News - Don't Be A Victim Of This Disaster. Warzone 2 Warzone Weekly Challenge

Jak wardens lockwood mk2 aftermarket part

Jak wardens lockwood mk2 aftermarket part

Hello folks! Welcome to week five of season 3, or season 3 Reloaded. I was really upbeat when I got up this morning, really looking forward to making today's article. Normally, with these articles, we find out what the new attachment is. I will walk you through the five quickest challenges. You get to have a bit of a laugh at me pulling my hair out in multiplayer and getting a thing unlocked, and then I come up with another load out and give it a go and let you know if it's any good or not.

Today is a little bit different; we're doing a real cut-down version, and you'll see exactly why in just a moment. I'll even briefly show the weapon builds that I handcrafted for this challenge to make it as smooth as possible. Here we go. I'm in multiplayer mode right now. We're about 30 meters out from this target.


Here, one shot kills the chest. Lovely at this range, about 28 M, two-shot kill to the chest. Nice, but this is how this gun should be used. You find them in single fire, and they're usable up to this kind of distance with chest shots. What I'll say is that you've got to be flipping accurate, but that's the way to do it.

That's the way to do it. The reason you don't buy both at once is because something weird happens with the recoil and the bullets just fly off all over the screen, so you have to alternate fire like this. I think they've done it this way to make it a little bit different, a little bit quirky, which I get once we get past the 13 m point that one shot chest shot becomes a two shot chest shot, and then even weirder, this was a two-shot kill just one meter that way, and now watch.

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This makes the bullets disappear into thin air because they're outside the range of the shotgun, so you've probably seen that with dragons' breath. Rounds, honestly, tell me how that makes sense. I don't know if that's what they've gone for anyway. I tried it in multiplayer. It's something a bit different.

There's a novelty to it. Maybe you want to try it out in multiplayer. I did it wasn't loads of fun.

Jak wardens 'best' loadout

Jak wardens 'best' loadout

I'll be honest, it wasn't loads of fun. So multiplayer is fine, but there are just so many other guns out there that are just way more fun to use. So yeah, here's where the real issue lies: we're now in the war zone firing range. Okay, if you weren't aware, the damage values change between multiplayer and war zones.

So, where were we before? We were like, we were here, weren't we? This was a one-shot to the chest. Now a three-shot to the chest. Bearing in mind that these dummies aren't plated, we put plates on them, gave them five shots to the chest at that kind of range, and I'm pretty sure I'm just going to run out of ammo to get this guy.

Yeah, what is the point we're being trolled? I've been absolutely trolled this week. I'm a glass-half-full kind of guy, but this is a half-full glass of rancid, sour, moldy old rats milk.

30 seconds of multiplayer 'highlights'

30 seconds of multiplayer 'highlights'

Right, I don't want to do this; this is going to be awful. You know, could it be fun in multiplayer? but, no, it's not fun. So what's the point? awful, awful How do we sign this article off?

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Don't do it; just don't do it, folks. So that's essentially all I've come to tell you. I unlocked it. I did it. Even the challenges weren't fun, but there we go. I've tested it in both ranges. Hopefully, the value I've brought you today You know to not waste your flipping time. What a waste! I'm going to remain positive.

Next week, we will still have another weekly challenge. I'm hoping next week is the full auto conversion for the M16. The M16 is not a bad gun, but where it's always been short is that it's the burst fire that holds it back, so make that thing full auto; it could be a little bit like the M4, so I am genuinely looking forward to that one.

akimbo shotguns mw3

I'm sorry I've not been able to bring you a more fulfilling article perhaps this week, but what I have delivered to you is the absolute truth about this week's challenge without overhyping or trying to make it out to be something it's not. I'm going to go off to Gr Corner and rub my ears a little bit, and then maybe I'll look at getting the bow 27 unlocked instead.

I hope you appreciated the honesty, but for now, I'm out.

NEW Season 3 weekly challenge, the Lockwood Mk2 JAK WARDENS aftermarket part.
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