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modern warfare 3 best weapon

The Iron Sights are completely chocked I don't like them so I'm going to be running the Slate reflector but if you like the iron sides then that means you get an extra attachment so then you can go ahead and add the Shadow strike suppressor, you could even add the Jack BFB to eliminate all the recoil but I feel like you don't need that much recoil control if you want you can add a barrel to increase the overall range like The Reckless 90, laser ammunition maybe could add the high grain around so then you know your gun kills a little bit quicker but I just hate the iron s so I got to run the Slate then to add a lot of recoil control we got the classics Factory stock adds that gun kick control and then the horizontal and vertical, which if you didn't know the recoil gun kick is actually more important than the horizontal and the vertical.

The recoil gun kick is like the overall shake of the gun. If you have a lot of recoil gun kick control, your gun really isn't going to shake that much, making it very easy to hit your shots, which is why we are adding the Marauder grip. This adds a lot of gun kick control, and we also get more stability and firing aiming stability overall, just making the gun a lot more stable.

modern warfare 3 best weapons

Here's a screenshot of the WP9. Class, and then if you guys do want to see the secondary rock, and this is going to be the tire pistol with the conversion kit, which actually makes this thing into like a pocket sniper, this thing is unbelievably. Broken if you have good accuracy, if you miss your shots you know it's not going to be that good but if you're good at the game you're going to love that secondary it is so fun to use got the Infantry vest just like can tack Sprint a little bit longer frag grenades are very helpful you can like cook them and then throw them into like a hardpoint they'll blow up the second they get into the hardpoint, so if you are good with the frags or if you want to get good with good with them you can really pop off with them got the Dead Silence because I'm running the lightweight boots actually so now I can move around the map a little bit quicker, got the Infantry vest so I can tack sprit longer and then to make it so the enemies can't hear my footsteps in certain scenarios we got the Dead Silence, a Sol gloves so I can jump ads quicker and just be able to be a little bit more On Target.


Although Marksman gloves are pretty fun because they make it so when the enemy shoots at you, your screen doesn't shake as much, and then there's also less sway, making it so you have a higher chance of hitting that first shot. EOD again, obviously, just so you don't die by the nades. Now for the last class, this is going to be the WSP Swarm.

I noticed a lot fewer people have been running with this gun, but this gun is absolutely phenomenal. I have so many builds for this weapon, so feel free to look up cass WP Swarm, and it's going through the articles. I just missed every shot, but as you guys can see, this gun's pretty easy to use, and like I was saying, you can go on my channel, and I have so many articles on that gun, and it's so annoying how it times you out.

mw3 best class setup

Why does it do that? So for the first attachment on there, we got the shadow strike suppressor. That's just going to keep you off the radar this is going to be a weapon that you want to be like Close Quarters with and so if you run the suppressor on there and make it so the enemies don't really know where you're at, really not much recoil in the weapon so we got the hand stop, again if you want more recoil control feel free to run the Phantom 5 hand stop we got the ruthless L Barrel on here just to add a lot of damage range, they this thing actually just got a buff to its damage range in the last update so if you pair, this Barrel up with that this thing has crazy, damage range now which I don't know why more people don't use this gun Fortress heavy just because this one adds so much recoil, control it's like hard not to run that although the Rampage is also pretty good just increases ads speed but.

Basically, once you're used to this gun, it's super easy to use, and then the 50-round mag is just because you blow through ammo with this gun like the fiery, which is insane, and you go on crazy streaks, and so a lot of time I will even actually run the 100-round mag. If you guys do want another very good build for this gun, this one's very niche and difficult to use, but if you can pop off with this build, you're going to really pop off since you have so much mobility and range.

mw3 best class setups

I usually use that on these small maps, and then another one that I really like, I didn't save it. This is going to be like the rank-play one if you do want to use it in rank-play, but now we're kind of getting off-topic, and as you guys can see. And then for the secondary this is absolutely horrible this is the worst secondary in the game but sometimes it's fun to use like bad guns just because they're very fun like this one's fun it just doesn't kill very quick but in my opinion this is going to be the best setup for the wp Stinger, it's like the Mini Uzi in the game infantry V so we can tax for a little bit longer I usually run this on the very small map so trophy system does come and clutch a lot s glov so I can jump ads quicker lightweight boots because the enemies like on the small Maps they don't really hear the footsteps as much, depends on how much is going on like on shiing if there's a million nades going off you don't really need covert sneakers so lightweight boots will help you more so you can move around the map quicker especially pairing that up with the Infantry.

I hope you found this helpful,

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