News - Best Meta Loadouts After Season 2 Reloaded Update Warzone 3

warzone 3 loadout

Load out here and one unique thing about this I do want to talk about the barrel, this short light Barrel does hurt our recoil but gives us some really nice mobility and handling bonuses, which is why I do run it now if you wanted to run this as like a sniper support or just have more range in general you could totally switch to The Reckless, long barrel because its only penalty is Sprint to Fire and the Sprint to fire is already so fast that it's not that big of a deal just know you will struggle a little bit more in very close quarters fights if you elect to do that again running the Zen feel free to switch to the Sonic suppressor if you want to stay suppressed iron sights are okay on the wc9, but generally I do prefer an optic and again if you don't want to run like an MK3, feel free to put on something like the Jack glassless, especially if you're going to use this as a sniper support next we'll talk about the ram 9 in purple and you will see it is the second fastest time to kill with A Time to Kill of 585.

warzone 3 meta

At Close Quarters it does have a very quick damage range drop off though so after 10 m that time to kill starts to drop off and it's really dominant at close range but because of its recoil, and time to kill it does struggle a little bit more at mid-range making it not quite as versatile, the accuracy ratings are pretty solid on this kind of right there in the middle so one of the big weaknesses of the ram n here in the middle though is one that damage range but two it's Sprint to fire time it's a bit slower than some of these others so if you get caught sprinting to bring that gun down you have to then add that into the equation so when we go back up here and look at that waited time to kill plus Sprint to fire you're going to see it is slower than both a wp9, and HRM 9 now this build I did recently start running and that is because they buffed this Speedway short barrel and it used to have a really bad penalty to your aim down sight speed but with this build we can get the Sprint fire down a little bit more to 999.

warzone 3 meta loadout

Milliseconds now we are not running any sort of muzzle on this so no ZEM or suppressor, but this barrel does help some with our recoil so it is an okay trade-off but then penalizing our range so it's kind of a tricky thing if you are not getting caught in a sprint you're not a super aggressive player this thing is your best gun for pure close range fights though so still a fabulous option in the game right now moving on to the amr9 in green which is the fastest time to kill SMG in the game and it also has some insanely.

Good range, however, it does have some kind of big flaws to it, and that is because when we factor in sprint to fire, its time to kill is the slowest because it has just a bad sprint to fire time. Accuracy is also good but not great for it, although I would not consider its recoil bad in any sense.

warzone 3 meta loadouts

I think we do need to adjust this recoil rating of 1.5 because it's really not that bad. I think it's a pretty average recoil type gun, but you're going to see its handling is very poor Sprint of fire of 132. Reload speed is not great, and mobility is not great, so if you're not a very aggressive player and you like to just, you know, play and hold angles and stuff like that, amr9 is probably your best bet, but if you like to use movement, that's not going to be your best option.

warzone 3 season 2 reloaded

In this build, we are able to get the Sprint fire down to 122. With this option here and we're going to get some of these bills updated on the website just had a lot going on so you will see these data reflect more a little bit more accurately on the website but one thing that's nice is this Barrel has an integrated suppressor so although it doesn't look like we're suppressed we will be suppressed with this barrel and it does actually help our Sprint ofier time in handling quite a bit hurts our range but still a damage range of 20 M which is still Best in Class of these SMGs, the iron sides are horrible on the AMR so definitely recommend going with an optic again feel free to switch that to the Jack glassless if you wanted now I get asked a lot about people running this with the no stock I think the only decent build with the no stock is take off the barrel put on the buffer tube no stock and then I think if you go with something like the Zen or even the Jack The Recoil is, manageable.

But it's not great, and you're actually also going to take off. I'm sorry for the solar flare for that, so I don't really like this build because the recoil. I think, is just too much, and even with that, no stock still has a slower sprint to fire than that other build at 128, but we do get much better mobility if you really want to try it, but again, there's better options if you want to use movement builds.

warzone best loadout

One final build to look at is the striker 9, and you will see it has the slowest time to kill of all of these SMGs at close to mid-range, which kind of takes it out of the meta conversation. But it is still a very good option I wanted to throw it in there as well cuz it's just easy to use good Mobility, good fire rate all that good stuff so if we look at the build here few different options you can run it this one is kind of a little bit more of an aggressive build and you could feel free to take the optic off and run the iron sides as they are not bad at all that was the case I would probably say go with something like high grain instead of the optic or if you want a lower recoil, option switch out this stock for the Recon series stock and if you want to say suppressed you can switch the Z for the Sonic, again a great option but I would not classify it as a top tier meta option now before we up I do want to quickly touch on the best two snipers in the game there's really only two snipers worth using right now number one the xrk.



Stalker, this one now has a one-shot headshot capability; up to whatever its effective damage range is, this is pretty much the max range we can get it to at 75.7. M, so if you head-shot someone up to 75 M, it will down them quick. FYI if you go into the firing range with this, even if you put it on three plates, it will not take one shot.

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The firing range is incorrect. When it comes to its damage range values, I get asked this every time, and people are like, Ah, you're lying, it's not a one-shot. I promise you, it is a one-shot headshot in the game. The firing range is not accurate, but this gun did get a slight buff to its ad speed, so with this build 523, millisecond ad speed, which for War Zone 3 sniping, that's actually decently fast.

warzone meta loadout

But this option has such good range and pretty good handling that you can use it in a relatively aggressive situation. Now if you want a sniper that has an unlimited range for a one shot head shot then you have to use the cat AMR and you do not have to use explosive ammo or anything like that for it to be one shot it is unlimited range one shot but the downside to it slower handling so about almost 100 millisecond slower ads speed with this build also the bullet velocity is not quite as well a little bit under 1, 000 bolt velocity still not bad at all but the stalker I think is like 12 or, 1300 so that gun is just a lot easier to you know because you don't have to lead your shots with compared to the cadr so in short if you're playing Resurgence definitely go with the xrk stalker but if you're playing big map the canr probably the better option really quick when it comes to sniper supports there are really three main SMGs I'd say to use for Sniper support the wp9.

Sniper supports

Sniper supports

And the HRM 9, and then also the AM 9.

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These are the BEST META Loadouts in Call of Duty Warzone 3 Season 2 Reloaded. TCaptainX includes the BEST SMG METAs in Warzone alongside the BEST Snipers and meta class loadouts for close range and long range fights. Become a YouTube Member to receive exclusive perks.
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