News - After 2 Years. Warzone Is Finally Back

cod mw3

It gives me a lot of relief. Vibes—just a lot of it, and that's a good thing. I was pacing, and that comes down to player count. Let me just loot this, and then I will explain that to you because, well, the way they talked about it was kind of complicated, not the number of players that they're going to have; that's actually a very even round number that is easy to remember, and it is 100.

I know some people have been looking for 150, because that's what Verdon dropped with, and like other battle royals, they kind of have this 100 player count, and that's kind of what separated War Zone from other BRS in the market. But they were like, We feel pretty confident right now that 100 players is the way, and the reason they gave for that was, What is it called?

I have my notes. Here it's time for action. Time to action is essentially just like how long it takes you to get into action in the game mode. They obviously did not give away any of those metrics because, like, that's proprietary, but one thing they're focused on is making sure that you have good action right away.

modern warfare 3

U counter UAV just went live, you get good action right away, and then also the game doesn't slow down because in this game mode this is probably a poor example, but right now, like. I haven't seen anybody, which I don't necessarily hate because that way I can get my crazy riot shield melee Loadout glass before I have to get into a gunfight and try to win this game with as few kills as possible.


Look at that; we already have enough. Let's go break this glass, vandalize some property, and go get our buy, but they want to make sure that not only is the beginning of the game fast-paced, but they also give you plenty of opportunities to get back in the fight with Second Chance. Mechanics i believe is the word they use and just like that we got our perk class someone just took a vehicle out of here but they want a busy start to the game and then they want a busy middle of the game that's been probably the biggest issue on this map so far what you doing down here buddy I mean I have zone for right now so that's good which actually brings me to kind of my second Point not the best segue it's more like a bicycle M Street going off right over here hopefully I can find somebody, would have loved to get a UAV don't have the money to do it my a redeploy pack speaking of there's two of them in here I wish I could Ste this I'm going to drop my ammo cuz I'm not going to be needing that pick up some plates because I'll probably will and then tell you about another thing they changed to, make the pacing a little bit more sustainable so the map itself ö San that's the name it's a fictional.

Stand, not somebody's name; just you know there's a lot of stands on the map. I feel like I heard somebody in here, Heran, which is 20% smaller than the map I'm currently playing right now, Alaza. Finally, we got a recon drone. I keep thinking I hear somebody. Whatever, we'll just throw it out right here.

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This is a bad spot to do it, but I'm going to do it, Gas. In relocating the map, do I get my load out and go immediately back for that person? I'm going to do it, so yeah, the map's smaller, and that is because they think it will increase engagement and also make it better to pay. Let me go prone, so this guy doesn't know I'm here.

sally is a dog

Look at him up there on the mini map, running away. I'm coming for that phrasing. I'm going to kill them. He's going to get in that vehicle. I can almost guarantee it. I thought I had hit all the mines, but apparently not if he sees me. He's definitely going to try to run me over, with circles taking less time.

They are also doing a lot of different things with the contracts around the map and with how guns behave. The OGs here will remember that in War Zone 1, especially in Elzra. But also on Kera, though we try to block that out of our minds, if you didn't have a suppressed weapon, you showed up on the mini map.

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You had a big red dot, and anyone who was anything remotely sweaty would then push that. They would try to find you and kill you. That's why one of the most popular attachments in that game was the monolithic suppressor. It was kind of bugged; it gave you like all the bullet velocity in the world; it had no downsides, basically you say off the mini map; and it made your gun better give me another redeploy pack bomb drone Precision.

sally is a dog warzone

I'm actually going to call on this bomb drone right now so that I can see where people are. One Homie Over Here, anyone else is by me; let's just check if there should be people rotating out of Zone. This gentleman down here, I just want to scare him a little bit. You see me; I see you. It's fine i can get you upstairs if you want.


I'm assuming that's where you're going to go. Everyone always goes up here. Suck didn't matter; I really wanted to pull my parachute there so I could make the top. I'll do one more for good. Ler, okay there's one kill I hope this stops the people from like asking me to do this all the time but it probably won't they're also bringing back a contract I'm sorry I'm trying to go through this as quick as I possibly can I have throwing knives in case this guy Peaks the window They're bringing back the contract big game Bounty so it's not just a bounty contract, in fact it's so much more than that it is if you get a kill on your Bounty it gives you an advanced UAV he's right in the window what if I hit this one did you guys see him there at the door I'm probably doing some cool Zoom I don't have stuns back yet otherwise I'd full sun this the responsible thing to do here is wait for them to rotate the irresponsible thing is to try to hit this throwing,.

warzone 2

Knife, no way; I just like the location; well played, but if he thinks he's getting a free rotation, you're very wrong. All you did was just make me a more dangerous player. Where'd you go? that's all to say that these time to action changes, all these things that they're making are like one of the most important metrics that they're focused on and that's straight from the horse's mouth there was not actually a horse on this developer call but it's a metaphor let me hide this so I can read you my other note things few more changes that we got to go over and then I'm going to give you a very, very long list of quality of life changes because there were a lot of them in fact it I don't know it reminded me of like a very large XL Spreadsheet where did this person go, you Precision me and then you did nothing wouldn't surprise me if they're just like tanking gas because they're so scared of me and my throwing knife prowess maybe they went low towards that bu building but then they got in a fight with the other person I saw my bomb drone so how far do I got to go I should take a car to get there away we go me and Laura cof so they changed around the goog.

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