News - Did Infinity Ward Try To Ruin Warzone 2i. Mw3 Leaked Development Information

black ops cold war zombies

For this game I do think if this never happened and actually you know they were given significant time to actually work on this game let's say 3 years I think Sledgehammer would have been able to have enough time, to actually separate part of the you know the core Studio there to actually work on a Zombies mode and I'm sure they would have wanted to if Activision told them make a Zombies mode I think Sledgehammer would have had enough time to actually make a Zombies mode but since they only had 16 months for this they had to get working on that multiplayer which is why this game is such a collaborative effort between Infinity War Treyarch and sledgehammer and I guess even Raven when you talk about war zone as well and what that's going to have to do, once we get the wars and updates next month so yeah very different than you know usual Call of Duty title that has its full development time and I feel like this is stuff we kind of suspected all the way back when it was originally planned as DLC which this article also does confirm that yes it was originally planned as an expansion. But it was quickly turned into a full premium title, likely just because they realized they could probably get more money out of that, and this next piece of news pisses me off.

Advanced warfare 2

Advanced warfare 2

Apparently. Sledgehammer Games' team initially pitched their next Call of Duty title to be set in the advanced warfare world after they finished Vanguard, but Activision told them they were working on a new Modern Warfare for 2023.

Instead, this drives me nuts because, yes, I've heard even more information about Sledgehammer and how much they want to make another Advanced Warfare game, apparently. They wanted to do that all the way back, probably two other times; I think it was before. You know, when World War II was released, they wanted to make an advanced Warfare 2 directly after Advanced Warfare, but of course, with the whole infinite Warfare Black Ops 3 thing, people were getting sick of the advanced movement.


We needed to go back to our boots on the ground. You know, the World War II era, so that's what they did, and then with Vanguard, that's what they wanted. They did not want to do Vanguard; they wanted to do Advanced Warfare 2, and then they had to do Vanguard, and then after Vanguard, what do they want to do?

They wanted to do Advanced Warfare 2, and what were they forced to do? Modern Warfare 3. It's like Sledgehammer just can't get a break, and it's no surprise to me that so many developers from Sledgehammer have constantly been leaving the studio. We keep seeing it all over the place that developers are leaving developers are leaving and that's even happening in the other studios because they're probably just getting fed up with the fact that they're not able to do what they want to do and instead they are forced to just do whatever Activision thinks will make them more money, and then after all this, when they finally got to actually start working on Modern Warfare 3, apparently the story was initially supposed to be a smaller-scale Modern Warfare story set in Mexico.

Mw spin-off in mexico

Mw spin-off in mexico

But in the summer of last year, Activision executives rebooted the entire story to be a direct sequel to Modern Warfare 2. That is insane, to me, because obviously the game being made in 16 months is already pretty crazy, but you're telling me—you're telling me—that in the summer of last year, that's when they decided to actually stop this development on this campaign that we're working on.


Let's actually just do a straight-up sequel to Mono Warfare 2 and just be what the sequel was meant to be. why would that be I don't even think Infinity Ward would want this because it makes no sense you're going to rush the sequel to Modern Warfare 2 which is supposed to be Modern Warfare 3 if you compare it to the OG Modern Warfare 3 this big, large scale game with war going on it's literally World War III that's the whole point of the original Modern Warfare 3 and this game just ends up being what it is and like I said I've complained about it more than enough at this point but it would have made so much more sense for a game that did not have a lot of development time to be a smaller scale spin-off mon Warfare story and apparently like I said it was going to be set in Mexico, that would have been great we had so much story in Mexico in monford 2 they could have focused on that they could have had Alejandro back they could have had the whole story with valer.


Valeria i can't even say her name, and that would have been so much more interesting for this game because it would have been known as a spin-off story; it would have been marketed as a spin-off story; it would not have been Modern Warfare 3; maybe it would have been like modern warfare. I don't know you could have put some subtitle there that would have worked Modern Warfare Mexico I don't know I don't they could have figured something out and it could have had some sort of just separate spin-off that's more character-driven it doesn't have to be large, and our expectations are automatically going to be smaller and we're just going to hope for a good story with some good gameplay, and that would have been fine but instead, they Rush a sequel to Modern Warfare 2 and obviously that did not work out in their favor there's a lot of things you can take away from this article but I think one of the main takeaways I have is that Activision just really needs to stop getting so involved.

Activision needs to stop

Activision needs to stop

With what these studios want to do for their games, Activision needs to just let them make the game that they want to make, and yes, I'm even saying that for Infinity Ward. I'm even saying that for Infinity Ward, they need to stop getting involved. people who are really passionate about what they want to make and are able to make it without any studio interference.

It's as simple as that: when the best stuff is made, and if you're not into that stuff, if you don't enjoy it, then just don't play it, don't watch it. Whatever you can complain about, you can still have criticism, and I'm completely open to criticizing the game design of these Call of Duty games.


Of course, if I don't like it. I do think they are feeling too similar nowadays. I felt like ever since Modern Warfare 2019. And it's as simple as that, but the problem is that they keep having these issues where things are canceled halfway through development. For what studio? I mean, hopefully not Sledgehammer, because if that's Sledgehammer making that game, what are they going to do?

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 MWIII Leaked Information from Bloomberg and Charlieintel about the development of Modern Warfare III Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies.
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