News - How To Reverse Boost (warzone 2)

cod reverse boost

Over the past few weeks of making Modern Warfare 3 tutorials, this idea did come across my desk of how to reverse boost in Modern Warfare 3. Now, I really didn't know what reverse boosting was, and after doing some research, I understand it and why people would actually want to try this. However.

I would like to make it clear up front that I do not recommend reverse boosting, and while it might be a gray area in terms of whether it's allowed or not. I highly discourage it, and I would hope you do the same. On top of that, I'm actually going to help you know exactly how you could notice if somebody is reverse boosting.

Now, reverse boosting is essentially focusing on skill-based matchmaking, or sbmm. That is built into Modern Warfare 3. Now, what you're trying to do essentially when you're reverse boosting is you trying to trick it into thinking you are having consecutive. Bad games in a row and that you deserve to be placed in a lower-level lobby.

Essentially, what people will do is go into a game and blow themselves up with their own Claymore and their own C4, their own frag grenade, or maybe they will rush at enemies while taking shots at the ground or taking shots over their heads, just intentionally trying to die and having an extremely low KD.

how to

Now if you're Call of Duty skill-based matchmaking you now see that this player is suddenly having a really bad luck streak and they're going game after game after having zero kills or one kill and 30 deaths you can see obviously this player is really struggling, and so what they do is actually go ahead and put them into lower KD lobbies where other players are also frequently struggling, and having a low KD game now for specifics people tend to throw about 10 to 15 matches and get very low KD numbers so they can eventually get into a low KD Lobby now when they get into that low KD Lobby this is when they take full advantage of this exploit, and really try and get as many kills as they possibly can now this brings me to my first point of how you could actually spot these people that are reverse boosting.

how to reverse boost

Now if you're a low KD player and you typically are in lobbies where you have a low KD, and suddenly there's one person in the lobby that is going absolutely off with like 70 80 90 kills and having a very low deaths this may be a sign that they could be potentially reverse boosting, now people definitely can have good games once in a while but if you see that you're in this lobby with this person and this person is just leagues above the skill level of the average Lobby this would raise some suspicion now there is one more method that people have actually been using to reverse boost and I want to explain it so you're aware of it but if you are still considering reverse boosting.

I do want to mention some of the consequences. Of your actions. Now, the other method people are using is to actually have two separate Call of Duty accounts on two separate systems. Now they are friends with each other on those accounts, and they have a low KD account, and then they have their regular account.

how to reverse boost in modern warfare 2

Now they load in with their low KD account to a very low KD lobby, and then with their regular account, they immediately join them as the lobby is in progress or the match is actually going, and they suddenly are put into this very low KD lobby as their regular account. Now, like I said, I highly discourage reverse boosting, and I actually want to talk about some of the consequences of doing it now.

If you care about your Call of Duty stats, this will totally wreck them as the lobby is in progress or the match is actually going and they are suddenly put into this very low KD lobby as their regular account. Now, like I said, I highly discourage reverse boosting, and I actually want to talk about some of the consequences of doing it now.

If you care about your Call of Duty stats, this will totally wreck them and absolutely destroy them. You will no longer have an accurate reading of a solid KD for your account because if you go 10 to 15 games going from 0 to 30, your KD is going to take a large and massive hit. And even if you recover from that, your stats will never again be accurate because you went ahead and actually reverse-boosted.

how to reverse boost in mw3

Next, this takes a lot of work if you want to actually go ahead and sit down for an hour or two hours and play 15 matches, going between 0 and 30. Just to get one good match in before they put you back in high KD lobbies, that's up to you, but to me, that is way too much work just to have one game, and lastly, this may be banable.

From all my research and everything I learned about reverse boosting, it might be a great area, but I would highly suggest you stay away from it if you care about your account getting banned. Hopefully today's article has helped you know how to detect if somebody is reverse boosting, the signs to look for, and the consequences of actually reverse boosting.

And just to be clear, I highly discourage it. One thing I do highly encourage, though, is playing in tactical stance mode. If you've never played Call of Duty and tactical stance, I highly recommend you take a look at this article. It would mean so much to me. Have a great

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