News - This Is Really Important To Get Better At Vondel And Warzone

al bagrah

You know, one of the questions that really always bothers me is anything related to the kill-death ratio. KD has such a multiplayer mentality. Instincts, let's see how he pushes this, fight the enemy is on the rooftop and he is shooting another guy so there's a chance we might be on the hunt for him and get third parted or we could actually capitalize on both these kills I like the fact that he's not running away he's not camping in a corner and he's actively looking this is something completely different than the title of this article or the intro but it's very nice to see because the reason why I started the vond Del article the way I did was most players, don't play like this despite him not being the greatest him not having the best aim or best decision making he's still out here actively trying so I got give props to Adam 10 because he's out here again trying to have fun and be good at the,.

Game, all right, we do have a cast-off 74, we do have a sniper rifle, we need to go ahead and get our loot up right, we have a buy station behind us by the helicopter, the fire station we could go to, he's choosing to actively fight, and this isn't a terrible idea, but again, because we don't have our good weapons, if an enemy does decide to third party us while we're shooting out in the open, it's going to be a harder fight for us because again, ground weapons are normally nine times out of 10 weaker than loadout.

Weapons—you know there's a balance. I tell you guys, don't always loot; don't overloot. Get some normal guns and start running, and I'm down for that, but when you have the money for your looting. I definitely would make a way over there to get it, especially since again we have another B that's over.


Here, all right, so the enemy right there got sniped at. Instead of just dolphin diving to cover, he just stopped the slowly spherical step and got a headshot, and his armor is cracked, very terrible fight in the enemy's position. Even this challenge right here is wild in itself. I like the fact that Adam is using the AC event, but this is where, as a sniper, you really have to balance.

ashika coach

Challenging, with Flinch right the moment you pop up you really want to try to have your reticle lined up and take that shot fast because if the enemy does get a bullet off on us like you saw he's going to Flinch his ass off and you're going to miss now let's talk about this enemy again he's been fighting us he keeps over challenging and over peing us with no cover and then he decides to crouch walk out in the open to challenge a whole another enemy with his entire side being vulnerable to Adam, the enemy is playing this game so poorly in such a bad way and again a lot of you out here like it's just having fun not everyone's a sweat you don't have to be a sweat to try to be better everyone in their every aspect life should be trying to get 1% better every day and if you're not really what's the point of playing a competitive.

Shooter, battle royals were never made to be casual; they're made for competition; they're made for competitive; players are all right moving on to messy; we have a Messi fan. Here clar clarito claro as I can't [ __ ] say that name I'm trying all right movement is pretty decent, but awareness isn't situational awareness is, terrible, the enemy is shooting from the right hand side I like the fact that again he's got a little bit decent movement but it doesn't really look like he knows how to utilize it he can do it but then here we are so we were just actively getting shot at and then we're going to Tunnel Vision on Loot and drop all this [ __ ] without have actually getting eyes on what the hell is going on around us, so like what if the enemy was to push us and most of the time they will like what would have happened I think Clarita would have got completely [ __ ] [ __ ] on.

ashika funny

I rocking two SMGs I'm not going to hate on anybody right now slide cancelling because coming from beta back to this game I get it so I'm not going to mention slide can y'all try not to as well until well until the basically until War Zone 3 is out now it's hard to go from one to the other and back to one it's just it's a [ __ ] nightmare, but again let's talk about looting I said there's a perfect balance I want you guys to loot I want you guys to get your load out but the moment you have that money let's go ahead and do that we don't have our load out we have to buy literally right next to us sitting on 15 grand situational awareness is completely non-existent now enem is about to [ __ ] down his [ __ ] biscuit he needs he needs to go this enemy decided to jump over that wall and challenge us and here we are still looting, what could we possibly want you have 15 grand my guy, $115, 000 why are we sitting here looting we're going to go, , prone, terrible play, now if the enemy comes in here he might get an easy kill this is why I think ttk needs to be driven up and longer and this is why I'm glad that ttk in the next war zone will be longer so players like this can't get the easy kills on you guys out there actually moving around, now look at this he doesn't even have enough confidence in his aim to get the shots off and look I like the fact that I saw some movement from him and I want to see him out here actively practicing that but you're not getting in gunfights you're playing like he just was gun fights usually isn't going to be your Forte and that's why you're going to be losing a lot of, games stop h hiding just to get your KD up and just to lose games right so many got 2 KD I got 3 KD how many wins you have , seven, cute or my first.

ashika island

Loady, that was a great way of predicting the jump. This player might not be too bad; it could have been lucky. I like the fact that he's plating while looking again. He has a little bit of dog in him. He just needs to develop the entire puzzle. He just needs to get all the pieces of the puzzle going.

ashika tips

I definitely expect the enemy. Wait, is that the same guy that we saw earlier who was cross-walking? Think about it, and on top of that, most of the go-to players are playing [__] ranked, so everyone always has that excuse. My lobbies are sweaty; are they sweaty or are they actually just moving around?

and you're sitting in a quter, really ask yourself. Hey, look, all of these tips aren't just something I want you guys to do; it's [__] that worked for me when I first started playing Battle Royale and H1Z1. Arma, and pubg. I was a dog, but I started playing with people with better skills, a lot more knowledge, and a lot wiser than me, and I got a lot of this information from them, and I'm just passing it on to you guys.

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What works for me may not work for everybody, but I'll tell you one thing: it's going to work for 99% of you guys as long as you just actively try. Like Jackie Tonya rocking six kills in the [__] shotgun, we're not going to talk about the shotgun; we all know how we feel about it. Your boys are playing on the high ground.

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