News - Dual Kodachis The Better Melee Weapon Warzone 2. Combat Knife Vs. Dual Kodachis

[intro] how to unlock and overview

[intro] how to unlock and overview

There's a new melee weapon in Modern Warfare 2, and you're probably going to want to unlock it because it's pretty good; it has different stats than the combat knife, which makes the melee experience much more enjoyable. Dual Kadachis are available in Season 2, but you need to be at least level 25 and have enough tokens to unlock them.

If you're watching this article after Season 2, there will be a unique unlock challenge that you can complete. In Modern Warfare 2, there are currently five total stats that make a melee weapon unique. that's right These two melee weapons do not perform at the same level, and the last step I'm sharing is the most important, so don't miss it.

Melee speed comparison

The combat knife swings at a rate of 118 times per minute, which is extremely fast for a default melee weapon. For reference, the e-tool in Black Ops: Cold War was the fastest at 104 times per minute, so 118 is impressive. The Dual Kadachi's swing even faster at 130 melees per minute; at that rate, you could chop up an entire team in less than three seconds, so feel free to spam melee non-stop until your blade connects because there's really no penalty in doing so a .

Melee range (lunge & reach)

Melee range (lunge & reach)

Another noticeable stat is melee range. For melee, you need to consider the lunge range as well as what I like to call the "reach range." Lunge range is the same between both of these melee weapons; you'll trigger a lunge at exactly two meters on the combat knife and the Dual Kadachis.

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Reach range is when you get a non-lunge kill when you swipe your blades and get a hit marker. This is where the kadachis have yet another advantage over the combat knife because its reach range is half a meter further at two and a half meters. The combat knife doesn't even have a lethal reach mechanic in the first place; this extra reach range improves melee consistency tenfold.

I'll explain why later there also is a non-lethal. Reach range is for when you're meleeing with equipment like claymores or the barricade for this example, and the knife has this at one meter, and the kadachi is again a half meter further at one and a half meters, so in total, the kadachi just gives you more range to work with.

Ttk/ctk (click-to-kill)

Ttk/ctk (click-to-kill)

Time to kill is another stat that can shape a melee weapon, and yes, melee weapons do have a different time to kill.

Movement speeds

The only downside with the duo kadachis is one of the less exciting stats, which is movement. As you can see on the screen now, the kadachi's sprint speed is slightly slower than the combat knife's, and I really mean slightly when I say that the combat knife is the fastest sprinting weapon in the game.

The Dual Kadachis are more like a normal assault rifle, maybe even an SMG. It's not brutally slow like when you're running around with the LMG or a launcher, or like how the Dual Kadachis were in Modern Warfare 2019, if I remember correctly; I think those were extremely sluggish. But that's not all.

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It turns out the walk speed for the duo kadachi is actually faster than the combat knife for some reason that probably won't come into play much but is something to keep in the back of your mind. I also want to test the crouch speed, and the crouch beat on the dual kadachis is slower than the combat knife, so overall the kadachis move slower than the combat knife, but the reality is that in most situations that slower movement speed isn't going to hold you back that much. The last stat and the thing that I find most important is sliding.

Slide delay

Slide delay

Now, for those of you that are familiar with the knife in Modern Warfare 2, you probably noticed there's a huge delay before you can melee when you slide; it's like you have to finish the slide before it lets you melee, and I hate this; it is such an annoying feature of sliding.

The one mechanic that gives you movement options to be less predictable and let you close the distance without losing too much of your momentum, when I was using the kadachis. I was glad to see the delay from sliding was much less severe than the combat knife. There's still a delay with the kadachis, but it's almost to the point where you can melee nearly immediately after you slide.

I timed both of these weapons out, and the knife has a whopping 617 millisecond delay where the kadachi's is only 400 milliseconds, so yes, the kadachi is in fact way less clunky when it comes to sliding, and that's what I love about the kadachis in general.

Are the dual kodachis good?

They're less clunky, and they feel like a traditional Call of Duty melee weapon.

The combat knife is really fast, but it feels horrible when you need to slide around a corner or dive, and then you're waiting for that delay to cool down. The Kadachi family should address all that and fix it. The extended reach on the Kadachi feels great. I'm landing most of my melees where I think I should land, where the combat knife is wily.

There are plenty of times where I think I have a kill with the combat knife, but I just end up swiping the air repeatedly and end up chasing someone down for an extended period of time. In my humble opinion, the kadachis are way better than the combat knife; it's the new go-to for melee, and you should unlock it ASAP if you are a melee enthusiast.

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The only advantage and use case for the knife is for its sprint speed; it's still beneficial to have as a secondary if you want to move to an area faster in games like Search and Destroy or in ranged play, but other than that, the dual Kadachi's are way better.



I'll catch you on the next article, which is hopefully one of the ones on the

The Dual Kodachis are a new Melee Weapon in Season 2 of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2! This review shares how they are statistically different than the Combat Knife, the pros and cons to using each, how to unlock the swords and more! Stay Connected with me.
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