News - So. Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded Is Bringing Back Dmz Content. Weapon Case & Warzone Exfil

But I would say arguably all the weapon cases that we got after Aza for maps like B21. Ashika. Kosha, and Vond They didn't have nearly as good rewards as what we saw for Al Mazra, but it's still fun to grind and unlock just for the sake of being a completionist. But I do think the weapon cases became flawed over the course of our four or five seasons where DMZ got support. Like I said, the rewards weren't as great towards the end, but it was still fun to go ahead and unlock if you guys out there did enjoy DMZ, but if you weren't a DMZ player, you probably didn't go ahead and go through the trouble to unlock all that.

Covert exfil coming to wz s1 reloaded

Covert exfil coming to wz s1 reloaded

But as they wrote in the recent blog post for season 1, they mentioned that the mid-season 1 update, available in early 2019, will bring with it a number of new features, including covert Xville, a new secondary Xville condition, as well as a weapon case similar to that seen in MW2.

But with brand new rewards, we know we're going to be getting multiple rewards from these cases, meaning that you probably have to go in and get the case multiple times. But notice how it mentioned Cover XV. That's something that I'm really intrigued about as well, because this might allow you to just leave games of War Zone without having to die or win the entire match.

mw3 ashika

And I'm wondering if that's tied to the weapon case—where you grab it or find it somewhere around the map. Your goal is to go to a cover xville, which may either cost money at a buy station or be acquired. Let's say you have a quest to unlock so that you can go ahead and finish the match out and count that as a completed weapon case where you go ahead and grab it and then you take it to your menu.

I'm wondering if that's going to be the way this works or if the weapon case will be something like you just grab it and then it counts as unlocked for that match regardless of how you die or win. I'm really wondering how that's going to go. But while Battle Royale has the ability to xville or leave without dying or winning, this could be a really unique feature that War Zone has above nearly all other battles.

Roy I'm really excited to see how they implement this. I wonder again if it's hand in and with the weapon case or if it's a separate feature that they're just incorporating to innovate War Zone as much as they can during a year where I'm still wondering how they're going to innovate too much on since the entirety of War Zone 2's life cycle for MW2.

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It was kind of them just catching up and bringing everything back that we saw over the first 3 years of war zone 1. Now that we've caught up with the speed of all our features and movement integrations and all that, it's like, All right, what's next for the war zone? What else could you innovate and add that'll make it stand out compared to War Zone 1 and other BRS in the industry?.

Dmz won't return because of zombies?

Dmz won't return because of zombies?

But in reality, here, I'm happy that DMZ still left its mark. I'm a huge fan of the mode; I absolutely loved covering it during the MW2 cycle and would gladly cover it again if they ever brought the mode back.

I just can't see them doing DMZ in the same year as Modern Warfare zombies when MWZ is also extraction-based. Maybe when Infinity War comes around with their new Cod title in 2026. Maybe they'll bring it back somehow. But, in all honesty, with the success of MWZ, I don't really see Activision betting on another spec of survival or even DMZ; I see them doing something zombie-related, right?

mw3 dmz

maybe having a round base during the Treyarch Cycles, extraction of open-world bases during the MW cycles Maybe that's how they'll do it going forward. And I talked about this in a previous zombie article, right? The statement about MWZ being a very successful third mode kind of gives me the impression that Activision is going to double down even more on zombies now, even in games that aren't fully developed by Treyarch.

Since they seem to have found a sweet spot with how to do it in a modern warfare title, that could mean we don't see DMZ. But here's the thing: Regardless of what happens with DMZ in the long run. I'm just really happy to see that a lot of great features that were a lot of fun for the whole community have made their way back into MW3 zombies and are now going to make their way into War Zone with season one reloaded. That's still good to see for those out there who love DMZ.

The new champions quest & free skin

The new champions quest & free skin

Now, what's also incredible is that Champions Quest is making its way back into the war zone with the mid-season One update, but it's coming back in an even better way, at least in my opinion. So now you can actually steal the contract.

If another team out there is in your match trying to complete Champions Quest and you wipe them, you could take their contract and pick up where they left off. I suppose, depending on what circle you're in, I'm assuming they're deep into their game and they have like two elements. And you know you have to go to that bomb site soon.

You could probably just pick up right where they left off. You don't have to restart the whole contract from scratch to get the elements from areas of the map that are probably out of zone. So that's really cool just to counter other squads; if you do, please That's probably something that should have been in War Zone when Champions Quest first got added in.

mw3 fortunes keep

I got our glimpse of the operator skin you're going to be unlocking from doing ö stands Champions Quest, and I'm sure the elements are going to be different, the actual abilities the elements have, like what they'll do to you, the effects. That will also likely be very different from what we saw in Al Masra or even Vondal.

And there's going to be other rewards on top of the operator's skin. We're just not sure what those are, but a good piece of feedback that I was seeing from a lot of War Zone players is that by doing the Champions Quest once, you should get all the previous rewards that were available at some point for any iteration of War Zone, and then you know from there they just keep stacking. I think that would be a cool idea for those out there who missed out on previous Champion Quest unlocks.

Wz ranked play in 2024 explained

Wz ranked play in 2024 explained

The last thing I'll mention, which isn't really tied to reloading, is the addition of War Zone-ranked play. So this is something that hasn't been talked about officially. At least we know Trer is handling ranked play again for MW3.

Multiplayer, and I'm sure that considering that they did rank for War Zone last year, they'll probably do it again, but maybe they're saving that for some point in season 2 or beyond. Don't feel like rank play for War Zone will take that long to come up with since it's just going to be a copy and paste of the same system that we saw for Al Mazra just for Urzikstan, because that's likely what ranks are going to be for multiplayer anyway.

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