News - How To Aim Like Warzone "pros" Part 1: Centering, Aim Drills, And More

Your aim is going to be on point; it's going to slowly be built up by pretty much implementing it. Every single thing I talked about in this article, guys, is going to lead me into what I think is the single most important tip I could ever give on aiming. And that's: be patient with yourself, guys.

how to get better aim

I have articles of myself playing Call of Duty competitively against top-tier pros. 78 years ago now guys I've been playing Call of Duty at a serious level at a very high level for 7 to 8 years now guys that's thousands upon thousands of hours and how in the world are you going to just simply make that Gap up by watching an 8 minute article like I just made you can't guys so that's where you need to cut yourself some slack when you watch these top players, understand that time's a factor but understand this, even if you don't have a lot of time in the game even if you don't have a lot of time to play by making the most of your time and by focusing on the right things when you play and implementing little things like this you're going to start getting better and better your aims going to get better and better you're going to get better and better as a player and you're going to have a much better time.


I promise, guys, that's what I stress about. I mean i'm 27 myself. As we play, you know, we just run out of time; we have to work; we have responsibilities. Life's just the thing that we have to deal with, and that's why I focused on that whole five-minute warm-up thing you can do to get better.

That's why I focused on stressing, taking 3–4 months to get better, and all of that, and just understand that if you implement these little things, if you focus on the right things, you don't need a lot of time to get better quickly.

Hey guys, if you want to improve your Warzone aim, get better at the game overall, and understand how to actually have better accuracy, then this is the video for you. Warzone 3 requires a little bit better aim than Warzone 2 and because of that, you need to have solid fundamentals and a good platform to build off of. I hope you guys enjoy the video and I hope you have a good day.
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