News - Players Deserve The Issues Warzone 2

black ops 4

Frost here I hope you guys are doing well. Modern Warfare 3 was released two months ago, but I doubt you would have been able to guess that with the overall reception that this game has had over the last few weeks, because I don't know about you. There's been nothing to talk about with this game; there's nothing new, and there's nothing exciting.

There's nothing interesting regarding Modern Warfare 3, unless, of course, you want me to rehash the same topics I've talked about endlessly. You want me to talk about skill-based matchmaking, not retaining players. Yeah, skill-based matchmaking stinks in public matches, and it doesn't retain players.

As evidenced by the way Modern Warfare 3 has already become a barren wasteland, it's already boring because the community isn't invested in it. Guess what the developers aren't investing in it. Or maybe I could talk about cheaters again and make another article talking about cheaters and how bad the anti-cheap is in Modern Warfare 3.

The same repetitive cycle I could do all day long, but it's not interesting for me. And that's what's happened to Call of Duty. It's become completely uninteresting because they've done nothing to invest in making it interesting. The game has been out for two months, and we've heard nothing from Sledgehammer Games.


There's been no communication. I talked about that yesterday. They refused to work with the community here, and this is Creating massive problems for the game because nobody wants to play the game, People are going back to Modern Warfare 2. They're going back to the Black Ops Cold War. They're going back to Modern Warfare 2019, and they're trying to escape this mess because they've realized Sledgehammer Games won't clean it up themselves.

How you've gone this long and challenges still aren't tracking properly Your spam system is still as bad as it's ever been. Skill-based matchmaking is still as bad as ever the server suck, and you've done nothing, which shows me you're not just incompetent; you're lazy. You're complacent and that's the issue: we as a community have rewarded this complacency.


We've rewarded this incompetency because every time new content comes out, we throw our money at the microtransactions. We throw our money at the battle pass. Ask Madden fans how they feel right now about their current game because people have been throwing money at Ultimate Team for so long. The overall sentiment is that they need competition.

They need another franchise to develop a football game, so EA actually develops something with some passion behind it. Some soul, some life—well, the same issues are happening here in Call of Duty because so many mouth-breathing morons are throwing their money at this god-awul franchise. At this franchise that is so lost, you get this, and as a result, you get a game that is completely filled with laziness at every single turn.

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You've ruined what should have been a really big celebration of bringing back old maps into Call of Duty and celebrating the legacy of this franchise. Nope, instead they've ruined all the maps that Modern Warfare 2 used to have because, guess what? If I go back to Modern Warfare 2 from 2009, all of those maps play better than they do today.

xtz ferocity

Modern Warfare 2 is, frankly, from 2009, a game released 14 years ago. It plays better than a game released in 2023. You should not be proud of this result. You should not be proud of where Call of Duty is. You should not be looking at this and saying Call of Duty is doing great. I don't care about their revenue.

EA is touting high revenues great for them their quality of games are ass, that's what happens is they've traded greed for game quality, and they've decided that greed is more important and the revenue and the bottom line is more important than creating anything for their player base and because there's no real competition in the space they can continue to get away with it, that's why I'm praying I'm crossing my fingers that Exify comes out and is successful that Ex Defyant comes out and knocks our socks off because we need it we need something to light a fire under the developers over at Activision Sledgehammer Games Infinity War Treyarch wanted to develop something with some passion behind it to remember where Call of Duty used to be when it had to beat out the likes of Halo.

Battlefield, and Rainbow 6 V. But those days are long gone; they've won the FPS arcade shooter battle; they beat out Battlefield; they beat out Rainbow Six in Halo, so now they sit at the top of this mountain alone, with no incentive to actually make their games better, and because all of you morons want to incentivize them and give them money for nothing.

I could get on board if you wanted to support this game if it was a great experience, if it was one of the best article games we'd ever seen, or if it was a complete experience, but that's not the case here; you're rewarding complacency. You're telling the developers that every time you spend money, what you're doing works; please continue to do it.

Meanwhile, half the people who reward this incompetence will go on social media and complain and criticize Call of Duty for not being like it used to be. Are you freaking kidding me, man? Do you really think that is how your insight changes? really by not only rewarding it but then turning around and saying, Well, I know that I spent $300 on the game, but please make these changes.

Why haven't you made these changes? It's because you're directly incentivizing them; you're going against your best interests. And it's funny whenever I make a article talking about not buying the battle pass or not supporting and incentivizing these incompetencies. I get comments saying, Frosty, you must just be poor.

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Yep, that's why I'm criticizing this game: I'm poor because I've never supported other games with microtransactions before. Oh, wait, what's dead by daylight? I support your microtransactions because the game is actually somewhat decent. Look at that. I support a game with microtransactions. Because the game is actually enjoyable and fun, I must be so poor.

Or I get comments like, If you don't like it, don't play it. Well, guess what, guys? I don't like it, so I don't play it, but that does not mean that I can't sit here and still criticize the game because it's one of my favorite franchises of all time. Would you prefer that everybody who's critical of Call of Duty just turns around and becomes apathetic the same way that I've become apathetic towards Halo, one of my favorite franchises of all time?

I could only stand the incompetencies of 343 for so long before I just gave up on that franchise altogether. Unless it's a rare opportunity, I can boot up the Master Chief collection and play some Halo 3 with some friends. What a weird concept, though at least 343 understood they should try to do some sort of fan service and release a game with all of their best games, all in one.

MW3 has many issues and the lack of urgency to fix them is 100 because the development teams have zero incentive because of the community supporting micro transactions. Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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