News - The Best Warzone 3 Rebirth Island Settings (season 3 Update)

And then the rest of this stuff is off and just pretty. You know, standard stuff. Nothing like this is going to be too crazy, but just in case you guys want to make sure you have your graphics settings at the absolute best that you can probably have. I recommend doing most of this and moving over to Quality, the same thing at 100 resolution.

I have the dynamic resolution off upscale and sharpening; I always have it on Fidelity Cast, and I have it at 90, and this makes the game look a little bit sharper and just easier to see. I definitely think it's very recommended to be playing on that if you can, and then the vram, scale Target I've had at 70, and then everything else.

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Again, off off, and then a lot of this right here is where it can definitely be a little bit different depending on your PC if you don't have a good PC and you want the max FPS. Here now moving over to the field of view you've probably seen a bunch of short forms or Tik toks for me with recommended, settings and a lot of those settings are always going to be recommended to you guys of what I think you should play on depending on what you're kind of going for what it's visual recoil, recoil in general and all that stuff if I played only war zone guys I would probably play 120, fov just because I do love 120 fov I love the visual recoil is that it's minimum when you do have it on higher fov and I just think it feels nice when you're playing on 120 on war zone but I'm going for a challenge this season in war zone and also in the CDL, ranked in multiplayer ranked and a lot of multiplayer pros play on 105 to 100 fov so I put my fov from 120.

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Down to 110, just because I'm kind of going back and forth between the highest rank in the world of iridescent in multiplayer ranked and also iridescent in war zone ranked, which I'm trying to do for, obviously, the goal of War Zone season 3, so I'm going to be playing in the middle just so I can switch back and forth, and it's not so jarring for myself, and kind of just see if I can get used to it, so that's my ideology.

Behind the front of 110, 110 is also good if you just can't handle 120; it's just a little bit too much of a fishbowl for you, and you can't see 110 is probably your happy medium, but again. I would recommend trying 120 if you can get used to that with the recoil control and all that stuff. I do think it's just nice to have the visual recoil control eliminated.

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As much as possible, give it a try to see what you want. I would recommend 120 118 if you think the 120 myth with aim assist is still a thing, or, again, 110 105. And I wouldn't go any lower than that in War Zone specifically, so I'm playing on 110, but I recommend 120 for the exact reasons I just explained: ads feel the view affected of course that's going to be really good for the visual recoil you should not be playing on Independent, especially, if your field of view is higher than like 100 I'm going to be completely honest it's going to have a lot of visual recoil it's going to be a lot weirder, than you would think and effected is just overall better I would say by 99% of the player base that uses it, if there are people that are sweaty and good and they use Independent, it's because they're really talented.

I just got my audio tuned for the first time in this War Zone 3 era, so I'm trying the art of Art Is War tuning. I would recommend going to the Art is Wars channel for the best PC audio tuning that you could possibly get and linking up with him if you guys kind of want to go deep into that, but right now I'm playing on the artist War tuning with home theater.


And then, of course, the master volume and all this stuff. I would recommend turning the gameplay music volume off and the cinematic music volume off as well. It is very important to have those two off; everything else you can kind of get away with, like the 50, effects 100, and then the master game volume out of 100, and then the rest of this stuff doesn't really matter.

Of course, depending on what your microphone settings are, you're pretty much good. I do have the reduced sound off here, and then everything else is normal hit-marker effects. In Modern Warfare, you could play on kind of whatever you want for that, but that's what I'm rocking, so the last and final thing I'll show you guys is the interface settings.

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A big thing for this is the color customization, which is huge—not these colors as much as the color filters. I play on color filter 2, and then I play on the color filter Target at both, and then I play at the color intensity at 100. It just brings a little bit more vibrance to the game; it's just nice to have, and I recommend everyone play on these settings when it comes to color just to make the game a little bit more vibrant and just colorful, and I think that's kind of an important thing, honestly, weirdly.

As weird as that sounds I feel like I can just see more stuff not to a crazy degree but it just helps a little and then the other thing I think I've left out in one of my settings articles before that I'm kind of upset with myself is you see this thing right here on your screen it's your mini map it is so important, the most important thing ever I know a lot of people think that all streamers look to their left because they're cheating they're looking at their mini map this is the best source of information you can ever get red dots appear when people shoot you can see the, ations you can see the gas line you can see how much time's left there's so much stuff that your mini map is going to be.

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Giving you a mini map of where your teammates are pushing and where they are taking the fight, in order to see that mini map as best as possible. I have the HUD bounds brought all the way in, so the mini map is going to be right here. Instead of up here to the left so I have to kind of reach out all the way I have a 27in, monitor so I have to look all the way up to the left it's just a little bit less of a left look to look at my mini map and get the information that I need so I have it brought all the way in I know sometimes that makes the Precision air strike notification a little bit weird so you can kind of play with it but bring this in as much as possible, to the point that it does not annoy you with some of the other stuff in the kill feed and things like that I think my bounty covers my kill feed sometimes and that annoys some people on my stream but again.

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The mini map is the most important thing in Call of Duty ever, especially in a team game, even in solos where people are around you, so definitely rock that the HUD bounds are important. I play on a square mini map shape because it is just a bigger mini map, and then I rotate. Personally, I like it rotating with me so I can actually see what I'm looking at, and then everything else is pretty normal static crosshairs.

The BEST Warzone 3 Rebirth Island Settings Season 3 Update. It's time for you to have the best settings for Call of Duty Warzone because Rebirth Island is FINALLY back.
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