News - What Exactly Changed With Gun Balance Warzone 2. Season 2

Now you're going to have to start mixing in upper-torso shots if you want to maintain a three-shot kill up close and personal. Previously, you could shoot them anywhere in the torso and easily maintain a three-shot kill, so it's actually going to be noticeably less consistent with a three-shot kill, but still very doable.

You just have to make sure you hit those upper-torso shots, and on top of this, they did nerf our ranges by a noticeable margin with the mini box as well.

Fennec 45

Fennec 45

Our three-shot kill range, our five-shot kill range, and our six-shot kill range have all been reduced; our four-shot kill range though went unchanged; and then finally for SMGs, we have the Fenik 45; with this, they said they decreased the damage overall and they decreased headshot damage, and that first statement was simply untrue; the damage is either exactly the same or, in the case of upper torso damage, at those longer ranges, they actually slightly increase them based on my tests however.

They definitely nerfed the headshot damage, and therefore, it's going to be slightly less effective when mixing headshots in with body shots, but honestly, those are going to be really edge case situations, and for the most part, at least at 100 HP, you're not really going to notice much of a difference with the Fenik 45; it's basically just as effective as it was pre-patch minus the headshots.

Signal 50

But then finally, for individual weapons that have changed, we have the Signal 50 sniper rifle, and with this one, the first thing they mentioned was a reduction to our sprint out speed, which is a nerf to our sprint out time, and based on my tests, the standard print out time used to be 250 milliseconds; it's now 275 milliseconds, whereas the tactical print out time, based on my hand testing at least, was unchanged; it's still 375 milliseconds, just like pre-patch additionally.

Our base movement speed before the patch was 4.44 meters per second, and after patches it is now 4.38 meters per second, so a little bit of a nerf there, and there was also a small decrease in bullet velocity. This is very difficult to hand test with perfect accuracy, but to the best of my ability, it looks like they've reduced the bullet velocity from 650 meters per second down to 600 meters per second, so it will be a little bit less effective in that area now, and finally, for the signal 50, they reduce the long-range damage, so let's have a look at how they change this.

It turns out this is only going to apply to game modes with armor in core game modes. Your one-shot kill potential is still upper torso, neck, or head at those longer ranges, and it's still never going to take you more than two shots to kill in the body.

Wrap up

Wrap up

But when you start mixing armor in for Warzone or DMZ, if you're hitting limb shots, for instance, it's not going to take you extra shots to kill, and with that, we're finally going to wrap up today's article on all of the weapon balancing changes that we saw with the season 2 update overall. I wouldn't say there were any massive changes to any of the guns, like I don't think they really destroyed any guns or suddenly buffed any guns to the point where they're so much better than they were pre-patch for in regular multiplayer; most of these were fairly minor adjustments that you won't even really notice a difference with, and with that.

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Season 2 of Modern Warfare II came with a fairly long list of weapon balancing changes but as expected, the patch notes didn't provide much detail so today, I'm going to be sharing the exact changes that were made.
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