News - Getting More Wins Has Never Been Easier Warzone's Vondel

al bagrah

I don't care what mode it is. If there's a fight going on near you, you have to take advantage of the situation. If two enemies are fighting or an enemy and your teammate are fighting, guess what you're adding to that fight in third partying is literally how you can get some easy ass kills. Let's talk about the situation here.

You were able to win the fight, but only because the enemy was way worse than he was. We saw the enemy on the left side of the screen, and instead of shooting the enemy, we started looting, and you can just tell from this player that he had just tunnel vision; he didn't see him until it was almost too late.

And again, if that player and that enemy that we killed had a little bit more, Skill and Twizzy wouldn't be alive right now. Another situation, though. In a one-on-one situation, we're up top and we're plating, and I get it. You want to play if you want to make sure you're good, but if your teammate's in a fight and you can help them out, take advantage of it.


I always tell you guys to make sure you reload and make sure you're plated, and sometimes you need to be reloaded at all times, but sometimes you have to sacrifice your plates to go help a teammate. Out, especially if you outnumber them, teammates, all right. We heard his footsteps coming up the stairs; clearly, he did not, so we're not going to hold it against him.

The AUD in this game is a dog, and it really just depends on what you have, if you have a TV. I don't know that [__] is rough. It's my wife; don't judge me. Nice, we have multiple footsteps. I like the fact he threw this down, and once again, a teammate gets into a fight. We're just going to sit here and basically camp with a shotgun.

You probably closed the door too. There it is. We left the building and did not see that. Crazy, and this is why, right when it comes to creating balance of weapons, like when you need to reward players for using guns that require skill, you know recoil control aiming all those things when you just allow players to sit in corners and pump and D to an enemy.

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When a situation like this happens, you're going to fail every time, so in reality, the shotguns are just holding people back from becoming better, and I know everyone's biggest excuse is that I'm just having fun; you don't have fun getting [__] on. I promise. Alive, all right, so now that you've had experience with Von Del, what do you guys think of Vondo versus rebirth?

What is your favorite map? If you are new to the channel, we will be uploading all the new MW3 Rebirth content. Fort will keep content whatever research map they have doing tips and tricks. Let's get this article to 100 likes. Man, it's really hard to give you guys complete tips and tricks during the night modes because, well, you can't see a damn thing.

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I mean of course he got third party but I honestly was more focused on him running into the enemy's cluster strike regardless I definitely thought he was going to die and I mean look at the Zone again so for some reason twizz decided he want to push that fight if you want to push that's fine push from the rooftop push it from inside the buildings but do not P push on open Highway like he was like blue is right now and especially don't push when there's a cluster strike from the Enemy being launched in the area moving, towards and here we are again sitting here looting instead of jumping up and third parting the guys who literally just killed our, teammate, see what happens when we move weird, all right we have enemies pushing up under us we need to go ahead and play it up maybe think about repositioning because this is not a good area to be.

Twizzy was going to help his teammate out, but unfortunately, the enemy just had a lot better movement than he did. I think he originally thought that the guy who killed him was actually down because both of them were Prone, but again, instead of him pushing in the Middle Highway, look at the Zone; he could have literally just positioned Gate C.

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Sometimes I always want to encourage you guys to get active and fight fight, but if the zone's moving in and you have to push in an open area to chase down a team outside the zone, don't do it. Just hold your position or relocate to a better position, and just wait for the enemies to come to you. I think a lot of people are so kill-hungry, and I love to see it, but sometimes you don't want to die for the kills; you want to play a little bit more passive for a split second and then get a lot of kills on the zone moving in from everybody's gatekeeping.

Also, I've put on my other channel. I've put a lot of matches of M where I'll have like three, four, or maybe five kills midway through the game, and I'll end up dropping 17 to 20 kills just because of late game situations, and that's in alaza. When it comes to this mode, it's the exact same situation you can be sitting on.

You know, low 10 to seven kills, you can come out with a 20 plus Banger by just in-game situation, so I don't want you guys getting all kills hungry and get Tunnel Vision on kills, and running into death because you're chasing down kills. Just let it come to you. Sometimes you can just capitalize big-time and in-game.

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I don't need to say anything about that. Clean my glasses off clearly. I'm not seeing [__] right. In no way did he just do that. No way did he just literally jump down to get an execution when he could have just done it from the rooftop. And the enemy literally fell off the roof. We're at the top.

Just vault up and shoot down on the enemy. Wavy brother, what? Can you hear footsteps? I want him to get his loot for sure, but he needs to think about plating up. If he goes back out there without plates or an enemy comes down on him without plates, it's not going to look pretty for him, and he is just not thinking straight.

Now I know I said sometimes don't play up and go help your teammate; that's like an immediate mediate fight where there's active gunfire flying by your friends or yourself when nothing's really happening. Plate the [__] up, and here we are looking at this and seeing that this is my problem with nighttime mode.

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I think the nighttime is pretty. I think it's cool. It's a great concept. It does have a great problem with players. You thought people camp have played slow before when it comes to nighttime modes, and we've seen it in pubg and other modes as well, comes to nighttime modes, players can't see, so they play hella more zombies.

I'm not again. I'm not really sure why we're not plating up. I'm not really sure why we're not reloading our weapons as well. You can plate while you run. I don't know if you guys know that, and I know he's got ammo in his pistol, but what about his secondary or his primary technically? Why are we not reloading that Twiz is doing a good job holding the top roof and getting the high ground?

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