News - Warzone: New Top 10 Best Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Weapons

Warzone top 10 meta loadouts after new update

Warzone top 10 meta loadouts after new update

Ladies and gentlemen.

New best perks & equipment in warzone

This is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know. So initially, when it comes to perks, I have actually made some changes here recently. I still feel like there's a lot of different good combinations you can use depending on your play style, but recently I've actually made the switch from using slat of hand on most of my loadouts to Mountaineer.

Just because it's insane. How versatile your gameplay can be when you don't have to worry about fall damage you can drop out of the sky at pretty extreme distances, shoot players on your way down smash into the ground and have no worri so Mountaineer is sort of my new go-to clutch perk for my perk two slot there at perk one/ perk 2 still running tempered because I much prefer the medic vesting game for the Quick Revive and so I kind of get the best of both worlds there and then I've gone for Flex in perk four while there are so many different good options here high alert bird's eye was what I was mainly running before just the better audio, you have to have it if you want fights especially with the skill based in this game everyone's sweaty everyone's running this if you're not using it you're kind of at a disadvantage.

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So kind of a crutch perk there unfortunately. I have a feeling that'll probably be updated in time, as we get some audio updates, but it is what it is: those are all really solid perks, and I use those on all my loadouts there, and then smokes are my go-to tactical; they're just the great answer for everything, right if you need cover, if you need to rotate whatever the case may be, they're great to spam there, and then knives and frags are kind of my go-to; the frag damage is insane in this game, but if you want the insta finishes. Obviously, knives are fantastic, as are the equipment and perks mentioned on every single loadout.

Warzone best mtz 762 & wsp 9 loadout

Warzone best mtz 762 & wsp 9 loadout

Let's focus on the actual weapons here, though initially this first loadout was one of my favorites right now for Resurgence or standard gameplay. We got the MTZ 762, which is insanely good, in full auto and semi-auto.

best loadouts

I combine it with the WASP 9, which is currently invisible, but it's a phenomenal secondary. Super low recoil, super easy to use, gets the job done quite nicely. So initially, here is the MTZ 762. I'm really just focused on recoil control here because there is a decent amount you want to make sure you're accurate with this thing you only have a 30 round mag so you have to run this and you got to be very mind full of your ammo 2.5 time optic we're always running this but that's all preference based if there's a different optic that you prefer more always go for that I do use the Precision Blackthorn barrrel this helps out a ton with range velocity, doesn't actually help out with control but if you really need extra control you could always go down to the clinch Pro Barrel as well ruin heavy support we're kind of spamming this on a lot of our main mid to long range setups on this article today you're going to see plenty of this then same deal with the spirit fire suppressor the various Alternatives of this on different weapons it's the go-to because it's giving you better range velocity and control so for Mid to Long Range Guns it's an obvious choice the MTZ, though absolutely fries here still and I imagine this one's probably due for a Nerf with season 1 reloaded.

We also have the WASP 9 as mentioned and this is a super easy weapon and very aggressive so initially I go for the shadow strike suppressor, you don't really need better control or better velocity or anything like that you don't want to hurt your ads speed with some of these other suppressors, they're just simply staying off the radar is all I'm getting out of this and it works just fine dr6 hand stop better Mobility across the board movement speed ads speed Sprint of fire great for playing Snappy and aggressive, the fire rate here is not all that crazy so I go for the 40 round mag it doesn't slow you down all that much I go for the reflector site here the ELO site in the mark iiii not a huge fan of the irons anymore so this is just keeping me accurate keeping me consistent in gunfights.

Warzone best katt amr & bas-b loadout

Warzone best katt amr & bas-b loadout

Then the factory stock better Mobility again with movement speed and ads speed so Snappy aggressive pretty fast ttk especially through the mid-range, very reliable , next up we got my main sniping load out here the cat obviously being the only true one shot sniper with any ammo type is the goto sniper then the bass B hasn't been nerfed and its sniper support capabilities are phenomenal, so for the close range 20 30 40 m, this thing's frying right initially real quick we'll look at this setup it's got you know a built-in suppressor.

meta loadouts

And Barrel so it's the integrated suppressor option here it's better for movement but also keeps you off the radar a really nice two in one there angled under Barrel here gives me better horizontal, control just keeps the weapon way more predictable it hurts your vertical but in the close range and in the mid-range where we're using this it's not really a huge deal so it's not a huge con there 45 round extended mag obviously your go-to max option there reflector sight here yet again works fine for Sniper support, then the flash V8 light stock not really doing too much to your control but giving you a lot of Mobility benefits which just makes this more Snappy and more aggressive which obviously, you want out of a sniper support option, then for the cat same old same old here we really just care about good velocity this makes it almost like a hit scan type build Nightfall suppressor 23% increase to the velocity there Zang barrel 177% increase really 18% increase to the velocity there Spire point rounds 34%, increase to the velocity there almost a, 1300.

Velocity, which is just insane for that. I also go for the rubberized stock here. You could also go for the tack pad if you just simply want better ads, but I kind of like the movement benefits of this if I have this out; a like would be pretty useful for that, but either way, it works just fine.

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They just bought the face cam; I've got the quick bolt; this allows me to shoot a little bit faster, and if you want to go ahead and grab a screenshot there. I'll go ahead and hide the face cam for you if you are using the screenshots. By the way, to help you out, a like would be really appreciated.

Warzone best mtz interceptor & wsp swarm loadout

Warzone best mtz interceptor & wsp swarm loadout

But clearly, the number one best choice for snipers right now is now loading out three surprises: Surprise, The Interceptor, but Zack the Interceptor got nerfed today. It needs one extra shot over long range in most scenarios. If you can land up her body shots, you don't feel the Nerf. This nerf today was so underwhelming.

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