News - How To Get Better At Warzone 2 Easily. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks

best warzone 2 tips

So today I've got some more Warzone 2 tips and tricks that are going to help you improve the game incredibly fast, and the best part about all of them is that they require no skill. I'm not going to be teaching you any tactics or anything that you're going to have to actively implement; instead. I'm going to tell you things that you can change right away and things you can set up before you even hop into a match that are going to increase your chances of winning those matches exponentially.

The audio in this game is completely scuffed, and the amount of times I have died to some little bastard running out from behind that I can't even hear killing me, it's getting ridiculous. However, I do have some settings that you can change with your audio that are going to make it at least bearable.

Now, the first thing you want to change is your audio mix to headphones with bass and boost; for me personally, this is the best at highlighting footsteps, especially if you look at the exclusive Aces article we did on the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer. He, too, suggests using headphone bass boost because this is going to give you the clearest footstep audio in the game.

how to die less in warzone 2

What I've done is changed the My Music volume all the way down to zero because I found that sometimes in Warzone at least there seems to be some music playing for some reason; I guess it's to add an atmosphere, but it does mask other noises that you need to be able to hear like footstep noises, so I've turned the music volume all the way down to zero and then I've turned the dialogue volume down to 20 so that those announcers that are telling you that the circle's closing and the loadouts are coming are extra quiet but you can still hear them, so you still get those cues.

I've kept the effects volume up at 100, which means that I can still hear explosions really clearly, but it's also not affecting the footstep audio, and then I've changed my hit marker volume down to 70. You still want to be able to hear those hit markers to get that feedback to know that you're hitting your enemies, but if you're in a gunfight and you have your hit marker volume too loud, this is going to stop you from being able to hear anyone who is coming from the third party, so I've turned this down to 70, and then finally my voice chat volume is down to 10.

how to get better at warzone 2

To be honest, this could be turned all the way down to zero; however, if you are communicating with people a lot in proximity chat, then obviously you're going to want to have this turned up. I myself don't tend to do that very often, as I have my proximity set to push to talk. The reason I keep it at 10 is so that I can hear people when I'm in engagements, and quite often they do give themselves away.

However, I don't want this super loud. I don't want to hear all the children screaming in my ear in the pre-game, so I've turned this down to 10 so that I can hear people when I need to, but it's not overbearing. and overwhelming, next I'm going to quickly breeze over three class setups and three guns that absolutely anyone can use.

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It doesn't matter if you're a professional Call of Duty player or if you've literally just started playing the game today; these three classes pretty much play themselves; they are that good. The first one we're going to talk about that I did go over in a article is the RPK. I've gone for the TAC 597, the barrel of the Aim OP V4, which is absolutely incredible and overpowered, the lock stock KT85, the F-TAC Ripper 56, and a 762 High Velocity round, and that's about it for the RPK.

Next is the TAC 56, and for this I've gone for the 17.5 Tundra. I've gone for the schlager, ulo 6.5 laser, and the forge attack. Ninja the Fenik mag 45, the Fenix's stippled grip, and the agile assault. 7-Stock again. And then finally, I just want to go over the best throwables in the game. For me, I would always choose either a drill charge or a Semtech for my lethal.

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They're the staple; they're just a simple, sticky grenade. So many times in this game, you'll come across an enemy who is camped in a building, in a toilet, or on a roof, and drill charges are perfect at routing these little rats out. I smoke on the floor and then I throw the drill charge to the left of the door, and this cracks the enemy, which when coupled with the smoke allows me to push out onto the rooftop and take down two enemies in a 2v1 situation.

how to hear footsteps in warzone 2

cheval chevaltacticals I would always suggest, if you want, that you take flushes now in Warzone 1; however, everyone was running stuns. The stun effect in Warzone 2 does not last anywhere near as long as it did in Warzone 1, plus once you are stunned, you can still see, which means you can tell if someone's in front of you.

This also means you can still shoot when someone is in front of you, and then the aim assist will do the rest with a flash. The screen goes completely white, just like the flushes in this game look like you've just been mooned. By God himself, the flashes in Warzone 2 are incredibly strong, and when you couple that with the lack of footstep audio in the game, if you flush someone, they have no idea where you are coming from, and this means that the aim assist isn't going to help them because they're not going to know when to shoot, and you'll be able to get some easy kills.

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But anyway, guys, I really hope that these tips are useful for you. I really hope that it helps you get some wins. That's it for me today; I'm just your average

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In this video, we're going to be covering some Warzone 2 tips and tricks to help you improve your skills at Warzone 2 incredibly easily! From audio settings to footsteps, we're going to be covering everything you need to get started and start winning! If you're looking to improve your skills at Warzone 2, then this Warzone 2 for beginners video is for you! By the end, you'll be able to play at a much higher level and have tons of fun doing it.
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