News - Is The Time To Kill Too Slow Warzone 2i. Beta Comparison


Or if somebody's camping in a corner for instance and just pre- aiming an angle it gives you a bit more of a chance to fight back if you've got better consistent aim and evasion techniques compared to that person that's just sitting in a corner, you actually have a much better chance of taking them out compared to a really fast time to kill where you'd be dead before you can even react to him but on the other hand I do get that some people like the more positional, skill Gap where it's more about who sees who first rather than who can aim move and shoot better and another thing where I can't really form my full opinion on this yet but it's always a concern when you move into a bit of a slower time to kill with Call of Duty, this is how the one-hot kill weapons are going to play out in relation to the regular guns in the game so with cold war for instance I definitely remember a decent amount of frustration running into a really good sniper in that game because it felt like they were practically unkillable.

Because they could just down you instantly, whereas you had to pump about five shots into them before they just landed their one bullet on you, and with a faster time to kill, that's less of a concern. Now I did do some basic tests, although this is without attachments, and attachments tend to have a big impact on guns like sniper rifles and shotguns.


But with the KV inhibitor, for instance, our aim-down sight time is about 550 milliseconds. With no attachments equipped, and that is reasonably slow for a sniper rifles so if you do catch a sniper that's not already pre- aiming you should have a pretty decent chance of pumping a bunch of rounds into them before they get a shot off and also with my limited experience it seems like there is some Flinch there I don't know if this is quite enough Flinch yet additionally there are attachments that can reduce Flinch and I'll have to have a look at those sometime down the road but I will say this is still going to be one of my potential concerns, with this time to kill however we need access to more snipers more attachments, just more weapons and perks and stuff in general before I can really form a full opinion on that and similarly with shotguns, the Lockwood 680 is the consistent one-shot kill shotgun, or at least reasonably consistent, and again.


I haven't fully leveled this up and unlocked all the attachments and really tried a bunch of things with this, but I will say it seems fairly consistent at getting one-shot kills as long as you get yourself right up close and personal, so again, this is just something I want to keep an eye on down the road.

So far. I'm not really seeing any massive issue with it, but it's just one of those things that need to be considered when we're talking about slowing that general time to kill down in a Call of Duty game. In general, though, like I said. I am happy to see this slightly slower time to kill; it's nice and refreshing that I often feel like I'm not getting literally melted, although sometimes I still kind of feel that, and I also just like the fact that this puts a bit more emphasis on that mechanical skill.

Wrap up

Wrap up

Gap now, of course. I'll talk to you guys

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