News - What Exactly Changed With Gun Balance Warzone 2. Season 2



Foreign, season, two is here for Modern Warfare 2 is here. I went in yesterday and did a ton of testing; it took a lot longer than I expected. I'm going to be sharing exact damage values and side-by-side comparisons for all of these and.


Without further ado, let's just dive right in because we have a lot to cover today, and we'll start this off with the m13b.

With this gun, they added an extra damage range; it used to only have two different damage ranges. And they also adjusted the damage values a little, and they added an upper torso damage multiplier, so previously it didn't matter where in the body you shot them; you were dealing the same amount of damage.

Now, you deal extra damage to the upper torso, but to compensate for that, they slightly decreased the maximum base damage, as you can see there. And, with this, you'll get a time to kill of 213 milliseconds, which is right around average for an assault rifle up close now, whereas previously it was very, very slow.

So overall, this is a fairly noticeable buff to the M13b. You just want to make sure that you're hitting those upper-torso shots, then.

Kastov 762

Kastov 762

Let's move on to the cast-off 762. This one got a small damage reduction, but this only applied at the longer ranges, and it also turns out they added an extra damage range in here as well, essentially. With this in mind, in the vast majority of gunfights you find yourself in on 6v6 maps, you'll never really notice a difference with the 762; it's basically the same gun.

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Now beyond 58 meters, which is a very long range for 6v6, at least if you're not hitting a bunch of upper torso shots, you can take up to five shots to kill with this gun now, whereas previously it would never take more than four shots to kill, so it's not going to be quite as effective at really long ranges, but it's just as good for close and midrange shots.

Lach-556 & m4 semi auto

After that, we had some semi-auto fire rate adjustments on the Lockman 556. For the M4, they also increased its semi-auto fire rate cap; however, based on my testing, this was a negligible difference. I only detected a two rounds per minute difference here, which means it has no noticeable difference whatsoever on our time to kill potential next.

Stb 556 single tap fix

Stb 556 single tap fix

Up in the patch, they mentioned they fixed an issue with the stb with the single tap mod, and this is something I discovered while doing the gun guide, as you can see here.

This was a preliminary patch. You can see on that left leg that, for whatever reason, you dealt forty percent less damage there, but they have fixed that; it was a bug that no longer applies anymore.

Lachmann-762 semi auto

Now let's move into the battle rifles, and the first one here is the Lochman 762. In semi-auto, they adjusted the fire rate cap, although unfortunately, it went in the opposite direction based on my testing.

In the patch notes, it says they increased the semi-auto fire rate cap, but it's actually noticeably slower than it was pre-patch. It's now 419 routes per minute, down from 492, which harms our time to kill potential, although that is still a very fast and competitive time to kill even with this nerf to our rate of fire, and on top of this, when you're in semi-auto mode, it actually got a nice damage buff at longer ranges.

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Beyond 38 meters, limb damage used to be 32, and they bumped that up to 35, which means at those longer ranges, it will never take you more than three shots to kill now, whereas previously, if you were hitting limbs, you could increase that up to a four-shot kill, so even with that apparent unintentional. Nerf to the rate of fire cap and semi-auto I would still consider this to be a net buff for the Lochman 762 in semi-auto.

Lachmann-762 full auto

Lachmann-762 full auto

As for when you use this gun in full auto, we have a totally different damage profile, and they did nerf this damage profile, and while you see the numbers change a fair amount while looking at this, when we're looking at 100 health in regular core modes with no armor equipped, this isn't going to have much of an impact at all on your ability to kill enemies.

modern warfare 2

I mean, you may be able to find really specific situations, like that third damage range pre-patch, where if you hit one headshot and one torso shot, it would be a kill; now you need both of those shots to be a kill, but that's a pretty Edge case scenario, so realistically. Speaking for core 6v6, there was no noticeable impact here, and it's pretty clear this nerf was designed much more around DMZ and Warzone, although it is also worth noting that in full auto mode on the Lochman 762, they have slightly reduced the recoil, and as we can see here looking side by side, it's definitely been toned down a little bit on this gun, so it should be a bit easier to control in full auto next.

Ftac recon full auto

In the battle rifle category, we have the f-tac Recon, and for full auto mode, in the patch notes it says that they decrease the full auto upper torso damage, but it turns out based on my testing that they actually buffed this a little bit, and now we maintain a three-shot kill potential as long as you're hitting upper torso shots out to 42 and a half meters, whereas, previously, it was only 33 and a half meters, so that's quite interesting.

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They reduce the recoil of the F-TAC Recon, and when you look at the side-by-side comparison, you can see that it's slightly better post-patch compared to pre-patch, but it's not a large adjustment by any means. They also mentioned they sped out the aim down sight time; this applies to full auto and semi-auto on the F-TAC Recon; previously it was 263 milliseconds; now, based on my hand testing at 120 FPS, it's 255 milliseconds, so a very slight adjustment there; and then let's get into our semi-auto damage adjustments; the first thing they mentioned is they increased the close-range damage; distance; however, based on my testing, there was no change to that whatsoever or at least no measurable change there.

Ftac recon semi auto

Ftac recon semi auto

However, they also buffed the lower torso damage multiplier, and as we can see here now, we're going to get much more consistent two-shot kills with the f-tac Recon and semi-auto because, pre-patch, you needed to mix upper torso shots in if you wanted to maintain a two-shot kill, whereas now you can shoot them anywhere in the torso out to 42 and a half.

And you'll maintain a two-shot kill as long as you're in semi-auto, so this is actually quite a big buff to semi-auto for the F-TAC Recon.


As for the next change, this is with the SL-14. The first thing they mentioned here is that they increased the semi-auto fire rate, and this did increase quite noticeably from 429 rounds per minute up to 542, which means our new time to kill potential is 111 milliseconds.

Season 2 of Modern Warfare II came with a fairly long list of weapon balancing changes but as expected, the patch notes didn't provide much detail so today, I'm going to be sharing the exact changes that were made.
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