News - Claim This Free Bundle Now. Free Bundles, Blueprints & More. Warzone 2

It usually takes them around a couple of days to get back to you, but when they do, they will grant you all the missing items. Also, there are the pick-me-up rewards. These rewards really aren't the best—not as good as these viewership ones—but you can get a 30-minute Double XP token. Two of them You can also get the chef's kiss weapon sticker, and that's by correctly predicting the different outcomes of the matches.

You have to just go in there, log into your account, predict the entire bracket, which teams you think will win, and what the score of each match will be, and depending on which ones you guess right, you will be rewarded for them. But anyway, let's go on and talk about the free bundle that you can now claim in Call of Duty.

Free weapon blueprint bundle now available!

Free weapon blueprint bundle now available!

This is the Raceway 2080. This is going to be available until February 22nd, so you have a month to collect this or a little, just under a month, and here's everything that this bundle contains. You have the Victory Lap for the Fenic 45 SMG weapon blueprint, the Speedway for the SP x80 Sniper weapon blueprint, the Tess tires, which are a large decal, the fast AF loading screen, and the speeding Cod emblem.

This is just a quick showcase of what these items will look like in the game, but to unlock them, you will need to claim them through Amazon Prime. You can simply click to get in-game content, and you will get it granted to you. All you have to do is restart your app, and you should be good to go.

cod mw3 free rewards

If you don't have Amazon Prime, you can't start a free trial. The only thing that it requires is an actual credit card. As long as you cancel the trial before the expiration date, they will not charge you anything, and you can get this bundle for free. If you don't have a credit card, you can ask your parents, siblings, or anyone who does have Amazon Prime if you can connect your Call of Duty account to theirs and be able to claim the bundle that way.

It is once again limited until February 22nd, and it'll be replaced with something else. For those of you guys who don't own MW3, you can still claim this bundle; it's available in MW2. War Zone, and MW3, so whichever game you are currently gaming on, you should be able to get it if you play COD Mobile.

cod mw3 free update

There's also a prime reward available for you. This one is called the locus, which is the side swindler. The epic weapon blueprint gives you a code when you claim it. It's a one-time use that you claim in COD Mobile to get your reward. I don't play COD mobile but I did get a code so here it is on the screen it's available to the first person that claims it once again you can do the same thing you can start a free trial and get that with this one I would recommend though that you start your free trial on the last day that this Prime pack is available, they usually get replaced on the 22nd at 10:00 a.

M pacific Standard time so if you do it a couple hours before you claim the bundle and then you wait there will be a new bundle that will take over and then you can claim that second one and then cancel your trial the only hard part about this is reminding yourself to actually claim it the day that it goes away so you have to set some sort of a reminder anyways As of right now, there are still MW2 bundles being released.

I'm going to guess that in a couple months, they're going to start dropping the MW3 weapon blueprints, so MW3 weapon blueprints will start coming in. Also, considering we didn't get an operator added this time around, the next one will probably contain an operator skin as well.

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Thanks for watching! subscribe, like & comment for more!

Anyway, that's pretty much all the topics that I have for you guys here in this article.

CLAIM THIS FREE BUNDLE NOW! Free Bundles, Blueprints MORE! - Modern Warfare 3.
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