News - New Warlord Boss "dokkabei" Warzone 2 Zombies Season 1 Reloaded

cod mw3

We had to go there as fast as we could to see if we could beat her, and more importantly, we had to see how much we could cheese this boss, how fast we could take her out, and what the actual best method was to do it. I'm going to show you the way that you're supposed to do it, the way I chose to do it, and then the way I refined it down to being ridiculously fast and ridiculously easy, even solo.

Even without the best gear, check it out traditionally. To defeat this warlord boss, you're supposed to go to the ground floor of the building, where you walk through and you run into a wheelson, which is actually a really fun challenge, so you kill the wheelson and then you have access to the elevator.

You go up the elevator, and you're thinking, Yay, I get to fight the boss, but then you get to this St. W., and you need a legacy fortress key. Legacy for Fortress keys aren't that hard to get; all you have to do is get a mercenary stronghold key, go into that, defeat that, and get the Legacy Fortress key.

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You can then take that into the building, go up, and do your whole thing, but again, it's very time-consuming, and if you know me, I'm all about finding workarounds in article games. So what did we do? Let's try a different direction. This is where we want to go, but you normally need a card to get in there.


From the bottom, you have to fight the wheelon and all that, so that is what I recommend. Thanks to my community, they pointed out that if you go to the circle building on the west side of the large building, there is a zip line that goes directly to where the bosses are, and it completely bypasses any need for a card.

You can also unlock the locked doors from the inside without the card, so once you come up, remember, we have our dog, so I'm not worried about getting knocked. It's all about speed at this point, and then using that ether blade, that ether blade will take out three mercenaries at any point, so if you have a golden, triple Pack-a-Punch XRK sniper, you can actually One Tap them, so we can do.

Shot, there you go, and you're done. That wasn't even the fastest one we've done yet, and the reward will pop up over here. Unfortunately, the reward kind of stinks, which is a bummer. Yeah, so you get the mediator, but for whatever reason that is a glitch and I cannot actually unlock it, so our second tactic worked much better, but I still wasn't satisfied yet.


I wanted to see if I could actually one tap this boss, so we worked on our XRK a little bit more, and I'll show the build at the end, but then we thought. What if we brought a scorcher in to skip the entire maze? How fast could we actually do it? This is what we actually ended up with, and I was shocked.

So not this building, but the next one here, I'm going to find a zip line on the back; there's one right there as well. Boom, now we have to be careful. We do have a self-revive; we don't have a dog. You could go get a dog if you wanted; just run one of the escort contracts, and you'll get a bunch of pieces of meat from that, but we actually have this guy, so we can go straight up and over, like, we're going to go behind these turrets, and you're done.

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What is that? Look, I have 42 minutes left in the round. I've already defeated the [Laughter]. Warlord, if you have the scorcher, just go back to the other side, and you'll see that reward. Rift don't get hit by the helicopter on the way. You and I'll show you the build right at the end too. There you go.

The total time from ingame on the opposite side of the map out is, what about, 5 and a half minutes? That's got to be a record, and if I had spawned next to it, it would have been insane. I often explain why I choose to do things outside of the box in article games, aka the Tombstone Glitch. Working around instead of getting all the right cards, doing all the right things, and defeating the boss—is there another way around that I really, really enjoy?

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Finding ways to work outside of what the developers intended—you're not cheating, you're not hacking—but you're finding quick ways to run by what they intended. There's nothing wrong if you're the kind of person who just wants to do it exactly as they intended it. That's also a great and valid way to play.

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I'm not saying my way is better; I'm just saying I really enjoy doing it this way, and there's a whole community out there that enjoys doing it this way. It brings me joy to get a Megaabomination stuck outside a door, and I just shoot him until he dies, like those kinds of things I think are really fun.

It's also really fun to go in weak and underleveled. It's also fun to do naked runs on zombies and come with no guns or anything and see how far, into the dark ether, you can make it in a single round. If you enjoy working around the games and following these guides that I make, then do it. As promised, here is the build.

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It's the XRK stalker. The key is the explosive ammo, just like in War Zone, where you can make it a one-tapper. This makes it a one-tapper for the new warlord boss, then a seven-round mag for more mags. Obviously, that doubles with Pack-a-Punch. The Brewin Ling scrip is an interesting one you wouldn't normally put on, but what it does is give you 50% Flinch resistance, meaning when all those mercenaries are shooting you, you can still typically get a good shot off on the warlord, and you have the XRK stalker bolt, which gives you 50%, faster fire rate, and faster re-chambering speed, a massive difference, and then we did the Handler lkp short barrel, which gives us movement speed ads.


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