News - 5 Tips To Instantly Improve Your Aim Warzone 3. 0 Best Aim Settings



This article is going to give you five tips to improve your aim inside War Zone 3, and this will improve your aim instantly if you make these changes. What you want to be able to do is land your shots at range like you see me do right here and easily snap between those targets as well, which is the main focus of this article.

As you can see here, this is the kind of aim that we're trying to achieve.

Pick the right guns

The very first tip, and this goes without saying, is to pick the guns with low recoil. Obviously, that's pretty standard at this point, and the reason why we make a lot of class setup articles and also a lot of best gun articles and all that kind of stuff is so that you know which guns have low recoil, which guns are the best guns at the time, and then also what the best builds are.

Make sure you can control those guns in general, so obviously, make sure you've got the correct builds and picked the correct guns. That goes without saying, but there's tons of articles already on the channel about that.


Tracking and snapping

The first tip is kind of tracking your target as well as snapping between targets now both of these things are actually quite difficult to do it's probably the hardest thing to do, out of all the tips that are actually on this list of what's going to help you get better aim now the hardest thing to do here is to snap between targets I'll be perfectly honest now on keyboard and mouse this is very easy to do very accurate as well and if you get your sensitivities correct then you can pretty much snap between targets super easy with keyboard and mouse now, on controller is a bit more difficult and is a bit more difficult to try and show you exactly what I mean without aim assist as well because there's no targets actually here to aim, on.


But this probably a b example, anyway just for the controller players out there so let's say there's a Target inside this truck for example and there's a Target in that window you want to be able to snap between that one and that one as quickly as possible so let's say you finish frying this guy here you want to be able to fry that guy next as quickly as possible, and you need to make sure your settings are correct and we'll go over the settings in just a second but the main focus here is practicing here and then getting your aim up there now what you want to do is you want to fire, stop firing stop adsing as well in some cases and an ads again, you don't necessarily want to be like spraying all the way up in there cuz that's not how you're going to track it well and it's going to take a lot more time for you to do that so if you're spraying, you're spraying all your bullets away as well in between that time which is not what you want to do you don't want to waste the ammo.

And also doing this swipe motion here when you're not displaying ads is a lot quicker than doing this swipe motion, and you also want your ad sensitivity lower than the standard sensitivity anyway, so you want to get used to flicking without adsing. Now, in some cases, if a target's pretty close, you can obviously do that, but for the most part, if it's that kind of distance, you want to make sure that you're firing, stop firing, or stop advertising in some cases as well, and make sure you can track that target.

So that is just a lot of practice to make sure you're going from here, then to here, then to here, and then back again. And it's just a lot of practice. Obviously, you want to get some straps in a bit of movement as well, so it's a lot easier to do, so this takes a lot of time and a lot of practice.

As you can see, it's not 100% accurate with the controller, and it never will be, and unless you're. I mean, an amazing player, but for the average player, this and then getting into here is pretty good, and that's good enough for most people. Obviously, it's not going to be 100% accurate all the time.



So when it comes to the snapping that we just mentioned, when it comes to the actual settings that are going to help, particularly with this instance, we're going to go through it right this second because you want to make sure you focus on your dead zones, because you want to make sure that when you are getting the maximum at your controller, you're able to flick pretty quick, so if you do a small movement, it's got to flick slowly; a fast movement will fit really quickly.

As you can see, the analog stick is moving here obviously along to indicate in which direction you want to flick to that target, so in the case of the window and the truck there, but like I said, this is something that's very important. You want to make sure your dead zone on your left and right sticks is as low as you can possibly go without the stick moving by itself.


Now some people do like having stick drift, and for those kinds of people, then. Obviously you can get used to that or do what you want with that one but I'm going to give you the basic tips that you need to actually get good aim, obviously the next thing that's important for this is your actual sensitivity itself now I recommend between five 6 7even and 8 I think this is the best range of aim sensitivity for 90% of people now obviously you do get some insane controller Gods on 2020 which is absolutely ridiculous but I find seven and eight is perfect for me that's the ones I've been playing on so it depends on how I feel on the day when it comes to response type you can choose dynamic or standard both are really good I just think dynamic's better between, snapping between targets I think that's where it does perform a little bit better, where as standard is kind of going to be more consistent, most of the time so it depends which one you want both of them are pretty good you can try it both and see how you feel but that is one of the set I do use next up you do want to use the custom sensitivity pair Zoom as well so if you've got a low Zoom optic.

I recommend bumping the sensitivity down now. Obviously, you might be snapping between targets, but when you do get those ads, you want to make sure you can land your shots of focus on the target. I think between a 0.7 and a 0.9 is really good; I've been between that and 0.9 and 0.85, which is really good too, but this is what I've been currently using at the moment, and when it comes to sniper rifles.

I do like to have a slightly faster sensitivity. I do think that helps a lot, and especially when it kicks in, it helps with sniping. And lastly, when it comes to an assist type, you either want default or you want Black Ops. The only two options you should be using are very similar now; there's not really too much of a difference between the two, so you can pick whichever one you think feels the best, but I actually think there's no difference between them anyway. I usually use Black Ops; I'm just going to keep it on that.

HOW TO GET BETTER AIM IN WARZONE 3. HOW TO LAND MORE SHOTS IN WZ 3 This video shows the best tips to get better aim in Warzone 3. 0 and also the best aim settings.
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