News - New" Top 5 Best Guns To Get Easy Mgb Nukes Warzone 2 After Season 1 Update. Warzone 2 Best Class Setup

best class mw3

What's good YouTube I'm showing you guys the best top five guns to drop MGB nukes here in Moder Warfare 3. These are going to be weapons that I've used and definitely dropped easy MGB NS with as well. If I can do it, you guys can definitely do it. I'm definitely having a blast just running around using these different DLC weaps and just using new maps, using the guns that they've added, and definitely using a couple of new cosmetics that definitely come with the Season One update.

I'm definitely enjoying it.

Sva 545

Sva 545

Let's build out these top five classes here from model War Warfare 3, so the first web I'm going to show you guys is going to be the SVA, 545. This is the first AR that you get whenever you unlock Creator Class. This is one of the best ARS in this game. In my personal opinion, I remember being in beta when I first used this thing.

This thing was completely trash, but I don't know if they buffed it when the game originally came out, but this is one of my favorite guns. It has zero recoil and an insane ttk. I love sweating with this weapon, and running around it just feels so comfortable, just in terms of mobility and just in terms of being lightweight.

best class setup mw3

No recoil, AR. So for the first attachment to this weapon, you want to throw on the Spitfire, a suppressor. This makes you undetectable by radar; it gives you recoil control over bullet velocity and damage range. Once you put this suppressor on, you will not show up on the mini map, and you will definitely get ttk bonuses with that bullet velocity with the bullets hitting faster, and you get more damage range bonuses with that ttk and you get zero recoil.

Mak It's an absolute laser we have on the STV, a precision barrel for aiming idle stability, bullet velocity and range, and gun kick control in recoil control. Mostly, this barrel focuses on bullet velocity and range, boosting the guns ttk bonuses at further ranges, but also gives you a little bonus of gun kick control and recoil control.

We also have the 45-round M because I personally feel like 45 is just a perfect ammo type of 30. I go through it pretty quick, but the 45 is definitely a good amount of ammo to have on this weapon we also have on the SLE. Grip, as you say, gives you gun kick control but not sight speed or recoil control.

best class setups mw3

This grip right here is very self-expanding and gives you a lot a lot a lot of recoil control, with ads bonuses as well, giving this gun some insane amount of movability with zero recoil, which we have on the FSS. Ravager 45 stock for a down sa speed hit and tact stand spread and sprints to fire speed, the stock mainly focuses on mobility, Tell me that this gun is insane.

This class is insane. Nothing about this weapon; I don't know if a lot of people know about it, but if you shoot it, it's a two-round burst at first, like you can just tap it the entire time and just get the burst, like you don't have to even do this, like this is obviously fully automatic. It's a two-round burst, I don't know, or a three-round burst.

Let's see, let's see, let's see, Let's see let see it's a two-round burst, and that two-round burst is definitely a strong initial shot for sure. I know the A94 backing model for 2019 had something like that with it being a burst, like the first couple shots are a burst, so those bursts definitely are extremely powerful, but it's class has zero recoil.

The iron sight is definitely clean on this weapon. If you don't want to use the iron sight. I would say just take off the rear grip and put it on the site that you want, but overall, this class right here is definitely one of the best and easiest guns in modern times.



Warfare 3 the next gun is going to be the weapon that everybody is just in love with; it's going to be the M MCW, better known as the ACR in this class.

As it has no recoil, the gun has no recoil, no matter what. I've got a definitely unique build that I've never run before, so I'm going to show you guys a build for this gun. This is one of the easiest weapons in the game; it's definitely not the strongest, but if you can be extremely accurate with it, you can definitely kill.

People are very quick, so, like I said, it's not the strongest AR, but it does reward accuracy, so this build can definitely help you guys with that. So for the first attachment we threw on the FTAc MSP 98 hand stop, it gives you aim walking speed, vertical recoil control, gun kick control, and movement.

best gun season 1 mw3

One thing I like about this game is that we have hand stops now; they're definitely lighter than these other grips that Mo that Modit 2 had, so this and they give you a lot more; it gives you Lally half of recoil control and gives you half of mobility, so definitely why this is definitely one of the best hand stops to run on this gun you have on the shadow strike suppressor; it gives you one of the best things you can have, which should be undetectable by radar.

There's no kind of gun that's completely the same; it's just unattackable by radar, which is basically the best thing you can do for yourself in this game we have on the 16.5. MC the Cyclone long barrel gives you bullet velocity and range that is the max that this weapon can have gives you aiming ID stability and Fir and aiming stability once you put this barrel on the ttk, at further ranges gets insane than it originally was because it obviously gives you more range and our bullets hit faster with that bullet velocity bonus also have on the 40 round mag which I kind of think you do definitely do need the 40 that 30 definitely isn't enough and sometimes the 60 is definitely too heavy so I think the 40 is that perfect balance.

Just between the 30 and the 60, so the 40 definitely does come in clutch, and last but not least, we have the RB claw. PSL, grip, for that fire stability gun kick control and recoil control making a gun an absolute. Laser If you don't like the sight on this weapon or the IR sight on this weapon. I'd say to take off the mag and then put on the sight, or you could take off the rear grip and put on the sight, but other couple attachments you definitely do need; this thing has no recoil.

This iron sight is actually pretty clean. At first, I didn't. I didn't i didn't like the iron sight, but I kind of got used to it, and I think it is actually something that everybody can get used to as well because it is pretty But the next weapon is going to be the Hoger 556.



I remember when the game first originally came out, everybody thought this was like going to be the meta AR when it comes to the CDL scene, and I say it definitely can be because the hoger kills insanely quick.

I was literally getting, by this thing, Lally early. I can definitely admit that the hoger kills insanely. Quick as well, I haven't used this thing as much as I wanted to because I think I just love the MCW so much, so I have a class for you guys that you guys can definitely go crazy with this hog.

NEW TOP 5 BEST GUNS to get MGB NUKES in MW3 after Season 1 UPDATEMW3 Best Class Setup. These classes right will get you guys easy nukes, and if it doesn't I'll give you a bag of chips.
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