackluster; it is boring; it's not worth your time, but it's been your boy, Brotherhood G, buddy. Please do not forget to subscribe, like, and hit Bell notifications, and I will catch you in the next one. Peace out, and.

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