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best class setups mw3

If you don't know what to run, the Slate reflector is a really good choice, and that's what I'm going to be adding on here. Now for my next attachment, guys, we're going to jump over here to the barrel and add on the only choice that we have here, which is the annihilator long barrel. We're going to get some more bull velocity and range so we have a better effective damage range and minimum damage range of 34%, and we're also getting some bull velocity of 17.9, basically 18%, so our bullets are traveling much faster; they're hitting harder, giving us a faster time to kill, which is really nice for the LMG, so make sure to have this on as well.


Now for the muzzle, we are going to be adding on a Modern Warfare 2 attachment; it's super broken on this weapon. I think, so what we're going to be doing over here is we're going to be adding on the Tempest. GH50. Now that I bring this up, we're getting 27%. Increase in our gun kick control, we're getting a 10% in our horizontal recoil control, and we're getting a 27%. Increase in our vertical recoil control so we're getting a lot of control here for our weapon it is going to hurt the aim down side speed a little bit but since we have the conversion kit on you're not going to notice it doesn't hurt the weapon at all and this is a really good attachment to have on, and then for the final attachment guys we are going to the under barrel and again we're going to add some a little bit more recoil control to this weapon and we're going to be adding on the best vertical grip that we have here and that is the bru pivot grip so we are getting more recoil control we're getting some ing aiming stability, making this weapon very steady really easy to control and again here is the full build for the pmat 762, here in Modern Warfare 3 now for our next weapon guys we have the amr9 SMG our first one on today's list and I feel like this weapon is super underrated, you know right now currently in the SMG meta here in modare 3 you see rival 9 you're seeing the Swarm currently and also the striker you're really not seeing anything else but the amr9.

Best amr9 class setup mw3

Best amr9 class setup mw3

I have to say personally that it is better than those three SMGs, but for my class setup, we're starting off with our first attachment, guys. I think it's important here; that's the magazine, and we're going to be adding to the 50-round drum. Now that this weapon has a fast fire rate, we need it to have a larger mag.

I don't want to have to reload every time I get a kill or two; it's super annoying to go against that. You know, Cod's timing hits me all the time. I'm sure it hits you, but I also don't want to have to slow down and reload all the time, so the 50-round drum is going to be on for our first attachment here for our class.

cod mw3

Now for our next attachment, guys, we're going to jump over here to the under barrel, and what we're going to be adding on here is going to be the FTE MSP 98 hand stop grip. Once again, here we're getting some more aim walking movement speed; we're getting some movement speed, so we're getting into some more gunfights, getting in more engagements, and everything just moving fast, and we're also getting some gun kick control and some vertical recoil control, making this weapon very smooth and very accurate, and I think it's a must-have here for the AR9.

Now for the muzzle, we're going to be adding on another Modern Warfare 2 attachment. I've been using them here lately, and they're pretty nice, and what we're going to be adding on here guys is going to be the bruan pendulum. If I bring this up here, we're getting a 22.7, an increase in our vertical recoil control of 22.6%.

With our gun kick control and a 133% increase in our horizontal recoil control, this attachment helps out so much, I'm not even kidding, especially on SMGs. The Breu pendum was one of the best in Modern Warfare 2, and it still holds its ground here in Modern Warfare 3, and that's why we're going to be adding it on here.

cod mw3 best class

Now we're going to jump over here to the optic I am not a fan whatsoever of the Optics and again we are going to be adding on the Slate reflector, my go-to optic here in Modern Warfare 3 but like I said there's so many good choices here in Modern Warfare 2 Optics and Modern Warfare 3 Optics but again the Slate reflector is going on and then for my final attachment guys what we're going to be doing is going down to the rear grip and what we're going to be adding on is the sack and ZX grip now the only reason I'm not using a stock just because if I try to add on some recoil control I'm losing some handling, and what we're going to do for the rear grip is we're only losing some a accuracy which is okay it's only aiming idle sway but we are getting some firing aiming stability, very important and some gun kick control and some recoil control, and here is the full build for the amr9.

Best dm56 class setup mw3

Best dm56 class setup mw3

SMG now for our next and final weapon in today's article guys we have the DM 56 Marksman rifle now before season 2 all I can say I know we have like 40 some days left until then there is going to be a marksman, rifle meta here in Modern Warfare 3 it's already starting in war zone, this weapon right here is super broken in pubs right now and I'm going to give you the best class up before the meta starts here in the game and for this classup guys we are going to the optic and adding on the Slate reflector, my go-to choice it's the best one you're not getting as much visual recoil, compared to the other ones this is why it's my go-to so I'm going to be throwing this on for our first attachment here now for the barrel we are going to be adding on the prime Lord heavy barrel we bring up our stats we're getting a 25%.

modern warfare 3

Increase in our effective and minimum damage range and we're getting a 30% increase in our bull velocity, making this weapon super nice at any range our bullets are traveling lightning quick hitting our targets harder giving us a fast time to kill which is really nice here now dropping down to our next attachment guys we're going to be adding on a muzzle which we're going to be adding on the Spitfire suppressor like I said about the MCW, build the Spitfire suppressor in my opinion is the best suppressor, you're getting damage range bull velocity we're not showing up on the mini map and we're also getting some recoil control here all these stat sheets we're getting a 5% increase in our effective and minimum damage range and we're also getting some more bull velocity and also we're getting some horizontal.

modern warfare 3 best class

And vertical recoil control, just making this weapon better at longer ranges for a faster time. They kill now for the underbarrel we are going to be adding to the edge bw4. Handstop grip this is going to also help with just some mobility in handling, bring this up as you guys see here we're getting some more movement speed some Crouch movement speed some aim down movement speed which is really good some aim down side speed and Sprint of fire speed just helping us be more aggressive, move fast around the map get into more engagements and everything which is very helpful, and then for my final attachment guys we are going to be adding on the 30 round mag so we're not reloading all the time cuz I believe the base magazine, size is only 20, and I think 30 is just plenty and we're also getting a little bit more magazine, size so we're not always reloading.


Modern warfare 3 best class setups Best class setups modern warfare 3. Best class modern warfare 3 Modern warfare 3 best class.
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