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Fastest way to complete uav event!

Fastest way to complete uav event!

Welcome back to a brand new article. In this one, I have a full guide to show you guys the fastest way to complete this brand new event in Call of Duty. It did take me a couple hours to get done, but I figured out some things after the fact that I think will help you guys out a lot so you don't make the same mistakes.

I also did post a article earlier today; if you missed the patch notes for the new 1.44 update, be sure to check them out, but anyway, let's go ahead.

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Let's get into it. The very first challenge is to deploy five UAV kill streaks in multiplayer. Zombies: destroy five-count UAVs in mercenaries, camps, or war zones; deploy 10 UAVs.

I ended up doing it in War Zone mainly because it's super easy to collect money. This is one of those challenges that you'll end up completing while you're doing the other ones, and as you regularly play the game, you should be able to get UAVs. Unless you don't have it equipped in multiplayer, just put it on, and then as you play, you'll end up getting that for multiplayer, so that's pretty straightforward.

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For the war zone, the same exact thing: you can collect your money and go to a buying station. By buying a UAV, you can also take advantage of the fire cells that happen in almost every single game. After the second circle fully closes, you'll be able to go and get that fire cell and purchase it for half off.

The last one is the easiest, but a lot of you guys may not play plunder, so it might be out of your way. You can load that mode to collect money, which is very easy to do. Go to a buying station spammed by UAVs, and then just call them in this next challenge.

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is going to be 40 operator assists successfully filled 10 times, or 20 operator assists. I once again did this in the war zone. The easiest one is to do multiplayer. That one is pretty straightforward. The tip that I would give you is probably to throw decoy grenades, or there's a challenge later where you throw snapshot grenades.

You can also do those, and anytime you snap someone and someone else gets eliminated, it will count as assistance, so you don't necessarily need to damage them in the war zone. The best tip that I can give you is to fully thirst for any knock player you see, and they usually give you an assist for that, even if you didn't do any damage while you were knocking them.

That usually works really well if you have good teammates that are able to handle their own and get the eliminations. If you don't, I went to the top of the prison and just went to a really high point, especially in Resurgence Loaded, where you already have your load out and have a long-range weapon.

Anyone flying in just tags a couple times more than likely they're going to be landing towards a fight, and if someone eliminates them, then you will also get the assist for that again. This is one of those challenges that you don't really need to worry about because you'll end up completing it as long as you continuously play the game. I would recommend zombies because ax filling 10 times might be a little bit tedious unless you already play it, but going on to the next challenge is deploying 10 mosquito drone kill streaks in multiplayer.

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Open 60 loot caches in zombies, or deploy 20 bomb drone kill streaks in war zones. And let me tell you, this was one of the most annoying challenges that I've ever done because bomb drones are not that easy to find; they're completely RNG; they're not even in buy stations all the time; and they're not that often found in loot crates.

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The fastest way that I found, but it still takes some time, is that you're going to want to head into plunder, collect money, and just go through different buying stations. And some of them will actually have them, and they'll spawn in three, so the buy stations are not the issue, but the problem is that the buy stations are not going to always have them, and maybe one of the four buy stations that I went through ended up actually having them, and that means you'll only be able to get three per buy station, and you need a total of 20, so it will take a little bit of time before it is possible to find it in rebirth and reurgence.

And you can get them off supply boxes, but they're just completely RNG-based, so the biggest tip that I can give you is to land at a buy station, where you'll be able to check it real quick, and then if there's multiple buy stations near the area, that'll be even better if you have multiplayer access. Just do the multiplayer challenge versus the mosquito drones, and that one's actually very simple to do.

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Double weapon xp token challenge guide

The next challenge that we have is going to be to deploy 30 ammunition box field upgrades. use a pack-a-punch machine 20 times, or deploy 20 armor box field upgrades. If you have multiplayer access, that would be your best option.

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Simply jump into a game like a small wash pit, and then just get XP. Whether you throw decoy grenades or snapshot grenades, you get eliminations. Any way that you get XP in the game will help you get your field upgrade faster, and then consistently, just keep throwing them down every time you get them.

You could probably get them five to ten times, depending on how well you perform in the war zone. I would recommend you go into Loaded Resurgence and land towards industry there's a whole lot of crates there that are available you open up all of them and you're usually able to at least find one or two if you don't you'll end up getting money and in that mode the crates respawn a lot faster so after you open it only takes like a third of the time for it to get restocked, so you pretty much won't run out of crates by the time you open them up the first time they'll all end up resetting and you'll continuously be able to do that and keep farming money as well as plates and then there's also a biometric scan.

You'll be able to scan yourself there. You can get a key card, which you can sell at the buy-in station, depending on how good it is. Sometimes they'll give you free items from it, and then that way you can spend your money on these plates, UAVs, counter UAVs, and anything else that will help you complete your challenges.

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The next challenge right here is either , deploy 30 Medfield box upgrades, revive 20 teammates with Quick Revive active, or deploy four portable buy stations. I would recommend multiplayer. I spent an entire hour looking for portable buying stations. I tried every single mode, and it's completely RNG-based.

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