News - Level Up Your Confidence Vondel. Warzone Tips And Coaching

KDs, but I was a camping [ __ ]. You know what I mean? My KD now in the war zone's about 35, maybe a four. My multiplayer K is definitely higher, but the point is, I've gotten better as a player even though my KD's gotten a little bit lower on the war zone side, but I've been actively aggressive with it.

I feel a lot more confident, and I'm able to win more gunfights. Again, I'm just improving because these stats don't matter. I don't give a [__], plus I play a lot of games, so that tanks my KD as well. That was also a good tool to help me stop giving a [__], all right. I get slowing it down right here playing The High Ground with some really questionable weapons; these guns are not meant for High Ground.


Fights—now what's crazy about that is that he knew the player was here. Look at this; he knew he was there, but he still decided to challenge. I don't know why. I mean the enemy's got to rotate in I highlight look at the mini map I highly doubt he's going to take this River all the way around he's clearly got to come up there's a staircase ladder right here he can he's clearly coming this way or just playing the water regardless he's going to be in the section it's like he forgot about him he looks he jumps down he sees the enemy, and he gets tunnel vision now there are different forms of tunnel visioning one the main tunnel vision is when you see enemy you're shooting at him and only him and you forget about everything ins side of you another tunnel vision just forgetting about other enemies you're Gathering all this Intel and then you forget it when you see the next guy like him and that's it right what about the guy he just looked.


Having a UAV up, having plate boxes, and making sure you're fed We've got a UAV in the air. Let's see if Dark spends his money. I got a weird feeling Dark might not buy. He might prove me wrong, but judging by his game play, we've seen the little gameplay we've seen. I don't think so. Now that I like this, I want to go and point this out real quick.

Granted, I Falcon might not have known we had cracked him, but I love the aggression from MC, and this is just where communications come into place right again. Falcon might not know this, and I'm not going to hold it against them, but I love the fact that MK has this cracked, and he instantly pushes.

new resurgence map

Instead of just vibing and chilling, he says this guy's dead. I'm on, so he comes up here to push, and L dah, the rest is [__] history. I even love the smoke play anticipating or just planning for enemies don't push that way we can make it Escape eny push through the smoke anyway got an easy kill all right dark and stealth are dead no surprise whatsoever and again read your teammates if you are the person on your team being carried and trust me we've all been there right, if you are the ones being carried what do you do you follow the good players follow the better players you don't have to hold their hands, like I've said multiple times, but stick with them.

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Dark decided to stay by the buy-take all day to buy [__] and he ended up dying and stealing. I don't know what he was doing, but I'm assuming the same. Thing, so this building is safe getting The High Ground on this building would definitely be the preferred option and we can do that through back here, if you want to grab The High Ground which is what I would do right this second, again knowing the map layout is real crucial and most of you guys y'all play this more than I do so you know already know the layout of it but if not you'll learn see this door right here go on the left hand side there's jump ups to get on top of the roof if you feel like I don't I'm gonna get shot in the back Jumping Up smoke he's got two smoke yourself out get The High Ground I don't want to be playing here because of the risk if you guys are kill hunting, by all means ball out but as far as from a strategical standpoint you want to grab that High Ground, the reason why I heart more on.

Strategic ways to win are because most players can't kill hunt the top 1%; players can kill hunt the rest of the players. You need to start utilizing strategy and so on, Tactics, okay, it is weird though. Now look, the difference between being here and being on The High Ground despite him being shot the [__] out of is that if we're on The High Ground, we can see things without being vulnerable.

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By utilizing that little lip on the rooftop as a heady, you can kind of look around, and you can even kind of jump up and jump down on the lip and kind of see what's going on. You can read the map, you can see people in the water, you can see people across, you can get some easy kills, and it also prevents you from being stacked.


Not to mention, these might not be the only guys in here; there's probably more people in this building. Ooh, and for fights like that too, like the iso and all these SMGs are great, but if you go back here and he has any kind of assault rifle, the AK or whatever, this is an easy two kills or two knocks, at least putting them in a very awkward situation.

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You can really create hell for this team with this gun here, though again, you see that recoil control, and a lot of you guys can control it, but again, most players cannot use the right gun for the right fight. I just don't recommend the SMG shotgun. Combo, good use of smokes again we have a gas mask we can pre-rotate and get The High Ground again this is a ballsy push there's a lot of enemies around and that is why that is crazy again look he has a gas mask granted yes it's almost broken but look how fast that gas came in or that zone came in right if he would have just Ved up got on this rooftop and played that as again having the leverage of The High Ground this was an easy, win it's a 2v s and again at the same time or 2 V6 now but at the same time those guys are fighting granted good play on the double reses good play on the double reses but again get on The High Ground look for mistakes, brother enemy's got it Right, look at Paul playay by Falcon; he really saved that, [__] honestly.

I don't think they would have won if he hadn't gone for the buyback. Just failure to get The High Ground almost cost them big time in two different situations. If you did leave it a like, let's get this article to 250 likes. Y'all have a good one until next time. Good luck in the war zone. You're going to need

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