News - Stop Dying Warzone 2 Now. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks



So between the blisteringly fast TTK and Warzone 2 as well as the rat-like freaks that like to hide in corners, you might find yourself dying an awful lot in this game, and if you die in Warzone 2, that means you're not winning, and if you're not winning, that means that you're smashing holes in your monitor.

Now, in this Warzone 2 tips and tricks article, I want to show you the best tips for how you can stop dying so much and eventually go on to get a hell of a lot more wins.

Slap bet

But before we go too far into the article. In return, I promise to give you the best War Zone 2 tips and tricks articles, as well as uploading the result of the slap bet on New Year's Day.

With that out of the way, let's get on with the rest of the article. Now the first thing I'm going to talk about, and arguably the most important thing you can do in war zone 2 to stop dying, is to get more information there. There are hundreds upon hundreds of ways in which you can gain information about your enemies and the way that the map is flowing in War Zone 2, but I want to show you some of the easiest and most useful ones.

Enemy tracers

Enemy tracers

The first thing that you need to know is that you'll be able to see enemy tracers from around the map.

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If you're flying in, you can see these tracers absolutely everywhere. At first, I just thought that they were a cool, sort of cinematic, thing in the background, but upon further investigation, I learned otherwise. It actually turns out that these traces are from genuine players having genuine gunfights.

This means at any given point, if you have some high ground and you have that advantage, you can see literally so many teams battling it out during a game of Warzone, and what this allows you to do is position yourself so that you will always have the advantage because you will always have that extra information and know where teams are.

Similarly, if you see on your mini-map that there is a precision airstrike or, more obviously, a mortar strike, you get to know two bits of information.


best warzone 2 tips

Get to know which direction the mortar strike is coming from and also pretty much the exact location that it has been fired from. This will let you know two things.

You will know exactly where the team that fired it was as well as where they perceived another enemy team to be. So if you can see on your mini map that you're in the middle of these two events, you'll be able to know to stay clear of that path, and you'll be able to flank either to the left or to the right, whichever one you feel more comfortable with.

But the key here is getting that information in the first place and being aware of these things and these bits of information that you're given on the minimap. Second, there are a few different field upgrades that you're going to be able to use on yourself that are going to give you so much information.

In the clip here, you can see I've just had a fight inside this building, and then I picked up a DDOS. Now I use this DDOS to just scan the area for me; if I get a hit marker and I get that XP pop up on my screen, then I know that there is someone there that I can then use that information to find.

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Listen more attentively and see where that enemy is, and as you can see here, I managed to get the drop on this enemy as well as the DDOS. There are recon drones, bomb drones, and portable UAVs, all of which are going to give you vital information about how you can push into the next sector or hold your ground.

I cannot overstay like this, but information is The key to winning these games and staying alive is knowing exactly where these enemies are. With as much information as possible, the likelihood of you getting snuck up on and put into an early Gulag drops dramatically.



Say you drop in the center of the map. You drop right in the center of the circle, which means that by definition, you are 100 percent surrounded. The back is being covered by the gas You can have one guy on the right and one on the left, and you can be facing forward.

This means that the likelihood of you getting snuck up on is cut down by such a huge margin that there is such a small chance that you'll be taken by surprise if you couple this with the other tips about getting more information. They should be able to figure out where the majority of other teams are at any given moment.

Forget about guns; forget about movement; it matters that the real meta in any Battle Royale will always be this information. That about sums it up for today's article on how to stop dying in War Zone 2. For more War Zone 2 tips and tricks, make sure you subscribe because I'm going to be bringing them pretty much every single day now.

how to die less in warzone 2

For those of you who have been watching my articles for a while, you'll know that I love to see who sticks around until the end, so if you're still here. Anyway, that's it from me today. I'm an average Joe Peace

Warzone 2 is a mixture of fast TTK and little ratty timmys to scared to move so in todays warzone 2 tips and tricks video I aim to give you the best warzone 2 tips for how to stop dying in Warzone 2.
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