News - All 17. New Bundles Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded. Ultra Skins, Tracers & The Boys. Packs Re-released

breaking news

This is DK Dynamite, and tonight we're going to be talking about the 17 plus bundles that are coming in season 1 reloaded with a new Trailer Plus.

New update live in mw3

New update live in mw3

The good news is that War Zone now officially works. Everything is back online; nobody should be stuck in a fetching online profile. Loop when they boot up the game mode. Champions Quest has also been re-enabled by Raven software.

Gameplay trailer for the new event

It probably won't be both of them, just one of them, but I'm sure they'll both end up being released before the end of next week.

Now it is confirmed at the end of the trailer that all three original bundles from MWW's, the Boys Collab, are going to be back for a limited time in the MW3 item shop, which includes Homeland. Black Noir, and even Starlite. I already saw Starlite back in my shop as of the other day, so I guess Homelander and Black Noir are going to quickly follow, probably over the next week and a half, just before the end of season 1, but the finishing moves do look absolutely fantastic, as we got a glimpse of in the new trailer today, but hackers obviously went ahead and force-loaded these new operators into MW3.

And you can fully get a glimpse of both bundles for At Train and Firecracker. The At Pack does come with the skin itself, two blueprints, a finisher, a loading screen decal emblem, a calling card, and even a charm. The finisher looks absolutely mental, kind of just reminiscing on some scenes that we did see in the boys TV show, and then for the Firecracker Bundle, the finishing move is also pretty badass, pretty funny features the skin herself, we got two blueprints, a finisher decal emblem calling card, and even a charm now before we continue with further bundles for the midseason.

Play this new experience for free

Play this new experience for free

War Thunder is the most complete vehicle combat experience ever developed. You can use more than 2,000 tanks, helicopters, ships, and planes in real PVP battles. Every vehicle is incredibly detailed down to their individual parts, which offers a real immersive gameplay experience. War Thunder is free to play on the PlayStation, Xbox, and even PC.

If you're looking for a fast, action-packed match or even something tactical that's rooted in realism, then War Thunder has you covered with intense battles for all play styles. Those who love customization in their games won't be disappointed with War Thunder, as there are hundreds of camouflages and historical markings you can place anywhere on your vehicles.

You can even equip 3D decorators like bushes and equipment. War Thunder doesn't require any extra pilot hardware, as you can fly any aircraft using just a mouse and keyboard thanks to the intuitive Mouse Aim mode, or you can choose to use a controller. The game offers incredible detail in 4K resolution, with some of the most authentic sound effects and music that create an atmosphere you likely haven't seen.

I'm personally blown away by the amount of action I've seen in the game, which had no impact on the game's performance. Typically, if there's too much going on in certain games, you'll notice stability issues, but War Thunder honestly runs smooth as butter. But be sure to check out War Thunder for free on Playstation, Xbox, and PC with a special link.

New crossovers leaked for mw3

New crossovers leaked for mw3

Now, obviously, with the release of Reloaded The usual data miners over on Twitter have posted lots of new information that does apply to season 2 and beyond, and what they went ahead and confirmed based on the data M from the recent patch is that we're supposed to be seeing two more crossover events with the boys.

As I brought up in a article just the other day, the actual event that we got added with reload wasn't the event they initially marketed, nor was it the event that was mentioned in the patch notes. So clearly, there's another event that's just around the corner, featuring a different set of challenges and rewards, on top of another XP-focused event that will feature a VA-themed camo, and it's an XP-focused event that does kind of go along with the release of the A train operator bundle.

So that'll probably end up dropping at some point next week whenever the bundle does and if you run the A train operator you'll get an XP boost towards that event so two more collabs before the end of season 1 unless they save these for future Seasons which I completely doubt and also when it comes to a Walking Dead collab we got new updates on that so not only did the Rick and maon operator names get of mind but there is a Lucille, themed barbed wire Universal camo which is clearly tied to a Walking Dead collab right it's referenced as such in the games files so I'm going to guess that's going to be something we end up seeing in season two to go along with the release of the new spin-off show the ones who live which is also going to be a show featuring Rick and Michonne.

We're apparently also going to be seeing a Warhammer 40K-type celebration within Call of Duty. It's unknown what the content's going to be with that collab—will it just be a bundle or will it be an in-game challenge event? It's unclear what that will entail; that's probably for a future season.

All upcoming ultra skins, tracers & more

All upcoming ultra skins, tracers & more

not season one or maybe even season 2 but that is something that is going to be coming to the game in the future now aside from the A train and firecracker bundles, which kind of got fully previewed with the new trailer, and I know dat M has already posted several pieces of gameplay of these operator skins and finishers, there are 15 other packs to expect, which should be dropping before February 7th, that's a supposed start date of season 2 according to the in-game battle pass timer, but here's the other sets of packs that we should be seeing over the next few weeks we first up I have the Cryptids Heart of Ice Ultra Skin, but I'm not sure why it's called an Ultra Skin.


I think that's been a really misused label in a lot of bundles in MW3. Usually an ultra skin is heavily animated or reactive and features Tracer blueprints, but no, this is apparently an ultra skin that doesn't feature Tracer blueprints, but there are still two blueprints featured in the pack: a loading screen calling card, a charm, and even a double XP token.

Now we have the Tracer Pack Star Forge Pack, which will feature two blueprints with galactic tracers and vortex dismemberment. Also in the pack, we have what looks like a loading screen emblem, a decal calling card, and even a charm. We then have what is called the Tracer Pack Clear Cut, which apparently hasn't been force-loaded into any hacker game yet.

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