News - Breaking Warzone News. Warzone Quality Of Life Improvements

the buy stations will now be accessible 30 m into the gas that was obviously a big problem in war zone 2 if the gas touched a bu station it would then close, this is now amazing because now you can make plays with your gas mask go buy things for has teammates if there's buy stations that are in the storm up to 30 m, great change also buy stations will now show on your Tac map if they are available and then slowly fade away if they are not so again you will know on your tack map if somebody can res there so there's no more arguing with teammates like yo res me like can I res you I don't know and then you die because of that you will see it on your tack map as well as your teammates, if you can go in the gas and actually buy them a great change is also the slide distance is now increased by the slope incline.

mw3 integration

So basically, if there is a higher-sloped hill, you could actually slide farther down the hill, which is obviously a great change. It works in games like Apex Legends and things like that amazing quality of life change, so when there's a fire sale, it will be discounted by 50% off, and they have also nerfed smoke grenades by 20%.

Personally. I think that's a great change because most of the time people only use smoke grenades in War Zone 2, so now stuns and flashes Gas grenade stems again, and with stem boosting, many things will become a factor in your tacticals and lethals, not just smoke grenades. One of my favorite changes is that armor boxes and ammo boxes no longer have a delay when they're deployed on the ground.

mw3 map

As we know, when you throw down an armor box or something, it takes a second to open up. You have to put in a lock and key. It takes time for no reason now. You just throw it down, grab plates, and you're good to go. Same thing for an ammo box, so now a loadout will cost $115, 000. I'm assuming in quads and not $20, 000, which was just absurdly expensive, and loadout cost scales are based on squad size, so I'm assuming it'll be $155, 000.

For quads, around $112, 000. For trios, I'm assuming $10, 000 for duos and $8, 000 or $7, 000. For solos, my math may be a little bit off there, but loadouts are cheaper. As we know, there's a stronghold on the map now. If you leave a stronghold, it will neutralize the stronghold, meaning you will know if somebody is camping a stronghold because it will not be neutralized and you can actually go recapture it, but if it is active, you know there's going to be players there, which is a great change.

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There was nothing like going past a stronghold that you didn't know was a stronghold; a team was camping on it, and they had a UAV pinging on you over and over, but you didn't know that they were there. That's an amazing change, and I think a lot of people thought about stealth vests, which no longer counter advanced UAVs.

mw3 update

So if you're a team that is really playing for those big game bounties and have enough money to pop three UAVs, which are expensive, and get an advanced UAV, it will now show all players, even players that have a stealth vest, which is how it should be. You shouldn't be able to get a stealth vest, and then be kind of there's also a less extreme default first circle, so you know, obviously, as that first circle starts closing, there's times that it would pull way across the map and be super fast.

This should now happen less often. One of my absolute favorite quality of life changes is that they have now decreased on protection time from 10 seconds to 2.5 seconds, so therefore, in normal Battle Royale, if you are floating, from a goog or from a RS, you only have 2.5 seconds to then kind of find where you're going to land or land on your team.


No more floating for 10 seconds, where you can be live pinging players for your team or just scouting out information, and basically where your Invincible Thanos are in the sky, that's not happening anymore; you only have 2.5 seconds. Amazing change, in my opinion. There should be no spawn protection, but we'll take this change because 2.5 seconds is basically nothing to some people.

It's been a long time. What do you mean by that? The other thing is that now there's a reduced slowdown from landing from a jump, so basically, when you're jumping down from a surface, you aren't going to be kind of stuck in quick sand for a second, and the realism aspect of War Zone 2 is thankfully going away.

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You're just going to be able to hit the ground and keep running. Like the article game that we're playing, now in the new war zone, scavenger contracts are back—one of the greatest contracts of all time. In my opinion, to regain teammates and things like that, they will always have guaranteed plate carriers, which is a great thing, but honestly, I'm just glad that scavenger contracts are back.


Most Wanted contracts also guarantee a Goog entry kit in the supply box. I think that's a great change that will make most money contracts, honestly pretty usable now if you're in trios or quads because at least one person from your team will then have a Goog entry kit who will probably be up for debates and arguments who thinks that they're going to win the Goog for the team if they die.

We'll see, but that's a great change from a Most Wanted Once that's completed, you grab the supply box, and you get a guaranteed GLO entry kit. Another great change is that the input delay when getting in a vehicle to accelerate has now been reduced by 50%. Again, we're not hopping in a freaking tank over here; I want to hop in a Hellcat.

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We're hopping in the Hellcat, and we're just going all right, so now it's 50% reduced, which means the time to accelerate and start the car moving has been reduced by 50%. Amazing, amazing change. It's not going to be like you're stuck in quicksand trying to drive, put the car in first gear, and all that.

warzone 3

No more of that. You're just going to get going and get moving. I'm personally absolutely stoked about the new war zone last year. Let's just pretend that it didn't even happen. We just woke up, and there's a new game dropping. We're excited, but honestly, with all this news, I'm actually very, very stoked to play the new game and have an actual skill gap in the game.

I know a lot of people are going to be angry about that, but that's why I'm here to teach you guys a lot about the game because I know that with a skill gap comes me where I can actually teach you guys new movements aiming for things like that, and honestly, that's where a lot of people love it, where you have a reason to play and have a reason to grind to see yourself get better.

I'm excited for the fact that Wednesday is going to be a huge day. I'm going to be reading and responding to a ton of comments. I love you guys, as always.

The updates you NEED to know before the launch of Warzone. JoeWo was invited to a call with the Warzone development team and got MASSIVE news about the Quality of Life changes and improvements coming to Call of Duty Warzone in Season 1.
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