News - Warzone: Top 5 Best Resurgence Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Weapons

Warzone new resurgence meta loadouts explained!

Warzone new resurgence meta loadouts explained!

ladies and gentlemen. It is, honestly, incredibly competitive. There are so many great options here, and in addition to the general top 10 loadouts that I just did the other day. I wanted to break down a few additional ones you could also toss in for more resurgent style gameplay and break down another top five loadouts here, more so based around rebirth vond.

Del, so on and so forth.

Best warzone resurgence perks & equipment

First things first, perks and equipment are going to be the same on all the loadouts here today, and quite frankly, it's the same as always. We got smoke knives, obviously, for Resurgence, which are the most important so you can get those quick instant finishes and get those pings on your radar perks per usual, unrocking Mountaineer double time tempered, and flex , but strictly focusing on weapons for the remainder of the article.

Warzone 3 best pulemyot 762 & striker 9 loadout

rebirth meta

First, up here is a loadout that I haven't actually been using much of up until this past seasonal reloaded update. The pamat 762 is paired with the striker 9, both of which appear to be invisible for whatever reason, but the peum yacht It's been a minute since we've actually been able to talk about this thing.

They nerfed it pretty hard a while ago, but as they've adjusted the long-range meta, this is slowly sort of CPT back up. It's not the number one ttk by any means, but what this does have going for it is that it's a decent ttk, and it's easy to control. With accuracy factored in, you're going to be able to have a super competitive ttk versus those other main meta options while using this thing, so I am still going for the conversion kit built here with the Bullpup Annihilator kit here, which is way faster and way more aggressive than just like the slow heavy bogged down peum yacht, which is also just the better one statistically.


With that, I also go for the recoil reduction pad stock some basic general recoil control for very minimal cons for an LMG here 2.5 times Eagle ey optic for mid- to long-range based gunfights. Of course, the annihilator has a long barrel for better range and velocity. There's no added control here, but honestly, you don't even need it because this thing's so easy to use.

I also go for the spirit fire suppressor, which has better range, better velocity, and better control in there too, so this thing is finally worth talking about and is slowly Back up towards the top of the meta, which is fun to see that as far as the striker 9 goes, here is a pretty similar setup to that of what we talked about recently.

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I am still using this M35 compensator and Dr6 hand stop. I've been bouncing back and forth with the Recon long barrel for better range and velocity, versus just some high grain rounds for better range and velocity. High grain hurts your control a little bit, and a long barrel hurts your mobility a little bit.

It just comes down to what you value more; either way, it's all good, right? The striker 9 just in general is great; 50 runic cin mag, then I go for the factory stock as well, which is going to help out with some mobility benefits just across the board, which is nice to see, so this thing's aggressive; it kills quick; it works great as that close-range option.

Warzone best taq eradicator & rival 9 loadout

Warzone best taq eradicator & rival 9 loadout

Next up, we got another pretty fun underrated pair; I think we got the TAC eradicator, and then the rival 9er, the CX9; as it could also be known, this has been buffed a little bit recently.

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It's again not going to be the number one most broken SMG in the world, but it's competitive enough that if you want it as an alternative to the striker 9 or to those other top-tier SMGs, this is one that's a nice breath of fresh air. If I'm being honest here, then so is the eradicator. It's been buffed a lot in terms of mobility lately, so it's going to be more aggressive and faster than ever with low recoil, with a great initial damage range perfect for Resurgence-style gameplay up to 40 to 50 MERS or so.

warzone 3

This thing is going to be great, and I especially love this build because it's an iron sight-based one, so you get a little bit of extra benefit out of it because of that spe fire suppressor. First and foremost, the very basic ruin heavy support for the horizontal control and the better firing aim stability in Idol sway make it a lot more predictable.

Conquer 70-long barrels for better range, better velocity, and better idle sway as well, so again, just increasing that efficiency in the mid-to-long range and extending out that lethal damage range to almost 50 m, there is super clutch. High grain's going to help out with that too, alongside the velocity as well.

This thing is going to have a great hit-scan range there. If you've been paying attention to Aces and true game data articles on that recently, it's super important to have a high velocity for that stat, and then also just the core stock on here for better control. Minimal mobility cons, so this being an LMG, it's actually surprisingly aggressive; it's so easy to use and has great, you know, damage and ttk stats throughout the basic Resurgence ranges, and then for the CX9 or the Rival 9.

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This thing is just madly aggressive. I love the mobility stats on this thing, so I do go for the Z35 compensator per usual, decent recoil control, minimal cons, your ads, and your voice. I actually really like the bw4, hand stop on here too. I don't usually run this, but it's got great strafe speed, decent movement ads, and sprinting to fire the Dr6 hand stop would work well too.

It's just a slightly worse strafe, but I just love the feeling of this thing in the ads. With the gunfights here, it just feels awesome; it kind of catches players off guard here and there with high-grain rounds for that better damage range. Up to 14 meters is pretty solid for an SMG, and it's relatively easy to use a 50-run exin mag.

Then, I go for the tactical stock, which helps out a little bit with Mobility Sprint to fire again strafe and movement speed, so you're going to fly with this thing; you won't necessarily fry.

Warzone best bp50 & striker loadout

Warzone best bp50 & striker loadout

It's always really appreciated, now the invisible BP50. This also pairs great with the default Striker. Another great SMG choice is its first range. Ttk is not going to be crazy crazy; it's competitive enough, but then in the mid-range, this thing is especially good for a sub-pretty low recoil, again great mobility.

And then even if you have this out and you happen to be in like a 25-30 m range, the buffs that it's got to its mid-range and long range damage lately make it go crazy there too, so again. I got that deadly Duo of Zen 35 compensator and the Dr6 Hand Stop great mobility and great control coming from those.

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