News - How To Get Better At Warzone 2. 0 Instantly. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks

best warzone 2 tips

Warzone 2 is finally here, and if you're anything like me, when you hopped into your first game of Warzone 2, you felt like you were playing with no thumbs and shooting like Helen Keller. Well, fear not, because in today's article I want to give you some amazing Warzone 2 tips and tricks that are going to help you improve incredibly.

Fasten up and get those dubs now before we go too far into the article. I would be eternally grateful, and in return. I offered to give you a metric, as well as tons of Warzone tips and tricks, as well as uploading the result of the slap bet on New Year's Day. Let's get on with the rest of the article now.

The first tip that I want to give you is all about speed—getting down to the ground first and looting extremely fast. These first two tips are going to help you be the first on the ground and the first to get a gun, which is going to give you such an advantage in getting more kills and getting a foothold in the map that you're in the best possible position going forward to win that game.


Now the first thing you're going to want to do is go into your settings, go to your controller, over to the "advanced" tab, and turn your parachute auto-deployment off. This means if you have already deployed your parachute at least once in your descent, when you come down to the ground, it isn't going to auto-deploy your parachute.

What this allows for is for you to exploit a new mechanic within Warzone 2 that is seriously going to give you the advantage, and that is virtually not there: fall damage. If you were landing in water, this basically allows you to just go straight down to wherever you want to land; you want to land near somewhere with water, and you won't have to float down in your parachute.

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You can just go straight into the water, hop out of the water, pick up a gun, and you'll still have enough time to pop the enemy that's coming down towards you. Now, whilst we're talking about speed and the settings that are going to help you with this, you also need to change another setting in your controller tab.

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If you go to "Controller" and then down to "Interact," save and reload. Behavior change is important to prioritize. This will speed up your looting process, goddamn it. Much of that is going to make such a big difference, especially when combined with the first tip: you can automatically have a weapon as soon as you land on the ground.

You have a much bigger advantage over anyone that is following you now, and the next thing I want to talk about is your loadouts. I want you to make sure that you are building guns for every single situation. The way that War Zone 2 works is that, nine times out of ten, you're not actually going to have your full loadout; instead, you're going to be buying your primary and secondary guns one at a time for, say, five thousand dollars a piece.

What this allows for, though, is that you can build a number of different builds that are going to complement any situation that you're in. Say you're in a very high position, right, in the final circle, and there's a buy station next to you where you can swap out that fennec you've been carrying around the whole game, and for just five thousand dollars you'll be able to swap to a sniper.

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This allows you to actually build your loadouts. With that in mind, you don't need to run Overkill; instead, you can run one of the presets for perks that has Ghost, which will give you a major advantage, especially. In those later circles, and especially in solos where UAVs will run rampant, all you have to do is save up an extra 5,000.

And you can swap out that pistol or whatever you have as your secondary for a much better gun that you have already built. Just make sure that you have enough weapon builds in your loadouts beforehand so that you have the option to take whatever gun you want from the buy station. Make sure you have an assault rifle.

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Build an SMG, a sniper rifle, and an LMG, and build anything that you could possibly need at any given moment. Make sure you have it built already so that you have the option to purchase it when you are in the game, and this tip will help you no end because you will always be ready for whatever situation arises.

how to get better at warzone 2

As it comes your way now whilst we're talking about loadouts, one of the big things that a lot of people are finding is that no matter how you build your weapon in War Zone 2 or Modern Warfare 2 for that matter, you're going to have a very slow ABS. However, if you just spend like 10-15 minutes leveling up the Signal 50 sniper rifle to level 3, you unlock the Schlager laser.

This laser is absolutely amazing because it gives you ads, unlike the other attachments that give you ads. with has zero downside, which means you're not sacrificing anything like damage range or having a laser. you to get a. And then finally, I just want to talk about a little cool interaction that you can have with your bat.

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Around the map in Warzone 2, you can find a number of these ammo stashes that you can just pick up ammo from, as well as munition boxes that we've had in Warzone, but the cool thing that you can do because of your bag is say that you're running an SMG and you can only hold 140 rounds. Ammo Well, if you drop all of that ammo on the ground and then interact with the ammo box or whatever it is that you're getting your ammo from, you can then have full ammo and then stash the ammo that you dropped on the floor.

What this will do is essentially give you double the amount of ammo, meaning that in those final circles, where loot is scarce, you're not going to have to worry about running out of ammo, which, when it comes down to it, could be the difference between winning and losing your game of War Zone 2. But there we have it—just five small tips that are going to help you massively.

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In war zone 2, please stay tuned for more, and I really hope that some of these have helped you now. Anyway, that's it from me today; I'm Afra Joel,

Warzone 2. 0 is FINALLY here and today ive got a warzone 2 tips and tricks video to show you how to get better at warzone 2.
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