News - Fallout 4: Aac - Q Honey Badger - Warzone 2022 - Weapon Mod Showcase

It's just a little bit stronger than your average modded gun. It's far better for me to say nerf something. I'm usually against all that, but, you know, you could take it down a little bit, but that's fine. There's something as a player that I could do, which is just use a lesser receiver instead, and then I can balance it to where I want it to be, but I'm not going to do that.


I like big damage numbers, okay, and I realize I haven't used the fourth one. I've made all that much so far, so let's see if we can kill these Gunners before the giant super mutant over there gets accurate. He's currently walking away, which is a pretty good thing, so if we can get the drop on all of those super mutants before they even get themselves into combat, then that'd be a pretty good thing.

We'll just creep in a little bit closer here. We've got a gunner there, a little baby gunner. What did you have? That was it; I didn't know the sketch's name; no, that's not one. Okay, Gunner just got squashed by the giant mutant; we've already killed one of those, but we'll swing around and finish it off just a little bit later.

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But first, we've got some. Raiders to take care of the ones it'll usually run away from. Yep, he's out of here; he doesn't want any part of this, and that Sheila tried to stay behind. I think she would change her mind right before I got that final blow-in, but well, that's not my problem, mate, so let's just use this thing a little bit in third person because I haven't used it that much at all and haven't really shown off the animations as such, so hang on.


I just got attacked by a bear, please don't, that's what you get, you get exploded like that, and yes, tactical reload animations are. Whoops i didn't mean to do that. I wanted to crouch, actually. My brains will not be splattered today, Mr. Mutant, and honestly, whatever you do, just take care of yourself.

You're even worth the bullets, mate. And now that we've got this little position here, we'll take out that white for it for a start, and then we can get back to sniping. That's a one-shot kill to that guy over there; probably won't be one shot. That guy's a little bit too far out; can we catch that Centaur through the hitboxes we can, and that one will go down as well, each of them folding and slowing immersion because of a New Vegas cinematic kill mod that I've installed, which doesn't cause crashes at all, so don't worry about it now.


One night, he'll go down with a 4.4 critical, and next up, we've got Mr. Enforcer and a knight in a canoe who say they're unstoppable but are in fact stoppable after all, and we've only got two left. I feel like this thing is just totally crushing and dominating, like that's a super mutant warlord tear bullet sponge right there, and it's just cut through him in 10 bullets, which you get through pretty quickly, so yeah, it's kind of insane the power this thing has, so where the wolf fighter wants to adjust that, that's up to him, but I will say that it could probably be turned down a notch, but we'll finish this off by shooting at all of these mutants.

We'll just stay put and see if we can do this without being detected, and mind you, I'm going to back off now. I'm not a big fan of that giant mutant encroach, so I'm just rattling the trigger until I get enough hits to finally finish him, and now I think this fight's over, mates. Just put your guns down, and you can all live; actually, I'm going to kill you anyway, sir.


That one's only got a pipe gun. You are severely outgunned here. You have no idea how outgoing you are. So that was a little bit of a crazy run. Not a single bruise to show for it. So yeah, that was the Honey Badger slash Chimera from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It's a great fun weapon that you just put together really well, and the customization is awesome.

The sounds are from Call of Duty, so that's great. The animations have been pointed in beautifully, and the weapon doesn't make the game crash, which is a big plus for me.

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