News - Warzone Game Sense Test. How High Can You Score

Just leave him. We took a lot of damage in that fight, and remember, there is a full team pushing out of prison, which means either his teammates are close by or there's another team close by. Either way, we can't worry about just one kill, especially since respawning is disabled. Enemies are dropping into the area.

rebirth game sense tips

I've got to get across here. Pretty sure, I got to find the angle from which I could challenge these guys. Suck, there's a bon chop above me. I really want this throwing knife down to a 1 V4 for the win here now. I'm not going to pause and give you any decisions because this gets absolutely crazy, but I want you to put yourself in my shoes and think about what you would do and how you would play it.

Then I'm going to play it for you again, and I want you to pay attention to why I make the decisions that I do. Let's freaking go. Holy Smokes was one of the 30 guys, but I hope you found today's article helpful. We're really going to do some decision-making on that end. Let's go.

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