News - 1 Best Tips To Improve At Warzone 2 Ranked Play. Fast

best mw3 ranked play tips

So back in Vanguard. I wanted to find a way to get better at the game, so I started watching what the pros did and taking notes on whatever I did to get better at the game, and I was actually able to come up with some tips that might be able to help you guys on your road to getting better at rank play.

I promise you, if you actually work on these tips, you will improve drastically. In any rank, seriously. I still do all these tips to this day by the way, and I know with these tips that I can go into the game every single day and learn something new and get better off of what I know. Anyway, guys, let's hop right into the article.

All right, guys, so coming to number one, we have bot training. Now, bot training is probably the biggest tip I can give you; it is going to be the foundation of all the other tips I give you today, so guys, look at bot training. I know it sounds silly. I know it sounds sometimes a little stupid, but bot training is huge.

All the pros do it. You should be doing it if you were able to identify what you're doing wrong and whether that's your aim. That's your movement, your attack—whatever it might be, you can fix it in bot training. Load up a private match, put in a couple bots, invite your friends, or do whatever you want to do, and just shoot bots all day long.

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I'm not even kidding. I've had days where I won't even get on the game to play; I'll just get on and shoot like 500 pots. For instance, recently I've been practicing a lot with the Rival, trying to get better at using it because it's kind of a hard gun to use. To be honest with you, unless you're really, really used to it.

I've gotten a lot better at it, but just little stuff like that, you can work on little by little, day by day, just work on those specific things in the bot lobbies. That way, when you get into games, you're a lot better at them. Like I said, this is the foundation. So all the tips I'm going to be giving you guys, you need to be doing this as well.

get better at mw3 ranked play

Along with the other tips I give you, these are super important, so stay tuned, all right guys. At number two, we have awareness. Now, awareness is one of those things that a lot of you probably need work on. I think everybody needs work on awareness; unfortunately, a lot of awareness just comes down to how much you have played that game or any other game, but it can actually be worked on, and you can get better awareness.

You just have to look in the right areas. Let me explain all right, guys. So one of the best things you can get better at is actually looking at your mini map, and I know that sounds crazy. Obviously, you can look at your mini map after last year. I think we found a lot of ourselves not looking at the mini map for red dots and stuff like that, but it's important to understand how to read the mini map, all right guys, so let's use P2 on sko as an example here.

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So what I'm doing here is actually looking at the top of my mini map, and I can see where my teammate is sitting and watching. Just by looking at my mini map, I don't have to ask him. I just know where he is, obviously, ideally on this hill. You don't need to say anything, but you get the point.

how to get better at mw3 ranked play

Look where your teammates aren't looking, or if you want to form a team, you can do that as well just by looking at your map and where your teammates are positioned. Obviously, guys, here's another one. I would hope you know this by now, but if you don't, that's okay because I gave you red dots. Please look at your red dots last, D.

I found myself doing this all the time this year, but I don't look for red dots in the map because last year's mini map was your best. Look for red dots on the map. If you see a red dot, you know where the enemy player is on your map. You basically have walls. If I see someone shooting around the corner, you can easily decipher whether you should call them out or wait for him to come around the corner.

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So to get better at this, what you can do is go into a private match like I said with bods and turn radar on always, and kind of just always have your eyes on that mini map just to try to get yourself more accustomed to using the mini map as your eyes. Now, this might be a little more advanced for some of you, but you can also see where your teammates are and decipher where the enemy team is going to spawn, and you can do all this just by looking at your mini map.

All right Guys, coming at number three, we have communication. Since we were just on awareness, I thought we would just go and segue into this one. Look, guys, communication is huge. I've had a big issue with communication before. I've tried to fix it before. It's hard it's not easy. It's called Tac Maps.

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From there, you can literally find all the links for every single competitive Modern Warfare 3 map on that website. You can have them put up beside you while you're playing or just study them. It does not matter how you really do it, but as long as you have the skills, you will be fine. I would also like to mention that a lot of people's names are universal, so some people will call something green or top window room or whatever; they'll have different calls for different things.

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Just try to get used to it; the more you play, the more coms you'll hear, and you'll start to understand what people are talking about. I know it sounds crazy, but you know what I mean when it comes to communication. Make sure you are enunciating your words and talking clearly and calmly. I know that sounds crazy, but I promise you, it makes the world's difference.

I used to have an issue where I used to slur my words, and I still have this issue to this day where I'll slur my words and not get out of calm, being too precise, or stuttering. Make sure you are being calm and telling your teammates what to do. If you are trying to be more of an IGL or RO in rank play, you can do that.

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You can learn that it's not hard to do. All you have to do is pay attention to what you are saying, and when you are saying it, just stay calm, relax, and just let it come out. You know what I'm saying. Pause All right, guys, so coming to the last tip, this is actually one of the most important tips, in my opinion.

improve on mw3 ranked play

It's actually game IQ, and I know it sounds crazy. It's a lot like awareness, where a lot of time you can't really get game IQ without playing the game just a bunch, but there are a lot of different ways to get game IQ than just playing the game. I cannot stress this enough, guys. Go watch how they play and don't necessarily pay attention to their gunfights, their movements, or whatever.

Pay more attention to that mini map of theirs and see where people are respawning and what routes they are hitting, because, I promise you, I know it sounds silly. Watch how they play; their job is to completely maximize how the game is won, and they're going to win the game in the most efficient way possible.

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