News - Warzone Mobile Beginners Guide And Tips



Here is the ultimate beginner guide for Call of Duty: Mobile. Wasal Mobile is a 120-player battleground, and the objective is to simply drop in loot, eliminate enemies, and become the soul. Well, if you played mobile before pushing, building is insane; even camping in the building is a nightmare.

Here are some tips to set you up for the world of AOM Mobile:.

Diving & parachuting

It all starts with diving into the map. There are a few things to look out for before jumping in. There is a mini map where you can mark a landing spot for your teammates. Parachuting actually has its own mechanics. You can open the parachute as many times as you want to go long distances.

If you want to go faster and lose some distance, cut the parachute and die. Before you land, make sure you have your parachute open, or else this will happen. Teamate said that they'll fight for a chance to.



After you land, you will only have a pistol loot; there are loot boxes that give you random loot and some cash for your bu station, which I will explain. Later, it is important to loot and equip the best guns and equipment before you fight.


After reaching a certain level, you can set up your favorite gun in your loadout slot after maxing out the gun and unlocking attachments that suit your play style. You can do this in your gunsmith section. This can be helpful for ads, faster fire without recoil, and many more. Apart from guns, you can select perks that you want in your game with various throwables, there are various throwables as lethals and tacticals.

This includes grenades, flashbangs, thermites, and steam shots to give your team a tactical advantage. Fight back to the point where, after a set amount of time, you will get an air drop. There, you can select your loadout and set it up.

Buy station

Buy station

In your mini map, there are icons of a buy cart that are B stations. You can buy what you need with the money you picked up; the total amount of money is shown right next to your name in the bus station. You can redeploy. Fallen teammates wear gas masks, which give you protection from gas outside the zone for a certain time.

With self-revive, you can revive yourself. If you are self-reviving and your teammate is near, you can stop self-reviving, and your teammate can revive you from the point where you stop self-reviving to save your self-revive kit. Then There is an armor box that gives you armor while you can find it on the ground, but in some situations you can run out and become an easy target, and there is an ammo box that gives you ammo and a care package.

At the start, you can drop your money by opening your B and dragging it to drop and buy packages to get your load out faster and get the upper hand. There are score streaks too. If you played Cod Mobile, you will recognize these streaks. UAV motor strike and precision air strike: UAV lets you know where the enemies are for a short time in your map; motor strike is a kill streak that does area damage in six strikes. Take cover because it has a circle range and will be shown in the mini-kills.



Next, there are contracts; in total, there are five contracts: Most Wanted Bounty Recon, Supply Run, and Scavenger. By picking up each contract, you will be tasked with different missions you need to complete in a given time, and completing contracts will give you cash and some rewards.

The Most Wanted contract will mark you on the map, where all the players can see your position and fight till the time runs out. Upon completion, it will respawn your teammates. TV, good job. Bounty contracts will mark a certain random player, and your objective is to kill that player. Player, by picking up supply and contract, it will mark a by-station, and getting there is your objective.

After completing the contract, you can buy an item at Bu Station at the authorized discount price. The recon contract gives you a recon location. After getting there, you have to secure the location. After completing the contract, you will get to know the next zone location. The last one is the scavenger contract.

Upon picking up the contract, it will show a supply cage. After opening it, it will show another one in total. You have to open three crates to complete it.

Gulag, jailbreak & fire sale

Gulag, jailbreak & fire sale

Now, if you find yourself on the losing side, you will get one more chance in the form of gulag, where you will go one versus one against a player who died on the battlefield. Just like you, if you win, you will respawn with the guns you got in the gulag, and there is jailbreak, an in-game event where all the players who died get another chance at the game.

Not every game gets a jailbreak event, and if you respawning by jailbreak, you will only have a pistol to defend yourself. The last thing you want to keep an eye on is the fire sale, where you can get a 30% discount for buying station items for a certain period. Spend your cash and equip yourself with the best item in the store.


With all the complicated stuff out of the way, enjoy the game and have fun, which only matters the most. I hope, with my guidance, you get a better grasp of the game overall. Make sure you like the article and subscribe for more guides.

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