News - Warzone: New Close Range Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Setups

warzone 3 best loadouts

So initially, here I've got the Bryson choke; it's that tighter pellet spread, basically. I'm not hip-firing a ton, or at least I'm trying not to, but this does help out with that if you find yourself in that situation. Dr6 hand stop all mobility base there you don't need added control on an shotgun obviously the hammer Forge long barrel better range better velocity extending that potential you know two to three shot knock there is pretty clutch 7 m laser since I am advertising as mentioned this helps make that a little bit faster, than the S off mod better Sprint to fire better ads speed movement speed all around makes it a lot more aggressive so you can run and Gun with this thing push buildings and just wipe squads back to back to back this thing is a ton of fun to use for a shotgun build.

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