News - A First Look At Warzone 2 Season 2 Gameplay

Final notes on modern warfare 3 season 2's first look

Final notes on modern warfare 3 season 2's first look

But anyway, that's what we learned about the upcoming multiplayer content for Modern Warfare 3. Admittedly. I'm a bit surprised that we saw these previews early on in the day but then did not get a full blog post detailing everything coming in the season regarding season 2, like a full reveal, but alas, that's what happened, so we'll keep it posted and covered on everything as it happens here with this.

I'd wager that it's honestly any day now at this point; usually we see the full reveal drop about a week early. The latest that we'll see is the Monday before, so this upcoming Monday, but we'll see. It could be tomorrow, Friday, or could be that Monday though I'm not really expecting that. I kind of feel like the battle will be on Monday.

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the reveal of that, but we'll see anyway. So far, with the first look, I like what we see. I like that we're finally getting enough maps that you'll probably see original maps. a decent bit in the map rotation as opposed to just the remastered maps from 2009's Modern Warfare 2. Very backwards compared to recent years, absolutely, but we talked about why that is already.

I'm just happy that we're finally getting enough new stuff, and based off the season one maps. I do like them—a grind map and meat—and two maps that I think play pretty well in Greece and Rio, so we'll see if season 2 can deliver as well as for the war experience. Looking forward to that. I really do enjoy War It's just playing the same thing over and over again; it does get a bit repetitive, so it's not really something that I play a whole ton of, so I'm looking forward to jumping back into that.

But anyway, that's the first look at season 2 in the gameplay trailer accompanying it.

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Thanks for watching! subscribe, like & comment!

That's why we're going to wrap it up before we do, though make sure to check out my friends over at Gamer Advantage for what I firmly believe are the best glasses on the market. I've worked with these guys for nearly 3 years now and cannot recommend them enough. I think they're the most lightweight, comfortable, and durable frames on the market that I've at least seen, and I definitely think they've helped my daily productivity.

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