News - Easy Way To Complete The Horde Hunt Event Warzone 2



Season 2 of Modern Warfare 3 has brought a lot of new things, including a brand new game specifically for zombies called Horde Hunt. I'm going to cover and explain how this event works, the rewards that we're going to be getting from completing the tasks related to this event, and the easiest way to do these tasks.

Let's get into it.

Event & rewards overview

Now The event itself is actually very straightforward; it's a very simple grab of different items that drop from zombies as you play through and wz, very simple right but it starts to get a little bit more complicated when you start looking for specific things, such as skulls that drop from armored zombies now.

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Bas zombies are probably the easiest; obviously, all you have to do is just defeat them, and every five kills or so, depending on whether I haven't really exactly found out the ratio yet, these zombies are just going to drop some bones, which is simple enough to collect. Every set of bones is about 10 bones, and obviously, as you can see, we go through a bunch of different rewards as we collect certain amounts of bones (75, 155).

So on and so forth, you get a bunch of different perks and some different tools. My point is that the base zombies are not complicated to understand, but now the armored zombies are when things start to get a little difficult. What they don't mention is the fact that this doesn't mean the light armored zombies that you see in Tier 1 and Tier 2, but rather the fully armored zombies, which are usually found more often than not inside of Tier 3, making it very difficult to collect 600 skulls.

I have some tricks on how you can get skulls really easily in Tier 3, but I'll see that later on in the article. Unfortunately, we don't have anything related to the dog, and it looks like a mimic, yet obviously this is going to be coming out later, as you can see from the coming soon signs. What I'm going to assume is that we have to defeat dogs and probably mimic or just boss zombies in general.

fastest way to complete horde hunt event

Whatever they end up dropping, such as dogs dropping a femur, we'll actually be able to collect those and get to a certain point where we can unlock the calling C dogs of Hell or the cursed ammo when we fight the mimics. I haven't seen a release date for these two, so we're just going to have to wait, unfortunately.

But the rewards for completing this event are actually really great, especially if you're a big fan of zombies. You get a bunch of different items that are very useful when you drop into the game in the first year: defeating the base zombies, getting the bones, getting a new weapon charm from defeating all the different armored zombies, getting the skulls, which I personally could take or leave, and we just talked about the dogs of Health calling card and the cursed ammo, which will probably fire something really cool.

I'm looking forward to that one, but the main reward is obviously going to be this brand new operator skin kill shot. Now, I think this is awesome. It goes very well with the zombie vibe; it's very apocalyptic. Based on this, I am absolutely a huge fan of this. I'm really looking forward to actually playing as him once we are fully able to unlock him, but now that we have an idea of what we're going to be getting and how to do it, let me show you the fastest way to get all these different items.

Collecting bones

Collecting bones

I'm going to start with the bones with the bait zombies because, again, it is the easiest one to go through, but there are ways that you can get this done very quickly. What I recommend is obviously going and doing a bunch of different contracts. Now obviously some are going to have more zombies than others, so I recommend going with the Spore Control contracts.

Outlast contracts, and honestly, some of the xils, you're going to have a bunch of different zombies fortifying you as you're trying to exit, and I have gotten well over 250. Bones, just from trying to fill them before now, are not a bad choice to go with any of these three. Of course, running around and just slaying out a bunch of base zombies in Tier 1 is also a great idea, but if you want something more focused while fighting some of these other guys, these are going to be some great contracts to go and do this for the armored zombies.

Collecting skulls

fastest way to finish horde hunt event

Yes, you can find these guys in tier 2, but they're not very common, and it's going to take you a lot of time inside of tier two to find these guys, so what I recommend is that we go into tier three as soon as possible with a bunch of the different turret circuit cards. Make sure you have some decoy grenades, or at least monkey bombs, along with stamina.

That way, you can run around and dodge all the different zombies that run after you, and you can get away from the dog super easily by using the decoy grenades in front of an activated turret, the giant turret. Of course, you can use Sentry turrets, but I recommend using the giant ones in Tier 3, and this is just going to mow down these zombies super easily.

There is no work involved; all you have to do is wait around for more zombies to spawn and repeat the process as many times as you can in one of my games. I got one skull right before I went into the Tier 3 area, and I came out with 50. I cannot joke that this is probably the best way you're going to be able to get some of these different skulls.

With these giant turrets, they're broken, so there's no reason not to use them now.

Collecting dog drops

Collecting dog drops

For the dogs. I mentioned that we don't have anything for them yet and we don't know what they're going to drop, but to get prepared for this, let's talk about some contracts that spawn them continuously and are guaranteed to spawn dogs. Your best bets are going to be Outlast contracts; they absolutely have a hoorde of them coming after you escorts.

They also usually pop a bunch of different dogs, not as many as Outlast, but still some dogs show up and raid weapon stash. There's also not a ton, but these do guarantee that you're going to have some dogs spawning towards you if the drop ratio is the same as the regular zombies. This is going to take a little while to do, so doing these contracts back-to-back is going to be your best bet to get whatever these dogs drop when they're unlocked, and For the final bit.

Collecting mimic drops

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I'm going to assume we're going to have to fight mimics because it's been very specific on the other three items, and there's one place that is guaranteed to have at least one mimic in them, and that's going to be infected strongholds. Now you could go to Tiers 1, 2, or 3. In the higher tier that you go to in these effec and strongholds, there's going to be more mimics hiding inside of them.

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