News - Here Is The Best Xp Farming Method Warzone 2 Zombies (horde Hunt Event)

all horde hunt rewards mw3

Event and rewards

Modern Warfare 3 just released their latest event The Horde hunt and if you're looking to farm as much XP and be able to collect as many bones and skulls as possible then you have come to the right article the new horde hunt event has a couple of challenges for this first week requiring you to kill zombies in any of the game modes whether it's multiplayer Modern Warfare zombies or war zone and in return you need to collect Bones from zombies, and also skulls from those armored zombies as well in order to earn some rewards for this event however in Modern Warfare Zombies is the only location, within two to three games that you can complete both of these challenges and I'm going to show you exactly how you can do that in this game mode now I highly encourage my zombie Community Players whether you are brand new to the game or season to complete this event hord hunt challenges.

Because the first couple of challenges actually reward those Modern Warfare Zombies players, you're going to be earning a lot of legendary and epic ether tools as well as perks, and also a ray gun case for you to be able to use in game now even though the last two challenges have not unlocked this method.

If they don't patch, it will work best when completing these challenges as well. But lastly, let's go ahead and take a look at the Horde Hunt event rewards, or at least the final reward that you get, which is the Mastery of the new camo skin Swagger, which looks really cool.

Fastest xp farming method for horde hunt event / weapon xp

Fastest xp farming method for horde hunt event / weapon xp

I've discovered a new method that can get you 3, 000 to 5, 000 bones collected if done correctly, as you're seeing on the screen right now, and I'm going to show you exactly how you can do it. That, so when you first load into the game of Zombies you actually want to select or grab an Outlast contract specifically you want to grab the Outlast contract that I'm highlighting here on this map because this one's going to work the best in order to farm, as many zombies as possible during this cont contract, now there is no surprise here you're actually going to just start the contract as you would initially playing the game mode out and completing the status bar all the way up until 95%, this is one of the better contracts because there is a lot of open space for you to maneuver and move around in, however when you do reach 95% you're going to want to open up your map and cancel the contract at 95%, it glitches out this contract and allows for these zombies to just continually spawn in this location, as if the contract is still.

Going, now there will be El leite zombies for the first 5 minutes that it will spawn that you'll have to defeat but after 5 minutes goes by you don't see any of those lead Zombies anymore it's just going to be the regular tier 2 zombies that are spawning in this location, now the most effective farming strategy that I found for this location is you're going to actually go to the left and into the kitchen and in that area there's going to be a window right here that is a perfect spot where zombies don't come in from but you have an easy exit if things get a little too crazy for you to kind of go out and then come back in if, needed so once you are in this position you can then just start farming zombies and killing them one by one collecting the bones that you need. But let's talk about the best setup here.

Best setup for this farming method (weapon and perks)

Best setup for this farming method (weapon and perks)

You can use whatever weapon you want to if you are trying to gain weapon XP for any weapon that you've unlocked; however, if you're trying to collect the bones, the weapon that I do recommend is the tack evolver, mainly because you can put the 200-round mags once pack-a-punched goes to 400, and you have 1, 000 backup magazine rounds for this gun, just allowing you to be able to spray and prey and kill as many zombies as possible, being able to collect as many bones as possible, for this farming method.

There are now a couple perks that I do recommend that you bring into the game when doing this farming method. Is it to actually go ahead and bring a PhD flopper and speed cola? It's also going to make your reloading faster, and it's also going to allow you to take the damage from the dogs or take no damage from the dogs when you destroy them and have to walk into the fire to collect any bones.

Speaking of those hellhound dogs, this method is going to work if they don't patch it since the next unlock for the challenge will actually be killing H hounds, so this is a location and a method that you can use to farm those H hounds in order to get this mission or get this actual challenge completed even faster.

For the next steps, we have around 260 bones currently collected. We started around the 40-minute mark in terms of time remaining for the game mode, so let's go ahead and take a look at what or where we're at in terms of bones collected around the 30-minute mark.

Bone collection results after 10 minutes

Bone collection results after 10 minutes

Mark in terms of time remaining for this game mode, so 10 minutes have gone by since we did start this initial method in farming these kills, and since then we've actually gained 8, 000 bones collected just within that first 10 minutes, which is something that is a huge result to see because it allows you if you need a thousand bones to collect, you can just do this in 10 minutes, collect those bones, and then fill or play out the rest of the game as well, so we're going to check in how many bones we have collected at the 20 minute mark as well with another 10 minutes, so another.

Bone collection results after 20 minutes

10 minutes have gone by and 20 minutes are still remaining on the game mode, and as you can see, we are at 2, 000 bones collected again. We're averaging about 5,000 bones collected every 10 minutes using this method, which is a huge deal because, again, if you need 2, 000 bones to collect, to complete that first section of challenges of collecting just the bones, you can easily knock this out in one game, and then finally another 10 minutes have gone by and we are at 3, 000 bones collected, on pace to get 4, 000, and then 5, 000 if you play out depending on where the storm is based on where this contract's at.

Bone collection results after 30 minutes

At the first challenge, you have to collect 10, 000 bones, but if you're using this method and you have this contract, then you can actually probably collect 5, 000 in each game and be done with this within two games, but realistically, it will probably take you about three games to actually complete both challenges for this specific farming method now.

I call it right here with around 3,200 bones collected because I did finish the contract. I did finish the challenge specifically, and it does pop up and remind you where you're at in the challenge, so you do know. However, let's go and take a look at the next challenge.

Here is the guide to farming kills and maximizing your bone and skull collections needed in MW3 for the Zombie Horde Hunt event currently taking place.
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