News - New Warzone 2 Content Update, 10. Free Rewards, Patch Notes (warzone 2)

New mw3 content update

New mw3 content update

Welcome back to a brand new article. In this one, we're going to be going over today's brand new update. I am going to also be double-uploading later today. We're going to go over the season 2 battle pass operators. I did double upload as well yesterday, and I went over the season 2 operators, so the ones coming into the store The crossover events that we're going to get with The Walking Dead and Warhammer, if you're interested in that.

Feel free to check that out after this article, but that was the first article that we jumped into in regards to the season 2 update that we're getting in just under 2 weeks.

New playlist update, weekly challenges, & upcoming new content

But anyway, let's go ahead and jump into today's article. We got a brand new playlist update that was brought in 24/7. It brought in a new mode, which is team gunfight, to summarize the mode.

cod content update

These are the modes we received with today's playlist update. They have also confirmed that headquarters mode is also going to be coming in within the mid-season update. From now all the way up until the beginning of February, within one of the playlist updates, headquarters should be returning as a brand new game mode in Call of Duty as well.

The next set of brand new items that we received is the week eight challenges, which are now currently available for you to complete. Here's just a screenshot of what some of these challenges are. If you complete week eight, you will unlock yourself a brand new weapon blueprint for the MTZ 762. This one is called Urgent Business.

This is just a quick showcase of what it will look like, and if you complete all 8 weeks, you are now able to unlock yourself the brand new coherence weapon camo. Unfortunately, it's not animated. This is what it will look like in the game. You only have a couple of weeks to complete all the weekly challenges.

Once the season 2 update drops, all these are going to be refreshed. There's going to be a new set of weekly challenges and rewards, and there will also be a new Mastery camo that you'll be able to unlock. Speaking of brand new camos, we have a brand new update to.

Vought week event & rewards (fast xp guide)

Vought week event & rewards (fast xp guide)

The event tab The VA Week event has now officially started. By equipping the boy operator skin, if you own it, you will get yourself a 2,500 XP boost per match. Here are the rewards: You get yourself the American hero weapon sticker at 10, 000 XP, then at 23, 600.

XP you'll get a 1-hour XP token at 42, and at 100 XP, you get the crime analytics. The next one is going to be a 1-hour double-weapon XP token at. 67, 2 XP. You also get the compound V weapon charm at. 10, 460 XP. You also get the soldja boy shield large decal at 148, 000; you get the Vote International at.

21, 300; you get the laser baby calling card at. 29735; and then the next one is going to be a double battle pass. XP token at 44 14, 000, and the final reward is going to be at 5735, is the making hero super mastery camo. This is what it will look like in the game once you complete the entire event.

Shout out to Austin 6 for the footage to complete this as fast as possible. I would recommend longer modes, for example, domination, hardpoint, or any of these modes that have objectives that you can complete and can give you a lot of XP from doing them. I usually play War Zone; you can play VLE Log Down.

Resurgence: any mode of War Zone usually takes longer to complete, so that will also give you more rewards. You can also complete your daily challenges. You get around 5 to 10, 000 XP for every challenge that you complete, and that brings a total of almost 50, 000 XP right off the rip just by completing challenges.

Just to remind you, this event will only be one week long, so next Wednesday at 10 a. M all the rewards will be going away, so if you don't hit that XP goal, they will be going away, and you won't be able to get the rewards. They will be replaced with the next boys event, and that will be called the soup Siege.

Supe siege event & challenges (final the boys event)

Supe siege event & challenges (final the boys event)

We also have seven different rewards that you can get, but this one is not going to be XP-based. You'll need to do six different challenges, and here's what they are: Get one operator for heat vision elimination in boy mode, which will get you a calling card.

Deactivate 20 pieces of equipment using the Dos reward of an emblem, and get four operator eliminations using the MTZ 762. You got a battle pass tier skip, get two operator eliminations as a single life with the overkill vest equipped, five times you get a large decal, 15 operator akimbo eliminations, a weapon charm, and get seven operator eliminations using lethal equipment will get you a double XP token.

cod mw3 free rewards

By completing all these challenges, you will unlock the boy's special LMG weapon blueprint for the tack eradicator. This is an early look at what this will be, but that will go live next Wednesday as the final one, and then after that event ends, we will be jumping into season 2, which is why I'm going to be having so many articles going up to cover what season 2 is about and what to expect from that before that update even goes live, going on to the next topic.

New cod ban & moderation system update

We got an update to the chat moderation, so if you guys remember, Call of Duty launched an AI that would pretty much listen into the conversations. If you said anything that violated the rules or guidelines, they would do a report. This AI would report you, and what would happen is that Call of Duty or Activision would review this case, and if they did see that you said something that violated their rules, they would then enforce a chat ban, which would be just like a chat restriction.

cod mw3 news

You won't be able to talk or listen to people speak. That would be for a set amount of time, depending on how many times you violated the rules. Usually, this does not ban you from the actual game itself; it's usually just a chat voice ban. But here's what they said because they've implemented it: A couple months ago, they punished 2 million accounts so far in regards to this, and apparently, it is now 50% less toxic in Call of Duty lobbies, as they mentioned when it came to banning these players.

Only one in five people was reported by another player; the rest of the four were actually reported by the AI system, so they were a little disappointed. I guess other players aren't reporting people who are violating these rules. They said to encourage more reporting. We've rolled out messages that thank players for reporting, and in the future, we're looking to provide additional feedback to players when we act on their reports.

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