News - Best" Top 5 Best Classes For Ranked Play Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

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As we're on the road to 20, 000 subscribers, now you can tell I am currently at rank 13. I think I'm okay. I think I'm decent. I'm no guaranteed top-tier player, but these are pretty much all the top five classes that I found to be really good, and a couple pistol builds and even some sniper builds for you guys in here, so let's go ahead and get started.

First things first, go ahead and check out the weapons, and our first build is going to be the Rival 9. For my Rival 9 setup. I like to run a tactical as a stun grenade because it's the only one we can use, and then I run frags on respawns, as well as a trophy system for control or hardpoint all-around ads when I am jumping constantly, but if I'm not running.

I like to run the Marksman gloves or even the Quick Grip gloves. It's going to be faster weapon swapping, especially if I'm playing SND or if I'm playing with a lot of jumping. I'm going to run assault gloves if I'm not doing much movement and going crazy on a respawn or even snd. I'll just kick around, run some Marksman gloves, and help me with my Flinch.

best class setup mw3

That's pretty much going to be what I run for my gloves. For the main part, this is pretty simple; everybody's running the covert sneakers personally. In my opinion, I think these need to be taken out. Covert sneakers are going to be the only thing I wear for my boots. My gear varies; it could be EOD padding for playing respawns or a Tac mask for running SD.

It's kind of just how you personally want to play. I kind of just change as the game goes depending on what they're using more of and if our team's pushing out trophies a whole lot, but to talk about the pistol setup before we get in, this is going to be a pro setup for the ranked pro players. And it's just going to be the MLX short competition, Barrel.

It's going to help with our hip fire and our tax stance spread, our sprint of fire speed, our sight speed, and our movement speed on a pistol. Everybody likes to run the Slate reflector because it's going to give us a little bit more of an indicator of where they're going to be, making it easier to hit shots than a red dot, personally.

best class setups mw3

I do like having this optic on the gun, and then for our rear grip. I do like to run the grip it's going to help with our aim walking speed our Sprint to fire speed and our movement speed as we are pistol whipping so we kind of want to be fast on the point with a pistol like try to clean up maybe hit a thre man or something if we have to reload our submachine gun or a marksman rifle but this is what I run on my pistols but getting all that stuff out of the way let's go ahead and talk about gun builds, so rival 9 is going to be the first one on the list as you can tell so let's go ahead and see what this bad boy's got, if you guys are looking to unlock the new MW3 camos such as Interstellar Borealis hard unlocked or even play in bot lobbies where you can level up your guns and unlock camos rapidly or even the instant delivery pre-made accounts be sure to check out Mitch cactus.


Com includes tons of legitimate services for Playstation, Xbox, and PC and has over 10,000, 000, trust pilot page reviews. Be sure to use code eer for 5% off. Don't forget to act fast. Now for the muzzle, it's going to be the purifier muzzle break s this is going to help with our horizontal recoil and our firing aim stability with the recent season 1 reloaded patch notes the Rival 9 is a beam got buffed this thing is a tank and honestly with this Pro setup right here this thing does not have any recoil.

Now for the barrel we're going to run the rival C clear shot Barrel this is going to help with our aiming idle sway our bullet velocity our damage range and our recoil control, then if we move over to the under Barrel it's going to be the dr6 hand stop helping us with our aim walking speed our ads speed our Sprint of fire speed and our movement speed on a submachine gun then I rock no barrel and actually Rock a stock and it's going to be the first stock I have seen people run the marauder stock or even switch it up with the flash V4 stock, but honestly in my opinion I'd rather have a sacrifice on speed and more on gun kick and recoil control so I know I'm not missing really any shots when I'm beaming somebody and having constant recoil go all over the place except for where the enemy belongs.

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So we're going to be running the Exf Close Quarters assault stock, and then for the rear grip, we're actually going to be running the Rival Vice assault grip, and this is going to help with even more gun kick control, fire and aim stability, and recoil control. We're going to try to go a little bit fast on these builds so you guys can get whatever specific gun you are looking for, but you can just tell, right off the rift, look at this thing—I mean, absolute beams off of it.

Go ahead and wait one more time. I mean, look at it. That's a beam that's a good rival class, in my opinion, so let's go ahead and kick it on to number two. Number two is actually going to be one of the most used ARS in the game, and it's going to be the MCW. This thing is absolutely a beam, and I'm loving this gun so much, so let's go ahead and see right here what we have on it.

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First things first, we're going to be running a muzzle, and it's going to be the L4, our flash concealment. This thing does help a lot with our gun kick control, recoil control, and muzzle flash concealment. This thing does help a lot with recoil. When I tell you this, it is absolutely insane. As we save the day for the barrel, we're going to be running the 16.5 MCW Cyclone long barrel.

This is going to help with our fire and aim stability, our aim idle sway, and our bullet velocity, and give us additional range on a AR having an AR with even more range on top of it is going to be a huge Savior for us, then for the under Barrel I like to run the x10 Phantom 5 hand stop cuz it helps with gun kit control vertical recoil ads speed and Sprint of fire speed you can run the dr6 if you feel like you like that more in my opinion but I feel like ARS need the x10 Phantom and this is also another Pro class setup for you guys then for the last.

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Attachment we have the optics. This is going to be a personal preference for you guys. If you guys want to run the Slate Refector, definitely run it. If you guys prefer to run the Nar Model 2023, I've seen a lot of people starting to run it. In my opinion, I don't know; I don't think it's good, and I wouldn't recommend it.

I've seen a little bit of weirdos using this one too; this gets a little scary. Optics are going to be your choice, whatever fits your play style. Then for the final one, I know I did say the last attachment, but we forgot the rear grip, so this is going to be a rear grip; it's going to be the RB claw PSL grip.

BEST TOP 5 BEST CLASSES for RANKED PLAY in MW3! Modern Warfare 3 Best Class Setups.
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