News - The Best Warzone 2 Settings I Used To Win 140. Games

Best settings warzone 2

Best settings warzone 2

The broker machine is here. I hope you're all doing well today. If you are new here, make sure to turn on notifications. I stream this game here on YouTube almost daily, dropping nukes on many wins and having a lot of fun with my friends. Let's begin with the controller settings.

Controller settings

I am currently recording a article , so this is on the mouse normally, and on the controller here on the bottom layout.

I actually have bumper-jumper tactical flips. I've just changed this recently so the left trigger on the back there becomes jump and mental; that works quite well for default controller users. The best setting for this, though, is at the bottom here, where circle becomes your melee weapon and the right analog changes your stance; slides and dives are much better for moving around the map, especially when in gunfights.

I definitely recommend you give this layout a go. Of course, there are various other options here, but tactical flips are the ones I would definitely recommend if you want a full custom layout. Set this to "custom alt" and adjust accordingly. I definitely recommend you flip the triggers here; it's way better for going into fights and is way more responsive; I definitely recommend them when it comes to the stick layout presets; I'd recommend the default settings of Southport; Legacy offers more advanced users; I definitely recommend you turn off vibration; it does affect your aim, and it isn't really necessary when it comes to.



To accommodate different sensitivities, I would recommend somewhere between four and eight for most people. I quite like 10; it's similar to 100 in Battlefield games, and that works for me. I wouldn't recommend going too high unless you're really experienced with the game's lower sensitivity when it comes to how aim assist feels.

A little stickier than the AD sensitivity multiplier, it changes how fast your sensitivity is while aiming down sight if you want it the same as hipfire. Leave this on one if you want it half the speed. Go for 0.5 and 2 for double personal preference on this one, but one is the way I like to go. I like for my sensitivities to feel the same.

warzone 2

As for the sensitivity multipliers here again, I do like them to feel the same, but you might want to have a little go at tweaking them in the vehicles. It's quite nice to have a little bit higher sensitivity on those shots that the vertical aim assist makes, whether you play inverted or not. If you do stick it on inverted, you get the downside.

Behavior I like this on hold. I highly recommend that for the majority of people. Zoom shared imports I'd recommend Sprint, which is called Sprint, and focus on that one automatic. Sprint I like to have this off; some people like automatic tactical Sprint; I think that works for my equipment. behavior, I prefer to have it on hold.

Mount double tap ads so you can just press the ads button twice in a row and you'll grab onto a ledge with your weapon and interact reload. Behavior prioritizes interaction, so with this one, you have to tap to interact and hold to reload, honestly. I definitely recommend it; it really works well for me.

Armor plate behavior: I just like this to be on one. I used to have it on all the time in the previous game, but that works for me. I'd recommend adding that one to the "Advanced" tab here. I highly recommend you leave aim assist on; it's especially helpful in this game, and you want to be really good.

Turn it off, but honestly, the majority of players have it on, so you may as well leave it on. As for the aim assist type, a lot of people were using the Black Ops one in the Modern Warfare 2 beta for the multiplayer, and I'd honestly recommend it by default. Black Ops 1 doesn't seem to be as good now.

For the gyro aiming, I just recommend turning it off unless you really want it on. Most people are not going to use this, but if you want to give it a go, turn it on, and you can use the controller to aim, but I think it's not the way to go now. For the aiming options, see here.

Aim response curve type

Aim response curve type

Now, as for the type of aim-response curve I would recommend, I would recommend a linear one that feels one-to-one. I definitely recommend you give it a real good go. I watched using dynamic in Warzone 1, but now this one feels better to me and it feels better than it did in Warzone 1.

Try linear first, give it a real good go, and if you're not sure dynamic is a safe bet, I'd recommend the adsense multiplier here on Focus. Just leave this on. one, sensitivity transition timing I like this to be instant, so as soon as I aim down sight, my sensitivity is exactly the same; there is no delay or lag.

Nothing like that, as some people don't like that gradual zoom. It takes a little bit of time after you zoom, and you've got to wait until you've fully zoomed in. No, no personally, I'd try instant zoom. It works, it's nice, it's got reactive custom sensitivity, pair Zoom. I would leave this off if you want your sensitivity to feel the same across all sides, all zooms, and all that good stuff. If you want to tweak it, it's up to you, but personally, I like my sensitivity to feel the same across all the time as for the dead zones.

Deadzone settings

Deadzone settings

003 is what I would recommend; I wouldn't recommend going any lower. You'll see some stick drift; that's where, if you just leave the controller on the side, your aim starts to go somewhere else on screen.

If you are having issues with that, it's either a broken controller, sorry, or you've just got this too low, so give it a tweak. I wouldn't recommend anything higher than 0.15. The left stick Max and the right stick Max inputs I would leave these on default, which is 0.99 or 1 depending on your platform.

warzone 2 best settings

Both of them feel pretty much the same, so I'll just leave them. Left trigger, right trigger. You want to drop these all the way down so as soon as you press the button to aim down sights or fire your weapon, it is instant movement, behaviors. I like the tactical sprint speed on the toggle; some people like holding again; most of these options are going to be personal preferences, so I'm just going to say, you know, if you just want to have a quick look through some of these toggle options, you might want to have a little tweak.

Some people don't like this auto stuff, and some people do, honestly. I'm going to say it again: It is a personal preference. Stick swap; turn that off; backpack; alternate control. I like this, so basically in War Zone 2, when you bring up your backpack with a controller, you can just use the left analog to move it to navigate the weapon.

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