News - Free Animated Operator & Camo, Secret Season 1 Changes & More. Warzone 2 Season 1 Update

Another one looks pretty sick, and then there is the bioluminescent. The animated camo ended up getting the biggest update; it says the animation is bioluminescent. Has completely changed in addition to being faster; this is a big W. Apparently, there are new variants of gold camo and other types that are being shown.

I'm not entirely sure if this is going to be an unlockable reward; this might end up being in an upcoming bundle, but apparently there's just a new version of gold in the files as of right now, so this is what it looks like, but there's definitely a lot of cosmetics that are going to be coming out.

cod mw3 news

I'm going to be covering all the upcoming operator bundles, some in-game footage, some showcasing, clips of them, and all that good stuff here on the channel. Probably in tomorrow's article, we also ended up receiving a brand new store update and.

New store update operators

New store update operators

This brought in four brand new bundles. The first one is the Alabri Operator Skin, which features the AMR as well as the new Ram 7 weapon. We have the second one, which is called the Yo-kai Wrath; that's also another bundle that's now available; the third one is called the Aries, which is like that Nick MKS Jr.

Looking bundle, and the fourth one that we have is now the CDL pack, which is now live, so these are the four that are available in the store. I believe they're going to be updating the store every two to three days. There's a whole lot of bundles that were added, which I will be making updated articles on and showcasing in an upcoming article most likely tomorrow.

More season 1 updates scheduled

cod mw3 update

Just a reminder: today's update is actually just the first update of many that we're going to be receiving in the season 1 update, so for example. Le Call of Duty has already added another update to the database; this is update 1.35. I'm not entirely sure what this is going to involve or what's going to be added to it.

More than likely, the huge holiday update or CODAS event is going to be in that update, and then we're going to get a little bit more going on with that. You have the event; you have the brand new map updates, for example, the winter version of Highrise, as well as the winter version of the shipment being added.

On top of that, there's the event, the rewards tab, and all that good stuff, and even on top of that, there's also going to be weapon balance changes, adjustments to stability, and all that good stuff that's going to be added to War Zone right now because War Zone just started, they're taking player feedback, and they did say just play the game out.

cod news

Try it out. Try all these different weapons, and they're going to figure out and try to balance these weapons accordingly. If there's something that's too underpowered or something that's too overpowered, they're going to end up updating and fixing it in this next big update that is scheduled to come soon, so there's definitely a lot to go over and a lot to look forward to.

We have upcoming operator bundles. I'm going to go over and talk about all the free rewards in upcoming articles as well. Also, if you missed today's patch note articles, we talked about all the different changes and the new features.

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Everything new that came in the season one update that I didn't talk about here I already covered in the last article over there, but over these next couple days we're going to keep going on and covering even more information in regards to season 1, some surprises that are going to come in other operator skins, and more because data miners have already started going into the files.

But that's all that I got for you guys here in today's article.

FREE Animated Operator Camo, SECRET Season 1 Changes MORE! Modern Warfare 3 Season 1 Update.
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