News - How To Easily Grind Tier 3 Solo Warzone 2 Zombies

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I'm going to show you the best way to be a to do this, and you can do this solo as well, which is what's going to make this even better. So first of all, what you're going to want to do, guys, is obviously get yourself geared up to be in the Tier 3 Zone, but don't worry if you've got nothing if you've just died or crashed or whatever and you don't have anything.

I've already got a article up on the channel where you can see exactly how you can get a large backpack, a free plate chest, as well as a durable gas mask all in one game, so if you want to go and check that one out. So if you're in that situation where you don't have anything, that's the fast way to get all of that done, and then of course you can jump straight in and then you can start doing tier three runs, so obviously what you want to do is pick out a gun that you're comfortable with in tier three that's just overpowered.

I recommend the Loquid 680, personally, because I think it's the best shotgun in the game; it's super powerful, and I've done a article on it as well, so if you want to check the class out for that, go ahead and check out my Loquid class because it's already on the channel and it's very, very broken, so what you want to do is get that all set up, and then realistically, the best scenario for you is to have the tactical use of a decoy grenade.

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This is going to help you get in and out of situations. If you get caught in a corner, you can throw a decoy grenade away, and then all the zombies will be attracted to that, meaning you can run away, get your plates on, and get yourself all caught up in a lethal situation. I'd go for a throwing knife, but if you've got the AA blade schematic, then I definitely recommend putting that on because it's a one-hit kill.

You're going to get it all the time, even if you throw it; it's just going to come back to you. You can then keep throwing it over and over again, and of course, if you have golden armor plates, these are also going to be very useful. Again, same as with Wonder Weapons, if you've got some of the better Wonder weapons in the game, you might want to Chuck one of those on Ammo mods, which aren't going to make too much of a difference in terms of perks if you've got them.

farming guide mw3 zombies

I definitely recommend running Juggernog, stamina up and even death perception and the reason I say this is because when we're in game and we're trying to loot that tier threee Zone we're going to a to see where all of the different crates are and all the different areas that we want to be able to get to and loot up and of course Jug's going to give us that extra health and stamina up is going to make us run faster so that we can get around the tier three Zone with our fists out nice and quickly, and of course if you you've got the ability to you want to go with the highest ather tool that you can like for me be legendary, and then of course if you can put the refined aparium Crystal or the Flawless aerium Crystal go and Chuck IO those on so you can get your gun up to a nice high Rarity straight away.

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Okay guys, so now that you've loaded into a game, what you would go ahead and do is obviously put on your legendary AA tools, your Pack-a-Punch crystals. all of that sort of stuff that's the first thing you want to do because that's going to allow you to go straight into the tier three Zone, and the reason you want to jump straight into the tier three zone is simply because the faster you get there means nobody else is going to be there and already looting up the eras that you want to be looting, so you want to get in like I said have that depth perception perk on if you've got it because it's going to let you get in there see where all the crates are and show you exactly where all the loot is, and you can easily do this just grab a car or an ATV, or whatever fly straight into that tier three Zone when you've got stamina up on what you want to do is just run around your fist up cuz it's going to let you get around tier three nice and quickly.

And you can just get in and immediately start looting up the area to get some good loot. You're going to find free plates, chests, large backpacks, and all that sort of stuff in Tier 3, as well as some perks, gas masks, and all the good stuff that you guys are going to want to have, and you'll also find some valuable items that you can sell at a buy station to B to start.

how to farm tier 3 mwz

Pack-a-Punch and your gun even higher if you've not already got it done, so once you're in tier three and you've been looting it up, what you actually want to look for is contracts, so contracts are going to be great, and what you do with these contracts is up to you. You can do whatever contracts you want.

I highly recommend that you don't do escort, so if you see an escort contract, you can start it and just cancel it straight away, and what this is going to do is refresh the contracts that are going to spawn in so you might get something like a deliver cargo contract spawn, which is great for Tier 3, very easy to do.

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You don't need any guns; you can literally do it without any good guns. You just jump in, drive the vehicle, deliver it, and then you can just get the rewards out of the rift like that, and if you guys want to do bounty. Outlast contracts you can do those, but like I said, if there's a contract that you don't want to do, you can simply start it and then cancel it, and it's going to spawn a whole bunch of new ones in okay so now you're in the tier three zone you're doing a bit of looting you're starting to get some gear together and of course if you've got your tools that you've spawned in with you've got your perks all that sort of stuff you're in a good position to really just start grinding, tier three now and as we just spoke about the contracts that you want to do they're very easy to do and of course if you've got a squad to do them with it's going to make it even easier.

how to get raygun schematic easy

So by completing these contracts, you're going to get a good reward, so you're going to start getting some schematics from the rewards. If you've not already got all the schematics, this is a great way to start getting schematics from the Tier 3 section. And of course, you're then going to start getting stuff to get you set up for the red worm if you do want to go ahead and do that at some point as well, which is just very useful to hold on to because you can then have them, and if you want to do it later on down the line, you're then going to have it available.

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