News - Win More Warzone 2 Solos Today. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks



So we are well into the swing of Warzone 2, and if you're anything like me, then Warzone 2 solos are going to feel scarier than opening a brown envelope with urgent on the front of it, but I have no fear because in today's article I want to give you a comprehensive guide on how to get super easy solos and wins.

These Warzone 2 tips and tricks are going to help you in your solo games to no end, and I promise you that by the end of the article you'll have a good understanding of how you can get in a position where you're going to be able to win a lot more games. Now, before we get too far into the article. In return.

I offer to bring you amazing Warzone 2 tips and tricks content as well as Modern Warfare 2 tips and tricks content, and I promise to upload the result of the slap bear on New Year's Day, but With that out of the way, let's get on with the rest of this article.


For my strategy to be effective, you're going to want to find a drop zone that is on the edge of the circle and, then, choose a safe cracker.

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The safe cracker will get you enough money, but the fact that it's on the edge of the circle means that you're eliminating a lot of RNG. Here you can see that a couple of people are dropping with me; the key is to not break the contract, which a lot of people will Out for the contract, and they will find themselves in the middle of nowhere.

With no loot, if you die in the first 10 seconds, that's no great loss.

Mid game

Mid game

Now, once you have completed the safecracker contracts with all of the loot that you have found, you should have a hefty amount of money. The reason that you need this money is because you want to set yourself up with a decent primary and a decent secondary, and once you have these things in place, the midgame starts, and this is where you're going to have to be careful, and this is where you're going to have to be intelligent.

Like I said, if you want high kill wins, then this isn't the article for you, because I am literally just showing you how. To get these solo wins in the easiest way possible, as you can see here. I'm going to wait for the circle to close in on me so that I have the most amount of information possible.

best warzone 2 tips

This is going to allow me to assess the situation and see what my next move is going to be. I am in a bit of a sticky situation because there is not a lot of cover between me and where the next circle is going to be, but in the distance there to my right. I can see that there is an oil pipeline that I can use it to my advantage.


I can use this pipeline to get up to that next village and into the next circle, where at the very least anyone who has that high ground is going to have their vision obscured. So they're not going to be able to take my plates, eventually kill me, and send me to the gulag early in this game, which is very, very punishing.

how to get better at warzone 2

If you go to the gulag, especially if you're solo, because it's very hard to reset and get enough cash to get all of your stuff back, landing on a contract in the mid-game in solos is really going to put you at a disadvantage because a lot of players will already be hunkered down, and they'll know exactly where you are because they'll be able to hear you coming a mile away, and you're just going to get put back in the lobby quicker than you can say, "I'll bet I wish I hadn't run out in the open now as we approach this next Circle of Death," We have to be very vigilant about a couple of things because we are very exposed to our rights on that high ground in any battle royale.

The high ground will always have the advantage, which means that we have to make sure that we get to this building quick. There are no windows splashed on it, the door is closed, and the fact that we can hear the loot inside means that the chances are there isn't anyone around for us to get killed by, so this seems like a good place for us to hunker down again.

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There is no shame in sitting while still using. Your ears are listening to get more information while you're running. Around blindly, getting loads of kills looks cool and it's fun, yes, but if you want to get as many wins as possible, you're going to need to play these engagements smart. Right here, all I'm doing is just scanning the area behind me.

how to get solo wins in warzone 2

The areas that I wasn't able to cover while I was running through that open area are going to be unknown variables to me, but as soon as that zone pushes people in, we know that we are clear from the back. Right there a grenade goes off, so I know that there are only two ways up on this roof and coming up the stairs, so I decided to hunker down and throw my suppression mine on the side of the stairs.

This means when the enemy comes, he will be suppressed and distracted and probably try to run away now. We wait and we listen, and we hear the footsteps. Right there, there was our signal that someone was coming, and someone was going to push us. We already know that we're covered by the suppression mine, and as the guy is inside, we know that the most likely point of access is going to be the stairs.

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Again, there is always going to be that element of RNG. You are working with real people here; they're not bots, so we cannot always say for certain. But with the information that we have given ourselves, we know that it is almost certain that this guy will be coming up the stairs, so we can prepare ourselves and wait for the engagement.

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Foreign, right there we get the XP come up on the screen as well as the hit marker telling us that the suppression mine is hitting the guy, and our Claymore didn't go off, so we obviously saw that and jumped over it, and he is preparing to push. However, the fact that he is being suppressed means he can no longer sprint, which means that pushing is no longer a good idea, so he'll be trying to run down the stairs.

I see this, and although I know I'm going to get concussed, I decide that I have to take this push so that I can eliminate this threat quickly. And there we have it—almost like shooting fish in a barrel. Now obviously, this wasn't an accident; all of the things that happened in this scenario here happened because I took my time and I played it smart.

I understood what my dangers were, and I understood where an enemy could come from now. The next thing you're going to want to do is make sure that no one else is with him or that no one else is following him in solos if you see someone running chances. Someone else sees them running, and that means that after even this little engagement, someone has probably heard me, so what I need to do is loot this guy and see if he has anything useful on him that I can use for the rest of the game.

I check his bat plaque, and right there, look, he's got two UAVs; these are going to be huge for the next part of the game because, at this point in time. This is a really good tip because it also gives you that field of view that you need that you don't get from the normal minimap.

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