News - 20. Secret Tips Sweats Do To Drop High Kill Warzone Wins. Rebirth Island Resurgence Tips And Tricks

That's a really sweaty player right there, a really sweaty player, but we just CAU him lacking. You can kill sweaty players. It doesn't always have to be a fair gunfight. You could just catch them being stupid with their egos. A lot of these sweaty players have massive egos and they'll do some dumb stuff, just today, I or just today I had like a top 250.

rebirth island

Land right on top of a roof, right on me. My whole team slaughtered him. We killed him. That's how these players are; they have these massive egos, so they do dumb stuff. You kill them when they do that dumb stuff. Stuff, keeping the pushing going here boom, look at this reow right here, see how I reow that I could have kept shooting right there, but I want to throw them off a little bit if the fight's close like that.

rebirth island 3

Sometimes you can back away and then rechallenge, which gives you a little advantage. Advantage versus just fully committing right there if I fully committed good chance I died so instead I kind of I kind of go back looking for that nice little sniper head, shot now right here in a, second, hit that nice little snipe anticipating where my enemy is going back to that tip I gave you see how I anticipated I knew he was up there I just seen him running through that door this is the sweat I was going to tell you about this guy right here look at this we run away, resurch is disabled going for the next piece of cover find the little cover right here get behind it and just be patient boom shoot him in the back back, sweaty players do some stupid stuff they do some really dumb stuff they would Chase for a kill they would Chase they want those kills so they're going to do dumb.

Things, see that guy right there I could have committed to that fight maybe would have won but I know I'm in an area where I'm going to get third partied so I don't want to be losing a lot of Health right, now, going to go to this buy I'm going to get a self-revive and a little portable radar, thing about self- revives you need self revives in this right now car 98s are everywhere man you're going to get sniped so many times man it's crazy you need a self-revive at all times, boom easy little kill right there and we had bad reaction time and we still won that bad super bad reaction time and we still win that fight, you know sometimes it's cool sometimes you got to play it a little slow like that like how I laid in that bathroom when prone kind of threw that guy a little bit off.

rebirth island 3 tips

Guard, constantly looting heartbeat sensor right there little tip for you at the end game stacking up on stuff like heartbeat sensors portable Radars you don't always need uavs man uavs are $6, 000 that's a lot of money now especially now that they half the chest they half the money you get from chess I'm using a lot of portable Radars they're really cheap and they show you what's around you sometimes you just need to know what's around you don't need to know who's across the map there's a time and place for a UAV people always want to say, let's get an advanced UAV sometimes you don't need one man sometimes you just get one UAV you know cuz that money is hard to get now we're in a really bad time in this game there the money sucky, so I'm playing really slow right here right cuz I got 19.

rebirth island tips and tricks

Kills, ideally I could keep pushing right here if I want to get like 30 kills I could keep pushing, but I just want to get the win man in this situation I'm just trying to get a win I just I just want to get a win I don't think I've won today, boom easy snipe anticipating where people are see I don't even know if there's a guy there I just know there's usually a guy there I don't even know there's a guy there just like over there where I just aimed in I didn't even know there was a guy there it's anticipation, where do where are players Usually, look at that guy going up right here Try to get the snipe This is the super sweat.

Right here, this guy gives me a lot of problems. Right here, he gives me a ton of problems. You could just say, "Boom, see, we're plowing up." Though we're backing up, we're not letting the ego get to us; we see him pushing. I'm not going to just run right at him right here. You know, I could run right at him and be a psycho, but look at him.

tips for rebirth

Look at that crap that slides back and forth through the window, super sweaty player. I know there's a jailbreak. I'm going to back off, right? You don't have to fight everybody, dude. We're going to back off; we're just going to kind of get our bearing right here, pulling out that portable radar, kind of keeping ourselves aware that we have a jailbreak right here, now look in game so if you get the high kills right getting the high kills we got the high kills I'm focused on the win now I already got the 20, bomb, boom in the water I heard a little splash of water right there I straight up look in the water as soon as I hear the splash I'm looking in the water for a free kill.

I'm looking back because I saw who's fighting now. Boom, right here, six circles. We see the circles moving. This is the time to make plays. When the circle starts moving, think about how you can get an advantage and how you can get in front of other players. Most players at this time are sitting in a corner or they're in a fight right now, so I'm going to make a crazy play.

tips for rebirth island

I got a gas mask, and I'm going to rotate ahead G to get all the way across. Then I'm going to get up on this high ground, cuz I know if I know if I go down here, I'm pretty safe. I'm still really safe because it's hard to get up here. Use this little PDS station; those are very key, especially in team-based modes.

Another little tip for you: these PDS stations are opened up by stations. So if a buy station's closed, you throw a PDS station on it; it opens it right back up, but yeah, look, we're just going to stem here; we're not going to peak. I don't want people to know I'm up here. I could peak right now and start shooting people, but I'm just going to sit here because I don't want people to know I'm one shot up here and give away where I am.

right, and I hear a guy below me. You know I'm not going to immediately challenge him, and you know why I'm not going to immediately challenge him because there are only three other players. I want to use this guy. I want to let him fight somebody else so I can third-party that. Crap, there he goes, shooting right, boom, here comes a fight.

tips to get more kills rebirth island

This is what I wanted. Boom, easy clean-up. That was the sweaty guy I was telling you about, immediately looking for the next player. I don't see him, so I'm going to go to the next rooftop, pull out the heartbeat, and try to see where this guy is. I noticed he's right below me right, he went, he gets the first shot, so I'm going to reow, going to keep reing right boom.

I see him get some shots on him, get him one shot right one shot, only have two bullets in my gun, don't do that, do not do that, reload your gun, then push, okay. I could have lost that, but we got the job done, man, and there you go, guys. That's a little walk through a good amount of little tips for you guys to become a better war zone player.

20 Secret Tips Sweats Do to Drop High Kill Warzone WIns! Rebirth Island Resurgence Tips and Tricks.
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