News - Guide To Winning Warzone 2. Tips And Tricks For Warzone 2



Let's be honest: Warzone 2 is definitely a little bit challenging. You know, it's both different and tougher than what we are used to, but what I'll tell you is that a breeze feels so much more rewarding than dance rebirth. Caldera, or Fortune's Keep, so today I'll be going over a few things that you really want to be doing throughout each game that will allow you to have more success while actually breaking down key moments here from my first win.

Now let's go ahead and start off with the obvious, primarily because we're going to get punished for this immediately.


it is a much different and much slower game, less about movement and more about positioning, a gameplay strategy, and for my Resurgence players, you get punished a lot more when you die, so we gotta be more strategic, and like I said, we're going to get punished for that.

I just want to quickly highlight this blue shield right here. He is broken. I've simply tagged him a little bit; you will see the shield actually break when he is broken, and I'll highlight that for you a little bit later. But going back to what I was saying, you know, we just kind of try to muscle and finesse our way through and just go, you know, guns blazing, which is not the strategy in BR.

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Rob's Gonna Go Down, So What Do I Do? I immediately pushed in right behind him. We're playing quads; there are four people here, one of whom is down right that I sniped, but there are still three other people here, and that's something that we have to keep in mind because you get punished if you die, which we do, and I also show you that because at the end of the day if you die early it's okay, you can still win.

That's part of BR; that's part of the fun of BR. Now we go to Gulag 2v2, and I'm going to end up dying here. I'm just going to be totally honest with you. What I want to talk about is, first of all, the 2v2 format, so you've got to work with your teammate whether you are on the same team or not on the same team.



The other thing is that I am going to be working on a Gulag strategy guide. This was my second-biggest game. Things are, obviously, we want to be using what we can see and hear, but we also want to be using our lethal and tactical tools to get information to try to test out where people will be, and I'll be talking a little bit more about that in my strategy guide.

We want to win Gulag, which gives us a kill and makes sure we're back in the game, and it doesn't cost our teammate four thousand dollars. Nobody wants to be the $4,000 teammate. Next up, let's talk about regaining. There's one word to describe regaining in Warzone 2. It is terrible; there's not a lot of cash on the ground, not a lot of contracts around, and it's hard to get kills, so you can't take money from other people.

So the biggest thing with regaining is that we want to prevent being in that situation as much as possible. Well, how do we do that? We really need to focus on cash flow early in the game because it's a huge map. There are 150 people, but a lot of people tend to drop high-rises as well as the city, so if you land a little bit on the outskirts -- I'm not saying all the way on the edge of the map, but find somewhere with a contractor too that you can do that -- it allows you to get that cash flow going and you won't end up in the blender sitting around trying to revive your teammates because they're full dead.

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You can get your loadout guns from the buy station, which we'll talk about in a little bit, and of course you can populate these and start to really push people.

Cash flow

Cash flow

There's not really any other way to get information besides , a bounty contract, and a UAV in this game, so we want to focus on cash flow early. Now that we're in the second circle, we're going to go ahead and do this safe cracker contract right here. This is basically a scavenger's contract; there are three locations where we've got to detonate C4.

You'll see this play out; it's a great way to actually get cash; they don't go too far, and you see exactly where the three are. It's a little bit different than what a scavenging scab used to be like: you got the first one, then the second one, then the third one; with this one, you can clearly see where all three of them are.


By the way, I'm going to swap to this M4 right here; we obviously know it has three attachments now. It says that I have two. Either way, we're going to go ahead and push it in, and this is going to give us a ton of cash. The actual safe will also give us a ton of cash once we actually do it. I mean, with two, we're going to have three people alive by the time we finish it, but with seventeen hundred dollars a person, that at least allows us to buy a loadout gun for one of us, at which point we're a little bit more comfortable, but right there.

I mean, with four grand. I can already buy a t-cap back, and then of course we're going to start working towards getting our loadout guns; you're going to see how that kind of progresses. Loadout is a little bit of an interesting dynamic in this game, and there is one little bug that we do need to talk about with the free loadout that I need to make you aware of, so right here Going back to the regain process and just kind of the overall strategy because of the fact that it's slower because of the fact that there is much less information when it comes to audio and weapon pings, you know cash flow was going to be crucial so that we could get uavs, we could obviously get our loadout guns, because we couldn't buy a full loadout, but we could still buy loadout guns.

how to win warzone 2

We're going to plant the C4, and we're going to go ahead and detonate. I mean, I died when First Circle hadn't even started yet, and we're just now back to full strength. Now, right here. I'm finally going to be able to buy my loadout for five grand; we're going to go with the prime aircraft here, the HCR, at which point I need to be thinking about the fact that I need to be looking for a secondary, you know, a vasnav or an AK-74u.

Maybe a shotgun, just something I feel comfortable with for now. For now, I'm just going with the M4, but on top of that, when it comes to cash flow, I'm going to drop my money for Rob's. I'm going to be able to buy his primary gun, which is going to give us a pretty big advantage over other enemies just for the fact that we've got more range, we've got less recoil, and we feel more comfortable with them.

how to win warzone 2 gulag

You know, it's something that we have built ourselves now. I want to highlight this right here in terms of our backpack notice: that I have a self-revive equipped, and I also have a self-revive provided in my backpack if I were to get sniped and use myself. I don't know why I dropped that one as opposed to this one, but now all of a sudden I don't have a self-revive.

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